[mou] Ft. Snelling State Park birds

Rob Daves rob_daves at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 29 09:31:50 CDT 2007

Prothonotary warbler
Indigo buntings

An early morning trip to Ft. Snelling State Park to see the Prothonotary Warbler paid off today.  I was hardly three steps onto the trail by the parking lot before I heard it begin singing.  I got great looks as it flitted in the canopy.  The warbler's territory seems to be centered between the parking lot and the bridge footing nearest the north side of the river.  

This section of the park also is well blessed with Indigo Buntings, which were among the 33 species I counted.

Directions for those who need them:  Enter the park from Post Road off I-494 and drive under the  Mendota Bridge into the largest parking lot, which is across from the new interpretive center at the end of the road.  Take the gravel trail  at the end of the parking lot farthest from the interpretive center.  If you don't see the warbler on this trail, turn right at the T intersection and proceed a short distance to the large concrete bridge footing.  Look back into the wetlands.  

Good birding to all...

Rob Daves
South Minneapolis

Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for today's economy) at Yahoo! Games.
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