Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon
The 1937-Summer Season
1 June through 31 July 1937

MEMBERS of the Minnesota Bird Club contributed notes on the nesting of one hundred and six species of birds for the state during the 1937 breed­ing season.

Among the more unusual records of nesting may be included the Pigeon Hawk, Piping Plover, Wilson's Phalarope, Common Tern, Sprague's Pipit, Short-eared Owl, Golden-winged Warbler, Canada Warbler, Baird's Sparrow, Lark Sparrow, and Chestnut-collared Longspur.

Key to the Seasonal Report
1.Upper case (LEAST TERN) indicates a Casual or Accidental species in the state.
2.Species are listed in brackets [Whooping Crane] when there is a reasonable doubt as to its origin or wildness.
3.Bracketed text following a species’ name indicates the total number of north and south counties.
4.Dates listed in bold (10/9) indicate an occurrence either earlier, later, or within the three earliest or latest dates on file.
5.Counties listed in bold (Aitkin) indicate an unusual occurrence for that county.
6.Counties listed in bold and with an underline (Becker) indicate a first county record.
7.Counties listed in italics (Crow Wing) indicate a first county breeding record.
8.Totals in bold (150) indicate a total within or exceeding the top three high counts for that species.
9.Totals in bold-italic (55) indicate a CBC total within or exceeding the top three high counts for that species.
10.Dagger “†” preceding observer’s initials denotes written documentation was submitted.
11“ph.” denotes a species documented with a photograph.
12.“v.t.” denotes a species documented by video.
13.“a.t.” denotes a species documented by audio.
14.High counts that are multiples of 100 are assumed or known to be estimates, unless otherwide noted.
The Seasonal Report  is a compilation of seasonal bird sightings from throughout Minnesota. We particularly invite reports from parts of the state that have been neglected or covered lightly in past reports. To become a contributor, contact the Editor of The Loon (editor AT



Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
(Anas platyrhynchos)
The earliest nest was found May 3 by M. Morse at Cloquet Valley Forest. It contained two eggs. The first young were seen by G. Rysgaard, L. Pittelkow, A. Risser, and A. Evanson at \Y/arren on June 18. Eight young were sem in a flock.
Green-winged Teal
(Anas crecca)
G. Kutz re­ported the finding of a nest with eleven eggs at Stillwater, May 24. On June 15, at Deer River, A. Risser, A. Evanson, L. Pittelkow, and G. Rysgaard saw a family group of seven young.
Common Goldeneye
(Bucephala clangula)
Eight young were seen on Lower Red Lake, June 21, by G. Rysgaard, A. Risser, A. Evanson, and L. Pittelkow.
New World Quail
Northern Bobwhite
(Colinus virginianus)
On June 29 George Rysgaard saw five young that could fly. Sturgeon Lake, Minnesota.
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Ruffed Grouse
(Bonasa umbellus)
On June 18 visited by Rysgaard, Risser and Pittelkow eight young about ten days old were seen near Cloquet by Marius Morse. Arnold Erickson· flushed seven fledged young on August 24, in the St. Croix National Park.
Sharp-tailed Grouse
(Tympanuchus phasianellus)
Arnold Erickson saw ~hree fledged young on August 19 in the St. Croix National Park.
Ring-necked Pheasant
(Phasianus colchicus)
On June 29 Mr. E. D. Swedenborg flushed a family of young. about ten days old.
Pied-billed Grebe
(Podilymbus podiceps)
Two nests of this species were reported. The earliest was found at Tanner's Lake by Dana Struthers on June 23; it held 7 young; the second was located by Robert Upson at Minneapolis June 25. It held two eggs.
Pigeons, Doves
Mourning Dove
(Zenaida macroura)
Ten Carolina doves' nests were found. The first, seen on April 24 by Upson, contained two eggs. Mahle found a nest near Bigelow, Minn. It hdd two eggs on August 5·
Yellow-billed Cuckoo
(Coccyzus americanus)
Bob Up3on and R. Berthel found a nest at Afton on June 23; two eggs were in it.
Black-billed Cuckoo
(Coccyzus erythropthalmus)
On June 2 Swedenborg saw a nest of three eggs near Excelsior. George Rysgaard found a nes~ of two eggs at Sturgeon Lake on June 9·
Common Nighthawk
(Chordeiles minor)
D. Struthers found two eggs on June IO. Marius Morse, in the Cloquet Valley Forest, found two bull­bat's eggs on June 24.
Eastern Whip-poor-will
(Antrostomus vociferus)
On July 22 at the St. Croix Nat'!. Park, Erickson found a young whip-poor·will that was begin­ning to feather.
Ruby-throated Hummingbird
(Archilochus colubris)
Dana Struthers saw a young hum­mer on July 23, near Afton.
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Virginia Rail
(Rallus limicola)
On May 27 B. Up-son found a nest near Minneapolis that held six eggs.
(Porzana carolina)
The first nest was found on May 2I by Upson; it held four eggs. On May 27 the nest, which then had more material added to it, held seven eggs. Two other nests found on May 27 held eight eggs and two eggs; seen by Upson.
American Coot
(Fulica americana)
Two nests seen on May 27 held three fresh eggs and one newly hatched young, one nearly hatched egg and six pipped eggs, respectively.' (Upson).
(Charadrius vociferus)
The first nest was found on April 24 by Dana Struthers; there were two eggs in it. On June I I Struthers found the last nest. It, ~oo, held two eggs.
Piping Plover
(Charadrius melodus)
Lawrence Pittel­kow, George Rysgaard, and Dr. A. F. Risser found four nests of this species that held four eggs each, at Lake of the Woods, June I6. On June 26 C. DuToit found a nest of four eggs near Lake Alexander, Douglas County.
Upland Sandpiper
(Bartramia longicauda)
Alden Risser, George Rysgaard, Lawrence Pittelkow, and Evanson found four quailie's eggs on June 20 near Euclid.
Wilson's Phalarope
(Phalaropus tricolor)
George Rysgaard and Dr. Risser found a tri­color phalarope's nest at Warren on June 19. It held four eggs.
Gulls, Terns
Black Tern
(Chlidonias niger)
A short-tailed terns' colony near Minneapolis was visited on May 27 by Upson, when only one nest held I egg. D. Struthers visited the same colony on May 29, when three eggs were in one nest, and two other nests held one egg each.
Common Tern
(Sterna hirundo)
A colony of Wil­son's terns on Lake of the Woods was on June I6. Thirty nes~s, which held from one to three eggs, were examined.
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
Least Bittern
(Ixobrychus exilis)
A nest found by R. Upson on May 30 contained two eggs; a second nest found by Upson on June 25 held five eggs. Both were found at Min­neapolis.
Great Blue Heron
(Ardea herodias)
A rookery of ten nests which probably contained eggs was discovered in the Cloquet Valley Forest by Marius Morse, May 3· A twenty-seven nest rookery was found by A. B. Erickson at the St. Croix Nat'! Park. There were large young in the nests on June 29.
Green Heron
(Butorides virescens)
On June 5 a nest of five eggs was found at Minneapolis by E. D. Swedenborg.
New World Vultures
Turkey Vulture
(Cathartes aura)
Three soaring young were observed by D. Struthers at Sand Point Lake, July 16.
(Pandion haliaetus)
M. Morse located a nest, July 8, at Cloquet Valley Forest. Con­tents of the nest unknown. On July 10, D. Struthers found three nests at Ver­million Lake..
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Northern Harrier
(Circus hudsonius)
D. Struthers locat­ed a nest of four eggs, May 8, at Minne­apolis. Five young and one egg were in a nest found by E. D. Swedenborg at Min­neapolis, June 10. On the twentieth of June a nest of three young and one egg was found by A. Risser and G. Rysgaard at Euclid.
Cooper's Hawk
(Accipiter cooperii)
A lined nest was found on April 24 at Minneapolis by R. Upson. On May 3 the nest had two eggs as its contents.
Broad-winged Hawk
(Buteo platypterus)
Robert Upwn located the earliest nest on May 30; the nest held four eggs ·and was found i.n Minneapolis. Two one-week old young were in a n~st found by M. Morse, June 29, at the Cloquet Valley Forest.
Red-tailed Hawk
(Buteo jamaicensis)
On April 18 a nest with one egg was found by D. Mahle at Plainview. The following day, R. Upson found a nest of two eggs at Minneapolis.
Screech-Owls, Owls
Eastern Screech-Owl
(Megascops asio)
On April 2o, 3 eggs were counted in a hole in a tree in which an adult screech owl brooded; it obligingly climbed up Upson's wrist when he put his arm in the tree, so that he could find all t!Je eggs..
Great Horned Owl
(Bubo virginianus)
On April 7, near Red Wing, Breckenridge saw two young cat owls that could fly; Dr. Mahle found a nest ~hat held one downy owl on April I8, near Plainview, Minn.
Short-eared Owl
(Asio flammeus)
Rysgaard and Risser found two young marsh owls about a week old on June I8, near War­ren.
Belted Kingfisher
(Megaceryle alcyon)
On June 27 Swedenborg heard young in a nest near Minneapolis.
Red-headed Woodpecker
(Melanerpes erythrocephalus)
On May 31 D. Struthers saw an adult male red-headed woodpecker at the entrance of a nesting hole about forty feet up in a tree.
Downy Woodpecker
(Dryobates pubescens)
May 9, an adult entered a fresh hole. Fort Snel­ling (Upson).
Hairy Woodpecker
(Dryobates villosus)
Rysgaard found a nest of young at Sturgeon Lake on June 9; on the same day, in Anoka County, Mr. Breckenridge found a nest of young.
Northern Flicker
(Colaptes auratus)
Five newly hatched young and 2 eggs were in a nest built at ground level in a two foot high stump; found on June 16 in the St. Croix National Park by A. B. Erickson. On July 3 Upson found three nearly fledged young in a live cottonwood.
Caracaras, Falcons
American Kestrel
(Falco sparverius)
Two · fledged young were found by D. Struthers at Minneapolis on June 21.
(Falco columbarius)
D. Struthers re· ported a nest with young found, June 29, at Canadian Trout Lake.
Great Crested Flycatcher
(Myiarchus crinitus)
On July 14 W. ]. Breckenridge found young in the nest, in Anoka County. E. D. Swed­enborg saw young awing on August 4·
Western Kingbird
(Tyrannus verticalis)
Mrs. C. E. Peterson saw young western kingbirds being fed on June 15, near Dassel. On June 18 Dr. A. F. Risser, G. Rysgaard and L. Pittelkow found a nest that held one egg, near Warren. Young awing near Dassel were seen on July 30 by Mrs. Peterson.
Eastern Kingbird
(Tyrannus tyrannus)
Marius Morse found a nest of 4 young on July 9, in the Cloquet Valley forest. June 2o-2 nests; 2 eggs, 3 eggs. Euclid. (Dr. Risser and Rysgaard).
Eastern Wood-Pewee
(Contopus virens)
On June 25 Mrs. C. E. Pet­erson saw young pewees being fed and other· pewees incubating, near Madison, Minn.
Least Flycatcher
(Empidonax minimus)
At Madison ch~becs were "feeding young and incubat­ing on June 23" (Mrs. C. E. Peterson). On May 22 G. Rysgaard found a com­pleted but empty nest at Fontenac. Marius Morse saw a nest that held four young, one of which was dead, on July 14, in Cloquet Valley.
Eastern Phoebe
(Sayornis phoebe)
Dr. Mahle saw phoebes car­rying nesting material near Plainview on April 23. E. D. Swedenborg found a nest with 2 eggs on May 15. On June 22, near Ely, a nest of young was seen by Risser, Rysgaard and Pittelkow.
Yellow-throated Vireo
(Vireo flavifrons)
June 2I-Nest, 4 downy young (Upson).
Warbling Vireo
(Vireo gilvus)
On June 2o one was seen incubating its eggs near Euclid (Risser, Pittelkow, Rysgaard and Evan- son). Mrs. C. E. Peterson saw a nest on June 25, but couldn't determine the con- ten:s. Madison, Minn. GOLDEN-WINGED WARBLER. On July I A. B. Erickson saw nearly fleC:lged young; on Aug. IO he saw young that could fly well. St. Croix National Park.
Red-eyed Vireo
(Vireo olivaceus)
On June u N. Mahon spotted a nest that held three eggs. At Finland Swedenborg found one on July 22 that held two young and one egg.
Loggerhead Shrike
(Lanius ludovicianus)
A nest of one egg was found on May 9 by E. D. Swedenborg. D. Struthers and Upson found a nest on May 3 I that held three eggs and two young.
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Canada Jay
(Perisoreus canadensis)
On June 22 one young was seen awing near Ely by Rys­gaard and Dr. A. F. Risser.
Blue Jay
(Cyanocitta cristata)
Upson found a nest that held four eggs on May ro. On May 27, near Excelsior, E. D. Swedenborg found a nest of five eggs.
American Crow
(Corvus brachyrhynchos)
On April 7 a nest of five eggs was found by B. Upson. On May 9 five eggs were found in a nest near Minne­apolis by Upson.
Chickadees, Titmice
Black-capped Chickadee
(Poecile atricapillus)
On June r7 L. Pittelkow, Dr. Risser and G. Rysgaard found a nest near Lake of the Woods, but couldn't examine it.
Horned Lark
(Eremophila alpestris)
On April 15 Upson found a nest of four eggs; on June 18 Dana Struthers found a nest of four eggs. Both were seen at Minneapolis.
Martins, Swallows
Northern Rough-winged Swallow
(Stelgidopteryx serripennis)
On June 21 Upson found two nests in Min­neapolis; one held an undetermined num­ber of young, ~he other, five eggs.
Purple Martin
(Progne subis)
On June 3 Mrs. C. E. Peterson saw martins carrying nest­ing material, at Madison, Minn. Rysgaard saw martins building at Sturgeon Lake on June 10.
Barn Swallow
(Hirundo rustica)
On June r6, n::ar Lake of the Woods, Pittelkow, Rys­gaard and Risser found three eggs in a barn martin's nest. They saw four large young near Lake Winnibigoshish on June 21, on which date Upson fouad a nest of two eggs near Minneapolis.
Cedar Waxwing
(Bombycilla cedrorum)
On June 25 a cedar birJ was seen incubating by Mrs. C. E. Peterson, at Dassel. Mr. E. D. Swedenborg found large young in a nest near Finland on July 20.
White-breasted Nuthatch
(Sitta carolinensis)
On May 23 Dr. Risser and Dr. Mahle found a nest ~hat held one egg, at Frontenac. On June.2o E. D. Swedenborg saw young awing.
House Wren
(Troglodytes aedon)
G. Rysgaard saw house wrens building at Sturgeon Lake on June 10.
Sedge Wren
(Cistothorus stellaris)
E. D. Swedenborg saw shortbilled wrens building on May 30.
Marsh Wren
(Cistothorus palustris)
On July I Upson found a nest of four eggs.
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Gray Catbird
(Dumetella carolinensis)
On May 23 Rysgaard and John Wilson found two eggs in a nest near Frontenac. Mrs. C. E. Peterson found three eggs in a nest near Ortonville, on July I8.
Brown Thrasher
(Toxostoma rufum)
Six thrashers' nests were found. On May 23 G. Rysgaard and E. D. Swedenborg found nests con­taining four eggs each; Rysgaard saw his at Frontenac. Mrs. C. E. Peterson saw young awing near Madison, Minn., on July 25.
Eastern Bluebird
(Sialia sialis)
Dr. Mahle found a nest of five eggs near Plainview on May 30. On July 27 there were two eggs in a nest at Madison, Minn.; the two young left the nest on August IJ· (Mrs. C. E. Peterson).
(Catharus fuscescens)
On July 4 D. Struthers found three young in a nest near Lake Vermil­lion. On July I9 Rysgaard saw newly fledged young awing at Sturgeon Lake.
Hermit Thrush
(Catharus guttatus)
On June I5, June 25 and July 26 Marius Morse found nests of this species that held four eggs each. He found them in the Cloquet Valley Forest.
Wood Thrush
(Hylocichla mustelina)
On May 31 Mr. E. D. Swedenborg found a nest that held two eggs.
American Robin
(Turdus migratorius)
American Robins began building near Plainview on April I7; on April 23 one nest held three eggs (Dr. Mahle), Mar­ius Morse found a nest of eggs in the Cloquet Valley Forest on June I3.
(Anthus spragueii)
On June IB one newly fledged young was seen awing by Rysgaard and Dr. Risser, near Warren.
Purple Finch
(Haemorhous purpureus)
On July 9 Dana Struthers saw young awing at Lake Ver­million. Swedenborg saw young awing near Finland on July I9. At Sturgeon Lake. Rysgaard saw one young awing on July 2,4.
Longspurs and Snow Buntings
Chestnut-collared Longspur
(Calcarius ornatus)
Four young black-bellied longspurs were seen in their nest near Warren by Rysgaard, Pittelkow, and Risser on June 18.
Towhees, Sparrows
Lark Sparrow
(Chondestes grammacus)
Mr. W.]. Brecken­ ridge found a nest of five eggs on the sand dunes of Anoka County on June 9· On June 15 he found young lark finches at the same place.
Chipping Sparrow
(Spizella passerina)
On May 25 George Kutz found a nest of four eggs near Stillwater. Swedenborg found a nest of 2 small young on July 17, near Beaver Bay.
Clay-colored Sparrow
(Spizella pallida)
On May 30 E. D. Swedenborg found a nest of 3 eggs. A. B. Erickson found a nest of three eggs on June 17 in the St. Croix National Park.
Field Sparrow
(Spizella pusilla)
E. Swedenborg found field sparrows building on May 2. On June 21 Breckenridge saw young awing.
Dark-eyed Junco
(Junco hyemalis)
On July 21 Swedenborg found a nest of five large young near Palisade Head. Marius Morse, a~ Cloquet Valley Forest, found a nest of four eggs on July 23.
White-throated Sparrow
(Zonotrichia albicollis)
Marius Morse found young peabody-birds in the Cloquet Valley Forest.
Vesper Sparrow
(Pooecetes gramineus)
A grass finch's nest found on May 2 near Plainview, Minn., by Dr. Risser and Dr. Mahle held four eggs. On July 22 Marius Morse found a nest in the Cloquet Valley Forest that held two half-grown young and one egg.
(Centronyx bairdii)
Evanson, Ry­ ~gaard, Pittelkow and Risser found a nest of two eggs near Euclid, on June 20.
Savannah Sparrow
(Passerculus sandwichensis)
Two katy­dids and two grasshoppers were fed to the five young in a nest found by Erickson on July 12, in the St. Croix National Park. On June 19 Pittelkow and Rysgaard found a nest with two young near Warren.
Song Sparrow
(Melospiza melodia)
Morse found a nest of four newly hatched young in the Cloquet Valley Forest on August 1 I.
Blackbirds, Orioles
Yellow-headed Blackbird
(Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus)
On May 2I Upson found two nests of three eggs each and on May 30, two nests tha~ held three eggs and four eggs.
(Dolichonyx oryzivorus)
On June II B. Oure found a skunk blackbird's nest ~hat held five eggs. K. Morrison, N. Mahon and B. Upson were working the field at the same time.
Eastern Meadowlark
(Sturnella magna)
On July I6 D. Struthers found a nest of two eggs.
Western Meadowlark
(Sturnella neglecta)
On May r6 E. D. Swedenborg found a nest of four eggs.
Orchard Oriole
(Icterus spurius)
Full grown young were seen near Ortonville on July r8 by Mrs. C. E. Peterson.
Baltimore Oriole
(Icterus galbula)
On June I7 Risser, Rysgaard and Pittelkow found five eggs in a nest at Lake of the Woods.
Red-winged Blackbird
(Agelaius phoeniceus)
Up-son found several nests that held from one to four eggs each. On June 23 Upson and R. M. Berthel found several nests; a few held small young, but most of them held four eggs each. Afton, Minn.
Brown-headed Cowbird
(Molothrus ater)
The following birds were reported victimized this year: RED-EYED VIREO-June 2o--4 eggs in nest. (Swed­enborg). YELLOW WARBLER-May 31-1 egg in nest. (Struthers), July r8­Young left nest (Rysgaard). Common Yellowthroat-June 29­r egg in nest. Sturgeon Lake (Rysgaard). CANADA WARBLER-July I8-I. small young in nest. Finland (Sweden­borg). RED-WINGED BLACKBIRD-May 27-1 egg in nest (Upson). May 31 -I egg in redwing's nest (Struthers). SCARLET TANAGER-June 19-4 ta­nager's eggs, I cowbird's egg (Sweden­borg). FIELD SPARROW-June 2r­feeding young brown-headed blackbird. Savage. (E. D. Swedenborg). SONG SPARROW-June 23-feeding young cowbird awing (Upson).
Brewer's Blackbird
(Euphagus cyanocephalus)
On May 21 a nest of two eggs was found by Up-son. In the St. Croix National Park Arnold B. Erickson found one egg and three new-hatched young in a nest on June r6.
Common Grackle
(Quiscalus quiscula)
On April 29 Upson found a nest that held one egg. On June 22 two young awing were seen by G. N. Rysgaard, Dr. A. Risser, L. Pit­ telkow, and A. Evanson. Ely, Minnesota.
(Seiurus aurocapilla)
M. Morse found four eggs in a nest in the Cloquet, Valley Forest on June I8. At Beaver Bay E. D. Swedenborg saw young awing on July 2I.
Mourning Warbler
(Geothlypis philadelphia)
Mourning warblers were seen feeding their fledged young on July I9 at Finland (Sweden­borg).
Common Yellowthroat
(Geothlypis trichas)
June Io-Nest, 4 eggs (Sw~denborg). June 29-Nest, 3 eggs of yellowthroat, I of cowbird. Sturgeon Lake (Rysgaard).
American Redstart
(Setophaga ruticilla)
On June. 2I at Savage, Minnesota, W. Breckenridge found a nest that held one egg; Nearby he saw a young. bird able to fly, being fed by the male.
Yellow Warbler
(Setophaga petechia)
On May 23 Rysgaard found a completed but empty nest at Frotnenac. On May 3 I Upson and Struthers found a nest of three eggs. On June 24 Mrs. C. E. Peterson found a nest of one young and three eggs, near Madison, Minn;
Yellow-rumped Warbler
(Setophaga coronata)
D. Struthers found a nest near Lake Vermillion on June 24 that held two eggs and two YilU!lJ. CHESTNUT-SIDED W ARBL5R. On July 2I Mr. E. D. Swed~nborg found a nest of four small young near Finland.
Canada Warbler
(Cardellina canadensis)
A necklaced warbler's nest that held four young was found near Ely on June 22 by Risser, Rysgaard and Pittelkow. E. D. Sweden­borg saw a nest that held three warbler's eggs and a young cowbird on July IB, near Finland. Two of the warbler's eggs hatch­ ed on t!1e I9 and 20.
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks
Scarlet Tanager
(Piranga olivacea)
A black-wing­ed redbird's nest found near Excelsior on June I9 held four tanager's eggs and one cowbird's egg (Swedenborg).
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
(Pheucticus ludovicianus)
On May 29 Dr. Donald Mahle found a nest of 3 eggs near Plainview. E. D. Sweden­borg saw two nests that held three and four eggs respectively on June 2. On June 24 Mrs. C. E. Peterson, at Madison, Minn., saw a young grosbeak on the ground being fed by a male parent.