Ross's Goose
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Ross's Goose in Waseca County

Five or fewer records in Waseca County for the Fall season

This bird was found originally by Dave Barkey & John Hockema on 11/22/09. I refound the bird the following day. My initial impression was a Ross's Goose.The size looked good,the bill was bluish at the base and no grin patch. It was looking good to be a Ross's Goose.But as I continued to observe the bird,it just didn't seem right. The bill appeared to be to long and at the base the bill was not truly straight and vertical. Lastly the head was somewhat sloped like a Snow Goose.It was definitely a hybrid. This points to how careful we must be in our observations.

James L. Otto- Panasonic DMC-FZ8 camera; F-stop7.1; exposure 1/400th sec.; focal length 72 MM