[mou] Carver County-Still no significant wave

John Cyrus cyrus150 at hotmail.com
Wed Sep 3 16:45:53 CDT 2008

I woke up hoping that the recent cold front passage would have blown some migrants south into Carver Park.   I was wrong, except that some of the birds that had been here may have been blown further south.   There  was a small number of migrants, including an increase of Tennessee Warblers(one of which was a male in breeding plumage).   There wasn't as much variety either compared to the weekend.   I finally found the pair of Pileated Woodpeckers that I know reside at the park but haven't been able to find all year.  I also saw what I assume was a Willow Flycatcher(based on their lack of eye ring) feeding a begging young.  It must have been a late hatch.   Still no migrant thrushes to be seen.  There was also an Olive-sided Flycatcher near King Blind.
American Redstart(3)
Common Yellowthroat(4, definite decrease of both Redstart and Yellowthroat, or they were just not active)
Yellow Warbler(1 immature)
Tennessee Warbler(13)
Nashville Warbler(2)
Golden-winged Warbler(2)
Bay-breasted Warbler(1)
Northern Waterthrush(2)
On Labor Day at Chaska Lake, MVNWR, there were Tennesse, Black and White, Chestnut-sided, Magnolia, Wilson's, and Nashville Warbler.
John Cyrus
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