[mou] weird birds this week

Richard Wood rwoodphd at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 9 18:03:00 CDT 2007

Hi all,

I had a couple of real weird birds this week.  The first was one day as I was walking back to my car in downtown Minneapolis.  I saw and heard these "blackbirds" that sound really strange.  They looked like Common Grackles, but they didn't sound like it.   My guess is they were just Common Grackles.

On Wednesday, I was on 55 just west of Hastings, when I saw a hawk perched on a telephone pole.  It looked bigger than a Red-tailed, didn't have a belly band and lacked the "hood", ie it was whitish underneath its bill.  It was also perched unlike a Red-tailed.  When I got home, I looked in a field guide, and the best I could come up with was a Ferruginous?  However, I see that would be out of range.  Anyone have any guesses as to what it could be?

Good birding,
Hastings, MN
rwoodphd at yahoo.com

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