[mou] New Videos in the MOU gallery

Alt, Mark Mark.Alt at bestbuy.com
Thu May 8 19:42:50 CDT 2008

Peter Neubeck and I shared a great day afield with Peter's son Noah in Sherburne, Benton, and Stearns County last Saturday, 5/3/08. The highlight of the day was a juvenile Ferruginous Hawk that was driven right in front of us by harassing crows, eye level in perfect light less than a hundred feet away, now that is what I am talking about! I got some of my videos from that day edited (finally) and here are some URL's to compressed versions of them for the MOU video gallery.

I was about 3 feet from this Parula Warbler as it foraged at our feet. This bird was behaving as if it had just landed from a very long flight.

This Black-and-white Warbler foraged on a tree 6 feet away and can be seen gleaning insects from the oaks' bark.

This pari of Sandhill Cranes danced in a field in Benton County - a rare sight up here!

Milt put on quite a show fro us to witness, 93 species of birds, no one else around, and hundreds of Pasque Flowers in Bloom! Thanks again, Milt.
Good birding!

Mark Alt
Brooklyn Center, MN

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