[mou] Gluek BBS (Chippewa and Swift Counties)

Robert_Russell@fws.gov Robert_Russell@fws.gov
Wed, 14 Jul 2004 09:14:02 -0500

This BBS runs northward from a point 4 miles NW of Clara City ending up
about 12 miles directly east of Benson.  It runs through very intensive
agriculture (corn-soybean desert to many biologists) with one nice wetland
at the north end of Hollerberg Lake.  Shelterbelts are sparsely distributed
with a couple of old "claim-belts" (19th century shelterbelts dominated by
old cottonwood).  Under ideal conditions on 23 June I was surprised to find
60 species. The route has been seldom run in the past so no comparisons can
be made.  Most widely distributed species included pheasant (32 out of 50
stops), Killdeer (16/50), Mourning Dove (22/50), Crow (25/50), Horned Lark
(31/50), Yellowthroat (25/50), Vesper Sparrow (28/50), Song Sparrow
(22/50), Red-wing BB (27/50), Grackle 30/50-- the most common bird with 118
individuals, and B-H Cowbird (24/50).  Uncommon species included Orchard
Oriole seen on 2 stops, Swainson's Hawk, one stop), Upland Sandpiper (1
stop), Black Tern (7 at one stop but moving NW--first year birds?), and
Red-headed WP (2 stops).  Swallow numbers were low with Barn Swallows at
only 10 stops and Bank at 2.  Bob Russell, US Fish and Wildlife Service