[mou] Louisiana Water thrush - Bass Ponds, Bloomington, Hennepin County

Byron and Ginny Blood byron_and_ginny_blood at msn.com
Sun May 4 21:45:39 CDT 2008

As I was leaving the Bass Ponds this evening about 7:45pm and conversing
with another birder about what I had seen, he suggested that I should report
the sighting of the Louisiana Water thrush as it would be considered rare
for this area.  I actually saw both the Northern and Louisiana Water
thrushes this evening and both are lifers for me.  The Northern Water thrush
was spotted along the stream flowing from the pond on the left of the trail
that comes down from 86th street right at the point where the trail turns to
the southwest toward the Cedar Ave Bridge.  The Louisiana Water thrush was
spotted along the stream on the other side of the same pond just where the
footbridge crosses over the stream.  The two birds were distinctly
different, with the Louisiana having a dark stripe through the eye with
white stripe above the eye and a dark cap and a white throat.
Other birds seen this evening at the Bass Ponds in the order seen
Yellow-Rumped Warblers
Tree Swallow
Turkey Vulture
Yellow Warbler
Canada Goose
Great Blue Heron
Red-winged Black Bird
Downy Woodpecker
Solitary Sandpiper
Palm Warbler
Swamp Sparrow
White-throated Sparrow
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Black and White Warbler
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