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Bird Species
Results by Year
Count Year
Species review 124 123 122 121 120 119 118 117

The Minnesota Christmas Bird Count has a rich history dating back to the 6th count in 1905. Minneapolis and Red Wing were the locations of that first Minnesota census. The Minneapolis count was conducted by the Kenwood Bird Club, and recorded eight species, while the Red Wing Count - conducted by Charles Borgen and Nels Phillips - recorded seven.

During the next 103 years, the Christmas Bird Count has been conducted uninterrupted in the state and has grown to include almost 70 census circles and involved more than 28,000 particpants. Each and every year greater than 1,000 participants canvas the state to conduct the survey. These participants have logged nearly 77,000 total hours, traveling approximately 548,000 miles. The Minnesota CBC has tallied over 8.5 million birds of 201 species.

This website was designed to help promote and coordinate the Audubon Christmas Bird Count in the State of Minnesota. It is possible to explore the data that has been collected in the Minnesota CBC. Information is presented to answer your questions about the CBC, and resources are provided to assist the local compilers with the operation of a census.

Copyright 2022 Minnesota Ornithologists' Union, All Rights Reserved.
To learn about the CBC in Minnesota or volunteer for a count, Contact the M.O.U. Coordinator