[mou] Pine County Birding Festival

Alt, Mark Mark.Alt at bestbuy.com
Mon Jun 11 09:30:13 CDT 2007

Pine County never fails to amaze me with its diversity of habitat and
relative seclusion. Peter Neubeck and I led a group to the Nickerson Bog
area of Pine County on Sunday, after scouting the trip on Saturday.
Highlights were a pair of GRAY JAYS along Net Lake Road, numerous
BLACKBURNIAN WARBLERS singing from the spruce tops, impossible to find
singing BAY-BREASTED WARBLERS in the really thick stuff, a pair of
and LINCOLN'S SPARROWS in the bog. Boreal Trout Lilies, Columbine,
Labrador Tea, and Lupine adorned the meadows and road edges as we

We found a dead LONG-EARED OWL east of Kerrick and I understand this is
listable! Stop for road kills, birders!!! It was found around 11 am and
its eyes were still moist and clear, It seems this bird may have been
hunting in the daylight, perhaps as a sign of hungry owlets nearby. A
distressing thought, but the bog here is slow going if you are walking,
sinking in 2 feet with every step, so we were unable to explore the area
to check. 

A RED-EYED VIREO was calling from a high dead branch and surprised us
all with its imitation of a Broad-winged Hawk's shrill whistle. It was a
truncated version, but the tone and pitch was perfect. We heard it
thrown in with the rest of the bird's repertoire, piercingly belted out
every two minutes or so. A pair of OLIVE-SIDED FLYCATCHER zoomed around
us at one point, obviously on territory, with an ALDER FLYCATCHER
calling and perched in plain view for comparison, with wild strawberry
as the primary ground cover, good to eat even if you do get the sand
mixed in with each bite. . It was great days for us, making each stop
seem far too short. 

Good Birding to you all.

Mark Alt
Brooklyn Center, MN
Hennepin County

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