[mou] About the Metro

Steve Weston sweston2 at comcast.net
Thu May 3 02:40:49 EDT 2007

At Quiggley Lake on Tuesday I had a first-of-year Green Heron.  I had to 
repair a Wood Duck house, so I checked the five houses that I have in my 
yard.  Two were empty and one still had squirrels.  One had 12 eggs, but not 
much down.  I rousted a Hooded Merganser from the last.  This was a 
surprise.  The box which had been used by squirrels had about nine egg 
shells on the ground or on top of the house.  I suspect a raccoon had gotten 
them out.  I was surprised that the hen was still on the eggs.  Because she 
was incubating, I was hesitant on removing the leaves left behind by the 
former tenants to lower  the nest in the box and afford her more space.

Today (Wednesday) I checked out Purgatory Creek, the marsh behind the 
Flagship Athletic Club in Eden Prairie.  I found two Bonapartes Gulls and 
two Caspian Terns, both FOY.

Steve Weston

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