[mou] Eurasian Collared-Dove, Winona County

Chris Benson chrisb at fullcircleimage.com
Mon Jun 18 14:52:53 CDT 2007

Acting on a tip I drove through Lewiston around noon today
and saw 4 Eurasian Collared-Doves.
Two of the birds were immature, they did not have the collar
on the back of the neck yet and weren't quite as soft gray
as an adult.
I first saw the immatures in a yard on the north side
of the Elementary School along Fremont Street, also known
as Winona County Road 29.
When the young birds took off the adults, who were in a yard
on the south side of the Elementary School joined them in flight
and flew north.
A few minutes later an adult bird - I don't know if it was a different
individual - was perched on the power lines directly east of the
Elementary School.
This bird was clearly an adult; the collar was clearly visible, the
bird was a soft/light gray, the tail was squared off,
and the undertail pattern (gray - black - white) was clearly visible.

To get to Lewiston:

>From the west, take US 14 east out of Rochester for about 30 miles.
Turn right (south) on Winona County 29, also known as Fremont Street.
Go across the railroad tracks, the Elementary School 2 blocks down
on the right.
>From the east, take US 14 west out of Winona for about 12 miles.
Take a left (south) at 29, etc.
I wouldn't focus only on this spot, the birds I saw all flew off to the north
but I wasn't able to track where exactly they went.

For all you SE birders, I apologize for not calling anyone.
My cell phone is not working.

Good Luck and Good Birding,

Chris Benson

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