Species Index to The Loon

Grebes, Pelicans, Cormorants and Frigatebirds
Bitterns, Herons, Ibis and Storks
Whistling-Ducks, Swans and Geese
Ducks and Mergansers
Vultures, Osprey, Kites, Bald Eagle, Harriers and Accipiters
Hawks, Golden Eagle, Caracaras and Falcons
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys and Quail
Rails, Coots and Cranes
Plovers, Sandpipers and Phalaropes
Terns, Alcids, Doves, Parakeets, Cuckoos and Anis
Nighthawks, Poorwills, Swifts, Hummingbirds and Kingfishers
Larks, Swallows, Jays, Crows, Chickadees and Creepers
Wrens, Dippers, Kinglets and Gnatcatchers
Wheatears, Thrushes, Mimics and Thrashers
Wagtails, Pipits, Waxwings, Shrikes, Starlings and Vireos
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks, Buntings and Dickcissel
Towhees, Sparrows, Longspurs and Snow Bunting
Blackbirds, Meadowlarks and Orioles
Finches and Weaver Finches
Species: Plovers, Sandpipers and Phalaropes
Black-bellied Plover
American Golden-Plover
Snowy Plover
Wilson's Plover
Semipalmated Plover
Piping Plover
[Mountain Plover]
Black-necked Stilt
American Avocet
Greater Yellowlegs
Lesser Yellowlegs
Solitary Sandpiper
Spotted Sandpiper
Upland Sandpiper
Eskimo Curlew
Long-billed Curlew
Hudsonian Godwit
Marbled Godwit
Ruddy Turnstone
Red Knot
Semipalmated Sandpiper
Western Sandpiper
Least Sandpiper
White-rumped Sandpiper
Baird's Sandpiper
Pectoral Sandpiper
Purple Sandpiper
Curlew Sandpiper
Stilt Sandpiper
[Spoonbill Sandpiper]
Buff-breasted Sandpiper
Short-billed Dowitcher
Long-billed Dowitcher
Common Snipe
American Woodcock
Wilson's Phalarope
Red-necked Phalarope
Red Phalarope

Black-bellied Plover (Pluvialis squatarola)
   ABirding by Hindsight: A Second Look at Shorebirds199567:100-103
American Golden-Plover (Pluvialis dominica)
   NGolden Plovers, Magpie, Prairie Falcon, and Buteos at Lake Traverse194315:11-12
   NFall Records of the Golden Plover at the Canadian Lakehead194921:60-61
   NAmerican Golden Plover: An Unusual Date196436:30
   ABirding by Hindsight: A Second Look at Shorebirds199567:100-103
Snowy Plover (Charadrius alexandrinus)
   NSnowy Plover at Marshall197648:115
   NPSnowy Plover at Big Stone NWR198153:220-221
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee198254:42-46
   NPSnowy Plover at Lake of the Woods198254:242
   NAnother Snowy Plover at Lake of the Woods198355:177
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee198456:17-20
   NMinnesota's Fifth Snowy Plover Record198658:142-143
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee198759:57-58
   NA Snowy Plover at Agassiz NWR, Marshall County198759:155
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee198860:13-16
Wilson's Plover (Charadrius wilsonia)
   APFirst Record of Wilson's Plover for Minnesota198153:123-125
   NWilson's Plover at Duluth198254:243
Semipalmated Plover (Charadrius semipalmatus)
Piping Plover (Charadrius melodus)
   NThe Status of Piping Plovers (Charadrius melodus) on Minnesota Point194012:34
   NAdditional Observations on the Nesting of Piping Plovers in Duluth194618:11
   NPA Killdeer Egg in a Piping Plover Nest194820:79-81
   NPiping Plover in Minneapolis196335:71
   APNotes on the Nesting Ecology of the Piping Plover197951:74-78
   NObservations from Pine/Curry Islands - Lake of the Woods197951:144-145
   ANew Colonies in Lake of the Woods198254:37-39
   AStatus and Reproductive Success of the Piping Plover in Lake of the Woods198456:106-109
   NPiping Plover in Hennepin County198658:94
   APopulation Studies of Piping Plovers at Lake of the Woods, Minnesota, 1982-1987198759:113-117
Killdeer (Charadrius vociferus)
   NPA Killdeer Egg in a Piping Plover Nest194820:79-81
   NKilldeer Feeding195628:78-79
   NKilldeer Nest on Roof; Young Jump Down197042:117
   NUpland Plover in with a Flock of Killdeers197042:147
   NCrows Preying on Juvenile Killdeer197951:149
   NPAn Albinistic Killdeer in Duluth198759:147-148
[Mountain Plover (Charadrius montanus)]
   NPossible Mountain Plovers Seen at Moorhead197446:115
   AMinnesota's First Mountain Plover Record198658:154-158
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee198759:57-58
   ADeletion of Mountain Plover from Minnesota State List198860:146-148
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee198961:10-13
Black-necked Stilt (Himantopus mexicanus)
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee198153:129-131
   NPBlack-necked Stilts in Stevens County198961:139
   NBlack-necked Stilts, Stevens County198961:139-140
   NMinnesota's First Black-necked Stilt198961:197
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee199062:12-14
   NMinnesota's Third Record of Black-necked Stilt199264:166-167
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee199365:33-37
American Avocet (Recurvirostra americana)
   NAmerican Avocets19379(3,4):6
   NAmerican Avocet in Duluth194416:55
   NRecent Records of the Avocet in Minnesota195022:112
   NApril 1950 -- Records of the Avocet195123:16
   NAvocets in Southwestern Minnesota195628:168
   NAvocets at Worthington195830:36
   NAmerican Avocets Nesting in Minnesota195931:99
   NNesting of the American Avocet in Minnesota195931:101
   NPAvocets Nesting in Lac Qui Parle County, Minnesota196133:57-58
   NBreeding Lark Buntings and American Avocets in Lac Qui Parle County196537:82-83
   NInteresting Fall Shorebirds196638:74-75
   NPNesting Avocet in Big Stone County197345:97-98
   NPAmerican Avocets at Rochester197749:182
   NAmerican Avocets in Ramsey County198254:252
   NPAmerican Avocets Nesting in Traverse County198456:204-205
   NAmerican Avocet Breeding Record for Lyon County198557:142
   NAmerican Avocets Abandon Nest in Lac Qui Parle County198658:50
   NPAmerican Avocets in Pine County199062:153-154
   NPNesting American Avocets in Big Stone County199264:125-126
Greater Yellowlegs (Tringa melanoleuca)
   NA Late Record of the Greater Yellowlegs195224:34
   NTwo Early Shorebird Records195325:80
   NPartial Albino Greater Yellowlegs198052:189
   ABirding by Hindsight: A Second Look at Shorebirds199567:100-103
Lesser Yellowlegs (Tringa flavipes)
   NMarsh Hawk Captures Sick Yellow-legs194618:107
   NSummer Record of Lesser Yellowlegs in Stearns County197850:56
   ABirding by Hindsight: A Second Look at Shorebirds199567:100-103
Solitary Sandpiper (Tringa solitaria)
   NEvidence of Solitary Sandpiper Breeding197345:96
   APSecond Breeding Record for the Solitary Sandpiper South of Canada198254:144-147
   ABirding by Hindsight: A Second Look at Shorebirds199567:100-103
Willet (Catoptrophorus semipalmatus)
   NThe Willet at Duluth195325:126
   NA Willet at Itasca State Park195527:174
   NWillets on Sugar Lake, Wright County197143:23
Spotted Sandpiper (Actitis macularia)
   NSubmersible Sandpiper19346:61
   NAn Early Spotted Sandpiper197850:172
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee198254:42-46
   ABirding by Hindsight: A Second Look at Shorebirds199567:100-103
Upland Sandpiper (Bartramia longicauda)
   AThe Upland Plover on Our Farm195628:13-15
   APlover, Rail and Godwit Nesting on a Study Area in Mahnomen County, Minnesota196032:5-9
   NEvidence of Upland Plover Nesting in St. Louis County196840:21-22
   NExtremely Late Date for the Upland Plover196840:60
   NUpland Plover in with a Flock of Killdeers197042:147
   NUpland Plover with Young, Itasca County197143:94
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee198759:57-58
Eskimo Curlew (Numenius borealis)
Whimbrel (Numenius phaeopus)
   NSome Unusual Minnesota Bird Observations194315:12
   NWhimbrel and Jaeger on Minnesota Point, St. Louis County195931:138
   NWhimbrels Seen Near Rochester196638:37
   NWhimbrels in Cook County198456:131-132
Long-billed Curlew (Numenius americanus)
   NAn Unusually Tame Long-billed Curlew195224:131
   NSighting of a Long-billed Curlew196638:73
   NLong-billed Curlew Visits Wayzata196840:52
   NLong-billed Curlew Observation197244:94
   NLong-billed Curlew at the Appleton Bridge197648:79-80
   NLong-billed Curlew at Rothsay197951:146
   NLong-billed Curlew at Cottonwood, Lyon County198052:115
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee198355:41-43
   NLong-billed Curlew Visits Ely198860:89-90
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee198860:108-109
   NA Fall Record of Long-billed Curlew198860:186
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee198961:10-13
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee199062:12-14
   NSummer Record for a Long-billed Curlew199062:58-59
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee199062:134-136
   NA Long-billed Curlew at the Farm199062:167-168
   NPLong-billed Curlew in McLeod County199264:61-63
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee199264:138-140
Hudsonian Godwit (Limosa haemastica)
   NInteresting Observations from Kandiyohi and Lac Qui Parle Counties195628:127
   NLate Hudsonian Godwit197648:185
   NHudsonian Godwits in July198456:192
   ABirding by Hindsight: A Second Look at Shorebirds199567:100-103
Marbled Godwit (Limosa fedoa)
   AGodwits and Nitwits19324:38-40
   NA Note on the Marbled Godwit in Northwestern Minnesota194214:11
   NMarbled Godwits in McLeod County195123:59
   NMarbled Godwit and Franklin's Gulls at Swan Lake195527:174
   NNest of Marbled Godwit in Clay County195628:170
   APlover, Rail and Godwit Nesting on a Study Area in Mahnomen County, Minnesota196032:5-9
   NA Marbled Godwit in Minneapolis199062:114
   ABirding by Hindsight: A Second Look at Shorebirds199567:100-103
Ruddy Turnstone (Arenaria interpres)
   NA Fall Turnstone (1)19335:60
   NA Fall Turnstone (2)19335:60
Red Knot (Calidris canutus)
   NUntangle This One19335:60
Sanderling (Calidris alba)
Semipalmated Sandpiper (Calidris pusilla)
Western Sandpiper (Calidris mauri)
   NWestern Sandpiper Taken in Minnesota196032:125
   NWestern Sandpiper in Lyon County196739:140
   NWestern Sandpiper Found in Mille Lacs County197042:73-74
   NWestern Sandpiper at Whitewater Refuge197143:92
   NWestern Sandpiper Specimen198961:92
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee199163:41-42
   NWestern Sandpiper Documentation199163:196-197
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee199264:15-18
Least Sandpiper (Calidris minutilla)
   NLeast Sandpipers Use Building as Feeding Area195931:134
   NSpringtime Journey of a Minnesota Migrant198860:178-179
White-rumped Sandpiper (Calidris fuscicollis)
   NEarly White-rumped Sandpiper at Salt Lake196335:67
Baird's Sandpiper (Calidris bairdii)
   NSome Extremely Early Records of the Baird's Sandpiper196436:64-65
   NLate Record for the Baird's Sandpiper196638:40
   NEarly Shorebird Records: Baird's Sandpiper196739:138
   NAn Early Baird's Sandpiper199163:65
   ABirding by Hindsight: A Second Look at Shorebirds199567:100-103
Pectoral Sandpiper (Calidris melanotos)
   NTwo Early Shorebird Records195325:80
   NFirst Winter Record for the Pectoral Sandpiper197547:97
   NPA Problem of Identification198153:234-235
   ABirding by Hindsight: A Second Look at Shorebirds199567:100-103
Purple Sandpiper (Calidris maritima)
   NPurple Sandpiper at Grand Marais, December 17, 1966196739:64
   NPPurple Sandpiper in Aitkin County197850:47-48
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee198254:42-46
   NPPurple Sandpiper in Duluth198254:58-59
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee199264:15-18
   NPurple Sandpiper in Grand Marais199264:56-57
Dunlin (Calidris alpina)
Curlew Sandpiper (Calidris ferruginea)
   NCurlew Sandpipers at Lake Winona195224:160
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee199365:146-147
   APMinnesota's First Curlew Sandpiper199466:113-114
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee199466:127-128
Stilt Sandpiper (Calidris himantopus)
   NEarly Shorebird Records: Stilt Sandpiper196739:138
   ABirding by Hindsight: A Second Look at Shorebirds199567:100-103
[Spoonbill Sandpiper (Eurynorhynchus pygmeus)]
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee198658:42-45
Buff-breasted Sandpiper (Tryngites subruficollis)
   NInteresting Fall Shorebirds196638:74-75
   NBuff-breasted Sandpiper, Stearns County197143:20
   NBuff-breasted Sandpiper at Grand Portage National Monument198052:184
   NBuff-breasted Sandpiper in Hennepin County198557:109
   ABirding by Hindsight: A Second Look at Shorebirds199567:100-103
Ruff (Philomachus pugnax)
   AFirst Record of the Ruff for Minnesota196436:44-45
   APThe Ruff196436:53-55
   NSecond Ruff Record for Minnesota197143:93
   NMinnesota's Third Ruff197345:63
   NA Ruff at Marshall Sewage Lagoons197547:136
   NRuff Sighted in Otter Tail County197749:45-46
   NRuffs at Marshall Sewage Lagoons197749:56
   NRuff at Moorhead197749:238-239
   NRuff -- Otter Tail County197850:211
   NA Ruff in Lyon County197951:197
   NPRuff and Reeve in Aitkin County198254:193-194
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee198355:117-119
   NRuff at the Albany Sewage Ponds198355:128
   NPRuff at Crookston Sewage Lagoons198456:203-204
   NRuff at Carlos Avery198456:263
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee198557:34-36
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee198557:119-120
   NPRuff in Goodhue County198557:137-138
   NRuff at Cottonwood, Lyon County198557:183-184
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee198658:42-45
   NRuff in Martin County198658:139
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee198658:146-147
   NA Ruff in Chisago County198759:217
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee198860:13-16
   NRuff Seen in Dodge County198860:93
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee198860:108-109
   NA Ruff (Reeve) at the Bass Ponds, Minnesota River Valley NWR198860:125
   NRuff at Geis Lake, Scott County198860:181
   NA Ruff at French Lake198860:181
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee198961:10-13
   NRuff and Reeve in Yellow Medicine County199163:73
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee199163:154-155
   NNotes on a Female Ruff199163:280
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee199264:15-18
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee199264:138-140
   NRuffs in Polk County199264:167-169
   NFemale Ruff in Lac Qui Parle County199264:169
   NRuff in Carver County199264:173-174
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee199365:33-37
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee199567:45-47
   ABirding by Hindsight: A Second Look at Shorebirds199567:100-103
Short-billed Dowitcher (Limnodromus griseus)
   ANotes on the Dowitchers of Minnesota196133:32-33
   NWhich Dowitcher is it?196234:25
   NShort-billed and Long-billed Dowitchers at Grand Marais198658:95-96
   NA Late Short-billed Dowitcher199062:169
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee199163:41-42
   ABirding by Hindsight: A Second Look at Shorebirds199567:100-103
Long-billed Dowitcher (Limnodromus scolopaceus)
   NNotes on the Dowitchers of Minnesota196133:32-33
   NWhich Dowitcher is it?196234:25
   NShort-billed and Long-billed Dowitchers at Grand Marais198658:95-96
   ABirding by Hindsight: A Second Look at Shorebirds199567:100-103
Common Snipe (Gallinago gallinago)
   ABibliography of Wilson's Snipe: Capella gallinago delicata195022:23-26
   NA Wilson's Snipe Nest in Hennepin County, Minnesota195022:44-45
   NWilson's Snipe Nesting Near Centerville, Anoka County195022:45
   ABibliography of Wilson's Snipe: Capella gallinago delicata (concluded)195022:49-60
   NCensus of Woodcock and Wilson's Snipe, 1955195527:128
   NCommon Snipe in Cass County in Late January198052:44
American Woodcock (Scolopax minor)
   NCourtship of the Woodcock19302:17
   NWoodcock Lights on River194517:64
   AWoodcock Studies at Cloquet Forest Experiment Station, Minnesota195022:1-7
   NCensus of Woodcock and Wilson's Snipe, 1955195527:128
   AAmerican Woodcock in Thunder Bay District195729:74-75
   NWoodcock Observation in Yellow Medicine County, Minnesota195729:86
   NWoodcock Singing Grounds195729:127
   NObservations on Black-billed Magpies and American Woodcock196133:54
   NLate Record for the American Woodcock in Minnesota196436:67
   APNesting American Woodcock196436:96-98
   NObservations of the American Woodcock196739:138
   NAmerican Woodcock Near Itasca State Park196941:129-130
   AWoodcock Sex and Age Ratios and Weights in Minnesota197042:31-33
   NAdditional Woodcock Records for Western Minnesota197042:40
   NAmerican Woodcock Observations -- Northwestern Minnesota197042:71
   NA Woodcock on the Mall197143:98
   NAmerican Woodcock197244:58
   NWoodcock Display197345:100
   NHennepin County Woodcock Reports197446:173
   NPossible American Woodcock Nesting in Southwest Minnesota197547:48
   NWoodcock Nesting in Becker County197547:101
   AWoodcock Under the Northern Lights197648:89-91
   NAmerican Woodcock Breeding in Rice County197850:221
   AMinnesota Woodcock198254:203-211
   NAmerican Woodcock Carrying Young198456:66-67
   ADo Woodcock Carry Their Young?198456:81-82
   NPAmerican Woodcock Nesting in Pipestone County198557:108
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee199062:134-136
Wilson's Phalarope (Phalaropus tricolor)
   NThe Wilson's Phalarope in Duluth195224:38
   NUnusual Phalarope Feeding196739:108
   NLate Date for Wilson's Phalarope in Anoka County197749:48
   NProbable Wilson's Phalarope Breeding in Southern Wright County199062:156
Red-necked Phalarope (Phalaropus lobatus)
   NNorthern Phalarope Near Fort Snelling19291:29
   NLate Record for the Northern Phalarope195325:157
   NInteresting Fall Shorebirds196638:74-75
   NUnusual Phalarope Feeding196739:108
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee198961:121-123
Red Phalarope (Phalaropus fulicaria)
   NThe Red Phalarope in Minnesota196436:25
   NPMinnesota's Second Red Phalarope197749:44-45
   NPRed Phalarope at Moorhead197749:172-173
   NPRed Phalarope -- Mille Lacs Lake197850:45-46
   NPFirst Red Phalarope for Minnesota Point198153:60-61
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee199264:15-18
   NPRed Phalarope in Dodge County199264:67-68
   NRed Phalarope in Hennepin County199365:208-209
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee199466:43-44
   NRed Phalarope in Roseau County199567:109


Each entry to the index is preceded with a code, which denotes one of the following:
-- the reference is a major or minor article
-- the reference is a major or minor article and is accompanied by a photograph
-- the reference is a Note of Interest
-- the reference is a Note of Interest and is accompanied by a photograph

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