Sharp-shinned Hawk
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Sharp-shinned Hawk in Ramsey County

Five or fewer records in Ramsey County for the Summer season

I saw this medium sized raptor fly into a treetop near my home (near Bell Museum) at dusk. I thought it was likely a Cooper's hawk as they nest in the area. I did not have binoculars but was carrying my camera. When I looked at my photo I was unsure and checked Merlin which suggested Sharp-shinned as first choice. I consulted with friends who agreed with that id based on the round, hooded appearance of the head and the squared off appearance of tail. Sharp-shinned Hawks do pass through but are uncommon here this time of year. [Please note: Some with extensive raptor experience, including Frank Nicoletti of Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory, are of the opinion this is a Cooper's Hawk. –Kim Eckert]

Ellen Lowery Nikon P900