[mou] Chestnut-sided Warbler - Dodge Nature Center

Rob Daves rob_daves at yahoo.com
Sat May 12 17:36:39 EDT 2007

I was at Dodge Nature Center's farm day today and in between duties strolled the trail that weaves around the side of the pond opposite from the center.  There was a Chestnut-sided Warbler, a lifer for me, in a small grove of deciduous trees about 20 yards off the trail behind one of the "dedicated" benches.  
  To get there:  Take the trail down to the pond  from the barn cross over pond.  Turn left on the grass trail just after you cross the lake and go into the woods.  The warbler was on the right at the bench.
  There were lots of other nifty birds, too including goldfinches, chipping sparrows, a number of different swallows and the usual marsh birds.  
  All best wishes, and good birding...
  Rob Daves
  South Minneapolis

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