[mou] Absence of Birds

Wenger, Char CAWenger at landolakes.com
Wed May 2 11:33:12 EDT 2007

Does anyone have any explanations as to why some places are so much
better for birds than others?  I live by the Coon Rapids Dam Park and
bird it almost every day, but so often there is a glaring absence of
birds.   There is a diversity of habitat, water, etc., but I am
mystified as to why there is a lack of birds in the park. Granted most
of the time I can't go for my walks until after supper, but even when I
get up at the crack of dawn on a weekend, I just don't see a lot of
Last evening my husband and I went to a park that is located off of
Egret and Robinson Avenues in Coon Rapids along Coon Creek.  A lovely
park with several great marsh/ponds that Wood Ducks would love, yet we
saw nothing.  Not even one Mallard was present in the park.  I think I
only raised my binoculars about a half dozen times during a 45 minute
walk.  There were cardinals, robins and song sparrows, but otherwise the
woods were very quiet.  A great disappointment.
I only ask this question because I see reports from other parks or other
areas that people always have something to report that they have seen
(such as the Old Cedar Bridge area, etc.).  I know that there are
several reasons for a lack of birds - loss of habitat, etc., but it just
seems like some parks/wild areas are much more "bird friendly".
Maybe there really isn't an answer to this - but it has been puzzling to
If you have a general answer that you think all would like to hear, you
can answer via the mou-net, otherwise, please contact me off list.
Thanks for any insights.
Charlotte Wenger, CPS
Administrative Legal Assistant
Land O'Lakes, Inc.
cawenger at landolakes.com
651-481-2832 (fax)
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