[mou] Birding in the classrooms, looking for volunteer, expert.

Melissa Knaak misola11 at aol.com
Thu May 8 14:36:27 CDT 2008

I hope this is appropriate for this list.? I am only on this one birding list and am new to this whole "family" networking of birders and I have a question:

I have thought about this for years now.? I have two boys in 2nd and 6th (8 and 12) grade now that go to a private school in Prior Lake and in this school the parents do alot of with volunteering and that includes ideas for field trips, classroom activities, etc.? I am an avid birder!!? I am no expert, but I simply love birds and especially am fascinated by raptors.? I can never seem to learn enough about them and have passed this "hobby" or "appreciation" to my boys and have always thought what a terrific idea it would be if I could find someone that comes into the classrooms and teaches the kids (and teachers too) about birds, the significance and importance of them and how to start noticing them around you and maybe they have some materials and even better birds to bring in for a "show and tell" experience.? I think it is also great that the school is near Cleary Lake where there is an Osprey nest, there is a great learning experience there I have thought about as well.? My boys have learned much these past years and I would like to pass that on to others in the community so we could get more of an awareness out there.? 

Any ideas on who, what, where to contact for such info??

Thanks so much fellow birders!
Prior Lake/Shakopee
Scott County, MN
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