[mou] Murphy Hanrehan RFI, Sherburne & Aitkin notes

Pastor Al Schirmacher pastoral at princetonfreechurch.net
Tue Jun 10 11:39:37 CDT 2008

May have the opportunity Saturday morning (6/14) to head down to Murphy 
Hanrehan to pick up Hooded & Cerulean Warblers for the year.

Have a decent working knowledge of the area - could anyone share where these 
two are being heard & seen this year?  In addition, are there any 
Black-crowned Night Herons - Henslow's Sparrows - Acadian Flycatchers or 
other goodies (that don't often make it another hour or so north) being seen 
in the area?


Al Schirmacher
Princeton, MN
Mille Lacs & Sherburne Counties

PS Would be happy to team up with someone or a group as well - provided 
plans come together (pastors' schedules often uncertain).

PPS Both cuckoos present on Blue Hill Trail, Sherburne Refuge this morning - 
along with three Mourning Warblers.  Could not find the reported Cerulean, 
but had limited time.

PPSS 6/21 Aitkin trip is now full.  Thanks! 

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