[mou] Interesting Gull Tonight at Black Dog

Drewbec@aol.com Drewbec@aol.com
Fri, 16 Jul 2004 23:42:49 EDT

Stopping by Black Dog this evening at about 5:45, I saw a gull that was 
different from the several Ring-billed Gulls present. While I did NOT see all of 
the field marks I would like to to make a definitive ID, astute laridophiles may 
likely be intrigued by my description that follows, and may wish to try and 
get a better look at this interesting bird. This was a very clean adult bird. 
Slightly larger sized than Ring-billed in side by side comparison. Mantle 
slightly darker in color without significant contrast compared with Ring-billed. 
Bill longer and heavier in shape, with a dark ring near the tip. Legs were 
distinctly yellow in color. At the distance I was observing from and in the 
lighting at the moment, both the Ring-bills and this bird appeared dark eyed. In 
flight, the white mirrors on the primary tips were limited to p10 and 9. The 
lighting this evening did not help looking for additional details. However, I think 
there is enough here to justify the post and to alert observers about a 
potentially "good" gull in the area. Good luck. I'll be at Black Dog again tomorrow!

Drew Smith
Eagan, Dakota County