[mou] new lifer: summer tanager

linda birds at moosewoods.us
Wed May 9 15:12:38 EDT 2007

Thanks to Chet Meyers, and Jim and Eloise Ryan, who were letting me tag 
along on the unsuccessful search for the white-eyed vireo, I finally got 
to see a summer tanager this morning, at Bass Ponds. (As the song says, 
"You can't always get what you want, but sometimes you get what you need.")

But also thanks to Julian Seller's report of a Carolina wren in our 
neighborhood, I've been reminded to tune in and observe more, close to 
home. It's been "productive" to do errands with the car windows open, 
and outdoor chores with binoculars on! (The neighbors already know I'm 

The last three days have been full of FOY and really good migrants--too 
many to list, without being repetitive of everyone else. However, it 
occurs to me that I could just total the species I see this month, and 
donate so much per species to my various birding affiliates, as a way of 
thanking all the experienced birders who have been helping me learn 
things and see birds. Would it get expensive enough to curb the birding 
addiction? I doubt it!

Now, about that cerulean heard at Old Cedar.....

Linda Whyte

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