Bohemian Waxwing
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Bohemian Waxwing in Beltrami County

Common in Beltrami County in the Winter season

Bohemian Waxwings converged on Bemidji. First noted in birding community by Alex Burchard who saw the flock from a distance over a mile. While the flock cleaned off the crab apple trees at the Evergreen Cemetery estimates were 5-6,000 birds. A short phone video by a non-birder caught the tail end of the flock. Because many of the large trees in the cemetery are white spruce, trees held many birds that were difficult to see and estimate a good number. Several hundred of the birds were on the ground at any given time using the puddles amongst the headstones for bird baths.

David Harrington R6, 1/400th ISO 6400 600mm