[mou] Metro birds

Steve Weston sweston2 at comcast.net
Wed May 9 01:02:54 EDT 2007

This afternoon (Tuesday) I stopped by Arbor Lakes off of Hemlock in Maple 
Grove.  In the lake behind the Arbor Lakes Medical building I found six 
Caspian Terns and a Forsters Tern.  On the shore of the small pond to the 
north of the parking lot I found a Willet.     In the sand hills of the sand 
pits I found two or three Bank Swallow colonies.

At home on Quiggley Lake the chorus of Copes Gray Treefrogs was deafening! 
There may be American Toads singing also, but they are being drowned out.  I 
have never heard a loader or lager chorus of these Treefrogs!

Lastly, this weekend some friends caught a Fox Snake about three and a half 
feet long to show me.  After we ID'd the snake, we turned it loose.  What a 
beautiful snake, very docile, although it did vibrate its tail like a 
rattler several times.

Steve Weston on Quiggley Lake in Eagan, MN
sweston2 at comcast.net 

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