[mou] Indigo Bunting in Bemidji

Steve Patterson patterso at paulbunyan.net
Sun May 25 07:19:48 CDT 2008

I had the pleasure of watching a brilliant male Indigo Bunting come and go 
from a feeder for a couple hours Saturday.  I was at a friends home on the 
north side of Lake Bemidji.  Another friend called to say they had a Scarlet 
Tanager in their yard Friday morning on Big Turtle Lake.  I may be wrong, 
but it seems we have a variety of birds this spring I don't remember seeing 
in the past, and it has been great.  I am not a serious birder, so maybe 
some of the local experts could say if this is true or not. It might be 
because we have no leaves yet (very late) and they are easier to see, but I 
haven't seen an Indigo Bunting here in years.  We have also had Cardinals, 
which often stay south of Bemidji, and quite a few Orioles.  It has been a 
fun, colorful spring here.

I would also like an ID from better birders here.....is this a female 
Baltimore Oriole, or an Orchard Oriole female?

Steve Patterson 

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