[mou] Update on Snowy Plover

Mike Hendrickson smithville4 at charter.net
Wed May 30 19:36:25 CDT 2007

I arrived at Park Point at 3:50pm and refound the Snowy Plover at 4:45pm in front of bath house in Park Point.   the Snowy Plover was not associated with other sandpipers or plovers on the beach.  This is new state bird for me and a county bird.  Thanks Sean!

Other shorebirds seen:
-Semipalmated Sandpipers (several)
-Sanderlings (10-20)
-Ruddy Turnstones (4)
-Least Sandpiper (1)
-Spotted Sandpipers
-Semipalmated Plovers (2)

*Red-headed Woodpecker is still in the park near playground area & the pavilions.

Michael Hendrickson
Duluth, Minnesota
Lake Superior Boat Trips
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