Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon
The 1964-Summer Season
1 June through 31 July 1964
Ronald L. Huber

This summer's report will be handled somewhat differently than usual in that I have divided the observations into two parts. Part I will treat the breeding or summer resident species and Part II will cover the transients.

Breeding data was, in some cases, very sketchy and in other cases (Robin, Mallard, etc.) only a general statement is needed. Actual breeding evidence for any given species is noted as such.

Weather: Temperatures thoughout the state were about normal. Most areas experienced prolonged dry-spells, interrupted by brief but torrential rains.

During the last week of July a sharp cold snap broke a period of hot weather and sent the first migrants southward through the state.

General considerations: This has been an exceptional year for butterflies. The Dainty Sulphur, usually thought of as a southern species, was taken in Swift, Sibley, Goodhue, Dakota and Wabasha Counties. Several Avifaunal Club members took two Macoun's Arctic butterflies in Lake County on June 20. This was the second Minnesota occurrence and only the third United States record.

Part I: Summer Residents

Key to the Seasonal Report
1.Upper case (LEAST TERN) indicates a Casual or Accidental species in the state.
2.Species are listed in brackets [Whooping Crane] when there is a reasonable doubt as to its origin or wildness.
3.Bracketed text following a species’ name indicates the total number of north and south counties.
4.Dates listed in bold (10/9) indicate an occurrence either earlier, later, or within the three earliest or latest dates on file.
5.Counties listed in bold (Aitkin) indicate an unusual occurrence for that county.
6.Counties listed in bold and with an underline (Becker) indicate a first county record.
7.Counties listed in italics (Crow Wing) indicate a first county breeding record.
8.Totals in bold (150) indicate a total within or exceeding the top three high counts for that species.
9.Totals in bold-italic (55) indicate a CBC total within or exceeding the top three high counts for that species.
10.Dagger “†” preceding observer’s initials denotes written documentation was submitted.
11“ph.” denotes a species documented with a photograph.
12.“v.t.” denotes a species documented by video.
13.“a.t.” denotes a species documented by audio.
14.High counts that are multiples of 100 are assumed or known to be estimates, unless otherwide noted.
The Seasonal Report  is a compilation of seasonal bird sightings from throughout Minnesota. We particularly invite reports from parts of the state that have been neglected or covered lightly in past reports. To become a contributor, contact the Editor of The Loon (editor AT



Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
Snow Goose
(Anser caerulescens)
last spring date, 5-14, Traverse Co, RAG.
Canada Goose
(Branta canadensis)
6-24, Fargo-Moorhead, EGA.
Wood Duck
(Aix sponsa)
breeding in Hennepin (RLH), Ramsey (ACR, ELC, MAS), St. Louis (JWG), Lake (JNG), Beltrami (JAM), Wabasha (BF), Winona (BF) and Houston (BF) Counties.
Blue-winged Teal
(Spatula discors)
breeding in Ramsey (ELC), Winona (GD) and Hubbard (LWJ) Counties; also seen at Duluth (breeding?) fide JCG.
American Wigeon
(Mareca americana)
Pelican Lake, near Orr, St. Louis Co, 6-7 thru 6-14, ad and lOy, NJH; Round Lake, Itasca Co, 7-6, six separate broods, JAM.
(Anas platyrhynchos)
breeding in Hennepin (RLH), Ramsey CACR, ELC), St. Louis (JCG, DM, SNE, VFB), Cook (JCG, AEA, HH), Beltrami (MG, JAM), Lake (JCG), Cass (JAM), Crow Wing (TEM), Hubbard (LWJ) and Roseau (PEB) Counties.
Northern Pintail
(Anas acuta)
breeding, Fargo-Moorhead, EGA.
Green-winged Teal
(Anas crecca)
6-16, Duluth, RBJ; July, Anoka Co, DP.
Ring-necked Duck
(Aythya collaris)
breeding in Beltrami (JAM), St. Louis (JCG), Lake (JNG) and Anoka (DP) Counties.
Greater Scaup
(Aythya marila)
last spring date, 6-6, Duluth, St. Louis Co, JCG.
White-winged Scoter
(Melanitta deglandi)
6-10, Duluth, BT.
Common Goldeneye
(Bucephala clangula)
breeding in St. Louis (JCG, NJH), Lake (JCG), Beltrami (JAM) and Cook (fide JCG) Counties.
Hooded Merganser
(Lophodytes cucullatus)
breeding in St. Louis Co, JCG.
Red-breasted Merganser
(Mergus serrator)
breeding in Lake Co, JP.
New World Quail
Northern Bobwhite
(Colinus virginianus)
7-4, Carlos Avery Refuge, Anoka Co, 1 y found DOR, DP, JW, RLH; 7-18, Wabasha Co, ad and 3y, DRM; 7-25, Faribault, 1 calling, OR; 8-28, Castle Rock, Dakota Co, ad and 8y, OR.
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Ruffed Grouse
(Bonasa umbellus)
breeding in Washing ton (ELC), Itasca (JAM), Beltranfi (JAM), St. Louis (NJH), Lake (JCG) and Roseau (PEB) Counties.
Sharp-tailed Grouse
(Tympanuchus phasianellus)
6-24, Sax, St. Louis Co, DM.
Greater Prairie-Chicken
(Tympanuchus cupido)
6-13, Mahno men Co, RAG.
Ring-necked Pheasant
(Phasianus colchicus)
breeding in Ramsey (ELC) and Clay (DM) Counties; also Fargo-Moorhead, EGA.
Pied-billed Grebe
(Podilymbus podiceps)
breeding in Ramsey (ELC), Lake (JP), Itasca (JAM), Clay (DM), Stevens (RBJ) and Hubbard (ACR) Counties.
Horned Grebe
(Podiceps auritus)
6-20, Lake Superior, Big Sucker River, RLH; 8-5, Farm Lake, Lake Co., JCG.
Eared Grebe
(Podiceps nigricollis)
one seen 6-16,Lake Superior, Big Sucker River, St. Louis Comtty, RBJ.
Western Grebe
(Aechmophorus occidentalis)
breeding, Frog Lake, Stevens Co, RAG, RLH, ES, others.
Pigeons, Doves
Mourning Dove
(Zenaida macroura)
breeding in Ramsey (ACR, ELC), Clay (DM), Anoka (MAS) and Hubbard (LWJ) Counties. Yellow·billed Cuckoo: 6-8, Duluth, JCG; 6-14, Wadena Co. pair in breeding condition collected, RO; 6·17, Fargo-Moor· head, EGA; 8-8, building (??), Henne· pin Co, MAS; Nobles 0::>, all summer, common, HSH.
Black-billed Cuckoo
(Coccyzus erythropthalmus)
breeding in Hennepin (MAS), Ramsey (MAS) and Crow Wing (TEM) Counties.
Eastern Whip-poor-will
(Antrostomus vociferus)
Winona Co, Gilmore Valley, all summer, GD; 6-27, Ely, St. Louis Co, HEP.
Chimney Swift
(Chaetura pelagica)
breeding Ramsey (ELC) and Crow Wing (MSB) Coun ties.
Ruby-throated Hummingbird
(Archilochus colubris)
breed· ing in CI'ow Wing (ELC) and Hubbard (LWJ) Counties.
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Virginia Rail
(Rallus limicola)
6-6, Minnepolis, ad and y, MAS.
(Porzana carolina)
breeding in Crow Wing (TEM), Wright (GS) and Washington (ACR) Counties.
Common Gallinule
(Gallinula galeata)
7-4, Anoka Co, ad and 6y, RBJ.
American Coot
(Fulica americana)
breeding in Ramsey (ELC), Beltrami (JAM) and Clay CDM) Counties.
Yellow Rail
(Coturnicops noveboracensis)
5-23, Becker Co, nest and eggs destroyed under foot, RLH; 6-14, Mahnomen Co, one heard, Mr. Joseph Hagar.
Sandhill Crane
(Antigone canadensis)
Normally this species nests only in the very northwestern part of our state, but this summer a captive bird mated with a wild one at the Carlos Avery Refuge, Anoka Co, and raised 2y, MAS, DB, others. It has also been reported recently that this species may nest at the Rice Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Aitkin Co.
Stilts, Avocets
American Avocet
(Recurvirostra americana)
Salt Lake, Lac qui Parle Co, 2 nests, 4 eggs each, RAG.
Black-bellied Plover
(Pluvialis squatarola)
last spring date 6-6,Stevens Co, DP, HFH, RLH; fall dates, 8-18, Duluth, DM; 8-22, Duluth, DP, FL; 8-24, Duluth, DB.
American Golden-Plover
(Pluvialis dominica)
spring-fall overlap of dates, Stevens Co, 6-7, 6-11, 6-18, 6-28, 7-1, 7-8 and 7-12, RAG; Traverse Co, 8-30, RAG and 9-6, RAG, RLH.
(Charadrius vociferus)
breeding in Ramsey (ELC), St. Louis (HM, DM), Lake (RLH), Winona (GD) and Roseau (PEE) Counties.
Semipalmated Plover
(Charadrius semipalmatus)
last spring dates, 6-6,Lac qui Parle Co, DP; 6-7, Stevens Co, RAG; fall dates, 7-28, Brown Co, DB; 8-12, Clay Co, LWJ; 818, Duluth, DM; 9-6, Grant Co, RLH.
Piping Plover
(Charadrius melodus)
6-16, Duluth, RBJ; 8-14, Duluth, JCG; 8-18, Duluth, DM; 8-22, Duluth, DP, FL.
Upland Sandpiper
(Bartramia longicauda)
Clay Co, 6·2, nest and 4e, OAS; Stevens and Traverse Co's, about 10 pair, RAG; 7-4, Hennepin Oo, 9 birds, MAS.
Hudsonian Godwit
(Limosa haemastica)
latest spring dates, 6-5, 6-6, 6-7, Stevens Co, RAG, DP.
Ruddy Turnstone
(Arenaria interpres)
last spring dates, 5-31, Stevens Co, RAG; 6-6, Duluth, JCG; fall dates, 8-14, Duluth, JCG; 8-22, Duluth, FL, DP; 8-24, Duluth, DB.
Stilt Sandpiper
(Calidris himantopus)
6-10, 7-1, 7-8, Stevens Co, RAG; 7-28, Brown Co DB· 8-5 Frontenac, Goodhue Co, CMJ; '8-22: Duluth, JPP.
(Calidris alba)
latest spring dates, 6-6, Duluth, JCG; 6-6, Lac qui Parle Co, DP; 6-7, Stevens Co, RAG; 6-29 Duluth, DP, RG, RLH; fall dates, 7-26, Duluth, WRP; 8-22, Duluth, FL, DP.
(Calidris alpina)
latest spring dates, 6-5 Minneapolis, MAS; 6-6, Duluth, JCG; 6-6, Lac qui Parle Co, DP; 6-11, Stevens Co, RAG; fall dates, 8-5, Frontenac, Goodhue Co, CMJ.
Baird's Sandpiper
(Calidris bairdii)
last spring date, 6-6, Rock Co, DP; fall dates, 7-26, Duluth, WRP, RG; 8-18, Duluth, DM.
Least Sandpiper
(Calidris minutilla)
fall dates, 7-8, Stevens Co, RAG; 7-24, Duluth, JPP; 7-26, Duluth, WRP; 8-15, Duluth, JPP.
White-rumped Sandpiper
(Calidris fuscicollis)
last spring (Continued from page 89) dates, 6-6, Rock Co, DP; 6-6, Duluth, JCG; 6-7, 6-11, 6-14, Stevens Co, RAG.
Buff-breasted Sandpiper
(Calidris subruficollis)
spring dates, 6-5, Stevens Co, RAG; 6-6, Lac qui Parle Co, RBJ; fall dates, 7-26, Duluth, WRP, RG, RLH; 8-30, Traverse Co, about 35 seen, RAG.
Pectoral Sandpiper
(Calidris melanotos)
spring-fall overlap of dates, 6-6, Rock Co, DP; Stevens Co, 6-7, 6-11, 6-18, 6-27, 6-28, 7-8, 7-12, RAG; 7-21, Minneapolis, MAS; 7-30 Clay Co, LWJ; 8-12, Clay Co., LWJ.
Semipalmated Sandpiper
(Calidris pusilla)
last spring dates, 6-5, Minneapolis, MAS; 6-6, Duluth, JCG; 6-6, Rock Co, DP; 6-7, 6-11, Stevens Co, RAG; fall dates, 7-24, Duluth, JPP; 7-2, Duluth, WRP; 7-28, Brown Co, DB; 814, Duluth, JCG; 8-22, Duluth, FL; 8-26, Duluth, JCG.
(Calidris mauri)
5-31, Salt Lake, Lac qui Parle Co, two, RAG.
Short-billed Dowitcher
(Limnodromus griseus)
5/24, Stevens Co, RAG; 8/29, Sibley Co, 2 seen, RBJ, DB.
Long-billed Dowitcher
(Limnodromus scolopaceus)
5-7, Stevens Co, RAG; 6-28, Stevens Co, RAG; 8-2, Mahnomen Co, DP.
American Woodcock
(Scolopax minor)
7-27, Beltrami Co, MG.(See article elsewhere in this issue)
Spotted Sandpiper
(Actitis macularius)
breeding in Ram· sey (ACR, ELC), Lake (JP) and St. Louis (DM, RLH) Counties.
Solitary Sandpiper
(Tringa solitaria)
last spring date, 6-2, Duluth, PBH; fall dates, 7-4, Anoka Co, DP, RLH; 7-12, Stevens Co, RAG; 7-16, Lake Co, JNG; 7-20, Itasca Co, JAM; 8-29, Lake Co, JNG.
Lesser Yellowlegs
(Tringa flavipes)
spring-fall overlap of dates, Stevens co, 6-6, 6-11, 6-18, 6-26, 7-1, 7-8, RAG; 7-11, Minneapolis, MAS; 7-28, Brown Co, DB; 7-30, Clay Co, LWJ; 8-12, Clay Co, LWJ; 8-15, Duluth, JPP. Knot: last spring date, 6-6, Lac qui Parle Co, RBJ.
(Tringa semipalmata)
6-14 Stevens Co, RAG.
Greater Yellowlegs
(Tringa melanoleuca)
spring-fall overlap of dates, Stevens Co, 6-6, 6-27, 7-1, 7-8, 7-12, RAG, RLH, DP, HFH; 7-28, Brown Co, DB: 7-29, Clay Co, LWJ; 8-12, Clay Co, LWJ.
Wilson's Phalarope
(Phalaropus tricolor)
6/6, Lac qui Parle Co, DP; 6/7, 6/11, 6/27, 7/1, Stevens Co, RAG; 8/30, Grant Co, RAG; 8/12, Clay Co, LWJ.
Gulls, Terns
Bonaparte's Gull
(Chroicocephalus philadelphia)
latest spring date, 6-6, Duluth, JCG; fall dates, 8-10, Lake Co, JCG; 8-22, Duluth, DP, HFH.
Herring Gull
(Larus argentatus)
breeding in Cook (AEA) and St. Louis (HM, DM) Oounties.
Caspian Tern
(Hydroprogne caspia)
last spring dates, 6-28, Crow Wing Co, TEM; fall dates, 9-6, Dassel, RLH.
Black Tern
(Chlidonias niger)
breeding in Ramsey (ELC, ACR), Hubbard (LWJ) and Clearwater (LWJ) Counties; seen all summer, Crow Wing Co, TEM.
Common Tern
(Sterna hirundo)
all summer, Crow Wing Co, TEM; breeding at Duluth, DM.
Red-throated Loon
(Gavia stellata)
6-10, Duluth, St. Louis Co, BT.
Common Loon
(Gavia immer)
breeding in Crow Wing (ELC), Ramsey (ELC, ACR), Lake (JCG) and St. Louis (DRM) Counties.
Double-crested Cormorant
(Nannopterum auritum)
6-15, Dul uth, RBJ.
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
American Bittern
(Botaurus lentiginosus)
breeillng in Crow Wing Co, MSB.
Least Bittern
(Ixobrychus exilis)
breeding in Wright Co, GS, one seen 7-4 Anoka Co, RBJ.
Great Blue Heron
(Ardea herodias)
breeding in St. Louis (VFB, DRM) and Dakota (GL) Counties.
Green Heron
(Butorides virescens)
one stray seen 6-20 in Lake Co, n. of Two Harbors, (See Notes of Interest), DP, RG, RLH; breeding in Ramsey Co, ELC. Common Egret: Clay Co, 7-19, EGA; breeding in Dakota Co, GL.
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron
(Nyctanassa violacea)
breeding as usual at La Crescent, Houston Co, CFV, FN) and also breeding in South Saint Paul, Dakota Co, GL, RLH, photographed by HFH; another very interesting record was a single immature seen at Superior, Wisconsin, (just south of Duluth) on 7-9 by Mary Donald and others.
New World Vultures
Turkey Vulture
(Cathartes aura)
7-14 and 8-15, Wabas ha Co, FN, RBJ; all summer, Lake Co, JCG.
(Pandion haliaetus)
6-8, Fargo-Moorhead, EGA; 8-2 and 8-17, Crow Wing Co, TEM; breeding in St. Louis (JWG) and Lake (JCG) Counties.
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Northern Harrier
(Circus hudsonius)
breeding in Roseau Co, PEB.
American Goshawk
(Accipiter atricapillus)
8-14, Crow Wing Co, MSB; 8-29, Lake Co, JCG. . Red-tailed Hawk: breeding in Crow Wing (MSB) and Roseau (PEB) Coun ties.
Bald Eagle
(Haliaeetus leucocephalus)
6-17, Cook Co, RBJ; breedingwise, our national emblem isn't faring so well; an inventory of known nests in the Chippewa National Forest this summer revealed that only 30 of 55 nests were active this summer; even more discouraging, only 15y were brought off from the 30 nests, JAM.
Red-tailed Hawk
(Buteo jamaicensis)
last spring date, 4-4, Traverse Co, RAG, first fall date, 9-3, Dakota Co, RLH.
Screech-Owls, Owls
Eastern Screech-Owl
(Megascops asio)
breeding in Stevens (RAG) and Ramsey (ELC) Counties; 8-15, Beltrami Co, MG.
Great Horned Owl
(Bubo virginianus)
breeding in Da· kota (MAS), Stevens (RAG), Blue Earth (EK) and Roseau (PEE) Coun· ties.
(Athene cunicularia)
Traverse Co, 2 nesting pairs, Stevens Co, 1 nesting pair, RAG.
Barred Owl
(Strix varia)
7-30, Lake Co, JCG; seen regularly, Cook Co, HH; breeding St. Louis Co, JWG.
Great Gray Owl
(Strix nebulosa)
7-4 and 7-18 near Canyon, St. Louis Co, DM. (See Notes of Interest)
Long-eared Owl
(Asio otus)
6-19, Twig, St. Louis Co, JCG.
Short-eared Owl
(Asio flammeus)
breeding, Roseau Co, PEE.
Northern Saw-whet Owl
(Aegolius acadicus)
7-2, Meadowlands, St. Louis Co, JWG; 7-13, Farm Lake, Lake Co, JCG; 8-27, Farm Lake, Lake Co, 1 imm banded, JCG.
Belted Kingfisher
(Megaceryle alcyon)
breeding Ramsey (ELC), Lake (JCG) and St. Louis (FS) Counties.
Red-headed Woodpecker
(Melanerpes erythrocephalus)
breeding Ramsey (ELC), Beltrami (fide MG), Hennepin (MAS), Dakota (MAS) and Goodhue (GD) Counties.
Red-bellied Woodpecker
(Melanerpes carolinus)
breeding Ramsey (ELC) and Rice (MAS) Counties.
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
(Sphyrapicus varius)
breeding Lake (DM) and Goodhue (MAS) Counties.
Downy Woodpecker
(Dryobates pubescens)
breeding Ramsey (ELC), Hennepin (MAS), Winona (FV) and Hubbard (LWJ) Counties; also Fargo-Moorhead, EGA. Black-backed Woodpecker: 6-30, Mt. Iron, St. Louis Co, WJM; 7-13, Newton Lake, Lake Co., JNG; 7-20, Gunflint Lake, Cook Co., HH; 8-4, South Farm Lake, Lake Co., JNG.
Hairy Woodpecker
(Dryobates villosus)
breeding Ramsey (ELC), Crow Wing (TEM), Hubbard (LWJ) and Hennepin (MEH) Counties; also Fargo-Moorhead, EGA.
Northern Flicker
(Colaptes auratus)
breeding Ram· sey (ELC), St. Louis (DM, SM, AKA), Beltrami (JAM), Crow Wing (TEM), Winona (GD) and Hubbard (LWJ) Counties; also Fargo-Moorhead, EGA.
Pileated Woodpecker
(Dryocopus pileatus)
Hibbing, St. Louis Co, 6-20, 2y in nest, MJE.
Caracaras, Falcons
American Kestrel
(Falco sparverius)
breeding in Wabasha Co, DRM. Sp1·uce Grouse: 7-13, Farm Lake, Lake Co, female and 3y, JCG; 7-29 Greenstone Lake, Lake Co, JNG; 8-3, South Kawishiwi River, Lake Co. JNG; 8-9, Gheen, St. Louis Co, N JH.
Peregrine Falcon
(Falco peregrinus)
latest spring dates, 5-2, Stevens Co, RAG; 5-31, Lac qui Parle Co, RAG; first fall date, 8-31, Ramsey Co, RLH.
Great Crested Flycatcher
(Myiarchus crinitus)
breeding in Beltrami (JAM), St. Louis (CS), Winona (KL), Hubbard (LWJ), Lake (JCG), and Roseau (PEB) Counties; also Fargo-Moorhead, EGA.
Western Kingbird
(Tyrannus verticalis)
7-27, Fargo-Moorhead, 40 birds, EGA; breeding Clay (DM) and Hubbard (LWJ) Counties; 6-27 Anoka Co., 2 seen, RBJ.
Eastern Kingbird
(Tyrannus tyrannus)
breeding Ramsey CACR, ELC), Beltrami (JAM), Clay (DM), St. Louis (MJM), Wabasha CDRM), Hubbard (LWJ) and Roseau CPEB) Counties.
Olive-sided Flycatcher
(Contopus cooperi)
Crow Wing Co, pair most of summer, MSB.
Eastern Wood-Pewee
(Contopus virens)
breeding St. Louis (DM), Crow Wing (TEM), Hubbard (LWJ) Counties.
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher
(Empidonax flaviventris)
latest spring date, 6-14, Two Harbors, RK; fall dates, 8-3, Lake Co, JCG; 8-3, Crow Wing Co, TEM.
Eastern Phoebe
(Sayornis phoebe)
breeding Wabasha (RG), Crow Wing (ELC, TEM), St. Louis (HM, DM), and Clearwater (ACR) Counties; also Winona Co, feeding y Cowbird, DRM.
Bell's Vireo
(Vireo bellii)
6-12, Luverne, Rock Co, RLH; 6·14, Wabasha Co, nest empty, RG, RLH; 8·7, Winona Co, heard, FV; 8·15 Winona Co., 3 singing, RBJ.
Yellow-throated Vireo
(Vireo flavifrons)
fall date, 8-16, Minneapolis, DB.
Philadelphia Vireo
(Vireo philadelphicus)
7-10, Pickerel Lake, Lake Co, JCG.
Warbling Vireo
(Vireo gilvus)
breeding Ramsey (MAS), Winona (GD) and Hubbard (LWJ) Counties.
Red-eyed Vireo
(Vireo olivaceus)
breeding Crow Wing ELC), St. Louis (VFB, MWM, HM), Lake (JCG) and Hubbard (LWJ) Counties; 8-17, Crow Wing Co, ad feed· ing 1y Cowbird, TEM.
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Canada Jay
(Perisoreus canadensis)
7-4 Meadowlands, St. Louis Co, ad feeding 1 y, DM.
Blue Jay
(Cyanocitta cristata)
breeding Hennepin (MAS), Ramsey (ACR), Winona (GD, CG) and Hubbard (LWJ) Counties; also FargoMoorhead, EGA.
American Crow
(Corvus brachyrhynchos)
breeding Lake (DM) and St. Louis CWM) Counties. Black-capped Chickadee:breeding Ram sey (MAS, ELC), St. Louis (CS), Hen nepin (MEH), and Crow Wing (TEM) Counties; also Fargo-Moorhead, EGA.
Common Raven
(Corvus corax)
7-18, Hinckley, Pine Co, 4 at roadkill, RAG; Lake and Cook Co's, throughout June and July, fide JCG.
Chickadees, Titmice
Boreal Chickadee
(Poecile hudsonicus)
7-26, McNair, Lake Co, 2 ad and 4y, RG, WRP, RLH.
Tufted Titmouse
(Baeolophus bicolor)
Ramsey Co, Bald Eagle Lake, 1 y at feeder, ELC; two other Titmouse "families" reported to ELC from around the lake; 7-17, Hennepin Co., RBJ.
Horned Lark
(Eremophila alpestris)
Hennepin Co, several nests, EWJ.
Martins, Swallows
Bank Swallow
(Riparia riparia)
breeding in Clay (DM), Crow Wing (MSB) and St. Louis (FS) Counties.
Tree Swallow
(Tachycineta bicolor)
breeding in Ramsey (ELC), Crow Wing (ELC, MSB, TEM), St. Louis (SM, HM, JWG, DM, JCG, SNE), Beltrami (MG, JAM) and Hubbard (LWJ) Counties.
Northern Rough-winged Swallow
(Stelgidopteryx serripennis)
breeding Ramsey Co, ELC and Fargo-Moorhead, EGA.
Purple Martin
(Progne subis)
breeding Ramsey (ELC), St. Louis (RLH), Crow Wing (MSB, TEM), Winona (GD), Hubbard (LWJ) and Roseau (PEB) Counties; also Fargo-Moorhead, EGA.
Barn Swallow
(Hirundo rustica)
breeding St. Louis (MWM, HM, DM), Beltrami (JAM), Lake (JCG), Clay (DM) and Hubbard CLWJ) Counties.
Cliff Swallow
(Petrochelidon pyrrhonota)
breeding St. Louis (HM, DM, JCG), Cook (AEA), Lac qui Parle (RAG), Crow Wing (TEM), Wabasha CDRM) and Nobles (HSH ) Counties.
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
(Corthylio calendula)
reports from St. Louis Co: 6·1 thru 6-28, pair, Dul· uth, JNG; 6·10, Normanna, JCG; 6·20, Kelsey, JCG; 6-25, Sax, JCG; 6·28, French River, JCG; 7·1 Hibbing, HM; and Lake Co, South Farm Lake, 7·7, JCG.
Golden-crowned Kinglet
(Regulus satrapa)
8-8, Hibbing, St. Louis Co, 2 ad and 8y, HM.
Cedar Waxwing
(Bombycilla cedrorum)
breeding Crow Wing (ELC), Beltrami (JAM), St. Louis (DM), Houston (GG) and Hubbard (ACR, LWJ) Counties.
Red-breasted Nuthatch
(Sitta canadensis)
breeding St. Louis Co, CS, HM.
White-breasted Nuthatch
(Sitta carolinensis)
6-25, Mt. Iron, St. Louis Co., WJM; 7-29, Virginia, St. Louis Co, VFB; 8-19, Pelican Lake, St. Louis Co, NJH; breeding Ramsey (ELC), Hennepin (MEH), and Crow Wing (TEM) Counties; also Fargo- Mom:head, EGA.
Brown Creeper
(Certhia americana)
7-4 Fargo-Moorhead, EGA; 7-17, Pelican Lake, St. Louis Co, NJH; 7-31, Gunflint Lake, Cook Co, HH.
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
(Polioptila caerulea)
8·13, Rice Co, MAS; 7·7, Winona Co, 2 ad and 2 y, fide GD.
House Wren
(Troglodytes aedon)
breeding Ramsey (ACR, ELC), Crow Wing (ELC), St. Louis (SM, AKA), Dakota (fide ACR), Roseau CPEB), Wabasha CDRM), Beltrami (MG) and Hennepin (MEH) Counties, also Fargo-Moorhead, EGA.
Winter Wren
(Troglodytes hiemalis)
6-10, Duluth, JCG; 6-20, Canyon, St. Louis Co, JCG; 7-18, Kelsey, St. Louis Co, DM; July, 8 localities in Lake Co, JCG.
Marsh Wren
(Cistothorus palustris)
breeding Wright Co, GS.
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Gray Catbird
(Dumetella carolinensis)
breeding Ramsey (ELC), St. Louis (SNE), Wabasha (DRM), Hub· bard (LWJ) and Roseau (PEB) Coun· ties; also Fargo-Moorhead, EGA.
Brown Thrasher
(Toxostoma rufum)
breeding Ramsey (ACR, ELC), St. Louis (HM, DM, SM, SNE, AKA), Wabasha (DRM), Winona (GG) and Beltrami (MG) Counties; also Fargo-Moorhead, EGA. Robin: breeding in Ramsey, St. Louis, Lake, Beltrami, Clay, Hennepin, Crow Wing, Winona, Wabasha and Hubbard Counties.
Northern Mockingbird
(Mimus polyglottos)
Ramsey Co, 1 adult seen from about 5-1 to 7-1, Mrs. L. A. Carlson; 8-18, Minneapolis, KWE. DP informs me that a woman in Anoka Co brought several nestling Mockers home with her from Kansas and raised them as "pets" this summer.
Eastern Bluebird
(Sialia sialis)
breeding St. Louis (HM, DM), Beltrami (MG), Winona (GD), Wabasha (GD), Hubbard (LWJ) and Dakota (fide ACR) Counties; also Fargo-Moorhead, EGA.
(Catharus fuscescens)
breeding St. Louis Co, VFB.
Swainson's Thrush
(Catharus ustulatus)
6·3, Fargo-Moor· head, EGA.
Wood Thrush
(Hylocichla mustelina)
6·27 and 7·11, Crow Wing Co, TEM; 7·12, Hennepin Co., RBJ.
(Anthus spragueii)
all summer near Fe!· ton, Clay Co, at usual spot, undoubted· ly breeding.
Evening Grosbeak
(Coccothraustes vespertinus)
although this· species has been recorded for the past few summers feeding young in northern Minnesota, not until this year were the nests actually found. 6-26, near Brainerd, Crow Wing Co, nest found by Robert and Rita Dzilna, photographed by W. J. Breckenridge. 6-28, near Gheen, St. Louis Co, 1y fell from nest 14 feet up in White Pine, NJH; young being fed were reported from Hubbard (ACR, LWJ), Beltrami (JAM, MG), Crow Wing, (MSB), Cass (MG) and St. Louis (PBH, HEP, AKA) Counties.
Purple Finch
(Haemorhous purpureus)
breeding in St. Louis (AKA), Crow Wing (MSB), Beltrami (MG) and Hubbard (ACR, LWJ) Counties.
Red Crossbill
(Loxia curvirostra)
Crow Wing Co, throughout summer, visiting feeder, MSB; 6-20, Lake Co, DP; 7-18, St. Louis Co, DM; Fargo-Moorhead, young seen early June, last adult 7-9, EGA.
White-winged Crossbill
(Loxia leucoptera)
7-10, Lake Co, JCG; 8-22, St. Louis Co, DP, HFH, RLH.
Pine Siskin
(Spinus pinus)
6-14, Hennepin Co, pair visiting feeder, MED; Fargo-Moorhead, June until 7-9, EGA; breeding St. Louis (DM, AKA) and Lake (JCG) Counties.
American Goldfinch
(Spinus tristis)
breeding St. Louis (DM), Ramsey (MAS), Winona (JM) and Hubbard (LWJ) Counties.
Longspurs and Snow Buntings
Lapland Longspur
(Calcarius lapponicus)
last spring date, 4 25, Stevens Co, RAG. on several counts. After several years of summer Evening Grosbeaks, the first two actual nests were found for the state. The Lark Buntings moved in from the west to breed in Lac qui Parle County and presumably Rock County. The Yellow-crowned Night Heron extended its nesting range northward by about a hundred miles. Dickcissels were "super-abundant" in the southern half of the state. Yellowbilled Cuckoos continued to show evidence of northward range expansion. Northern Bobwhite may be on the up-swing. The rare Kentucky Warbler put in two appearances and several species of northern warblers continued to show breeding evidence in northeasternMinnesota. Despite these interesting records, observations
Chestnut-collared Longspur
(Calcarius ornatus)
all summer at the usual spot in Clay Co, between Felton and Ulen, RLH, RG, DM. Part II: Transients
Towhees, Sparrows
Lark Sparrow
(Chondestes grammacus)
7-25, Hennepin Co, ad feeding 2y, MAS.
(Calamospiza melanocorys)
5-31, Salt Lake, Lac qui Parle Co, nest and 4e, RAG, photographed by ES; (see photo section); Rock Co, all summer, 100 or more, BWA.
Chipping Sparrow
(Spizella passerina)
breeding in Crow Wing (TEM, ELC), Beltrami (MG, JAM), St. Louis (HM, CS), Lake (JCG, DM), Hubbard (LWJ), Clearwater (LWJ) and Washington (ACR) Counties; also Fargo-Moorhead, 6-28, ad feeding 1y Cowbird, EGA.
Dark-eyed Junco
(Junco hyemalis)
7-18, Meadowlands, St. Louis Co, ad carrying food, DM; 6-16, Cook Co, RBJ.
White-crowned Sparrow
(Zonotrichia leucophrys)
late spring date, 6-13, Hibbing, St. Louis Co, SM.
White-throated Sparrow
(Zonotrichia albicollis)
breeding Lake (DM, JCG) and St. Louis (DM) Counties.
Vesper Sparrow
(Pooecetes gramineus)
6-5, Lake Vermillion, St. Louis Co, WJM; breeding Crow Wing Co, MSB.
LeConte's Sparrow
(Ammospiza leconteii)
St. Louis Co, 3 places in Sax-Zim area, JCG; all summer at usual spot in Becker Co, S of Waubun, RLH, RO, DP.
Nelson's Sparrow
(Ammospiza nelsoni)
all summer at usual spot in Becker Co, S. of Waubun, RAG, RLH, DP, RO.
Henslow's Sparrow
(Centronyx henslowii)
6-14, Winona Co, 2 singing, RG, RLH.
Savannah Sparrow
(Passerculus sandwichensis)
breeding St. Louis (JCG) and Anoka (MAS) Counties.
Song Sparrow
(Melospiza melodia)
breeding Hubbard (LWJ), Crow Wing (TEM), Goodhue (MAS) and St. Louis (HM, DM) Counties; Duluth, St. Louis Co, 7-3, ad feeding 1y Cowbird, AKA.
Lincoln's Sparrow
(Melospiza lincolnii)
6-25, Kelsey, St. Louis Co, JCG; 7-4, Meadowlands, St. Louis Co, ad carrying food, acting nervously, DM; 7-7, South Farm Lake, Lake Co, JNG.
Swamp Sparrow
(Melospiza georgiana)
breeding Lake (JCG), Crow Wing (MSB) and Anoka (RLH) Counties.
Blackbirds, Orioles
Yellow-headed Blackbird
(Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus)
breeding Ramsey (ACR, ELC, MAS), Clay (DM), Hennepin (MAS), Wright (MAS) and Winona (FVJ Counties; 6-6, Duluth, JCG.
Orchard Oriole
(Icterus spurius)
Sand Prairie, Wabasha Co. 6-3, nesting pair, one of which was a first year male, DRM; Winona Co, Knopp's Valley, pair feeding 6 large y, 7-20, JK.
Baltimore Oriole
(Icterus galbula)
breeding Ramsey (ACR, MAS, ELC), St. Louis (DM, VFB), Hennepin (MAS), Winona (GD) and Roseau (PEB) Counties. Brewer's Blacl~bird: breeding St. Louis (HM, DM), Clay (OAS) Counties; 7-3, Fernberg, Lake Co, six seen, JNG.
Red-winged Blackbird
(Agelaius phoeniceus)
breeding St. Louis (HM, DM, SM), Ramsey (ACR, MAS), Winona (GG), Hubbard (LWJ) and Becker (RLH) Counties.
Brown-headed Cowbird
(Molothrus ater)
See Eastern Phoebe, Yellow-throated Vireo, Redeyed Vireo, Yellow Warbler, Chestnutsided Warbler, Common Yellowthroat, Rosebreasted Grosbeak, Chipping Sparrow and Song Sparrow.
Common Grackle
(Quiscalus quiscula)
breeding Beltrami (JAM), Lake (JCG), Hennepin (RLH, MEH) and Washington (ACR) Counties.
Northern Waterthrush
(Parkesia noveboracensis)
spring date addenda, 5-6, Stevens Co, RAG; fall dates, 8-4, Minneapolis, MAS; 8-13, Rice Co, MAS; 8-17, Crow Wing Co, TEM; 8-22, Kelsey, St. Louis Co, DP, FL; 8 23, Minneapolis, DB.
Golden-winged Warbler
(Vermivora chrysoptera)
6·5, Canyon, St. Louis Co, JCG; 6-24, Zim, St. Louis Co, JCG; 8-16, Crow Wing Co, TEM; 8-21, Crow Wing Co, MSB.
Blue-winged Warbler
(Vermivora cyanoptera)
7-14, Goodhue Co, ad and 1y, MAS.
Black-and-white Warbler
(Mniotilta varia)
fall dates, 7-18, Meadowlands, St. Louis Co, DM; 8-3, Crow Wing Co, TEM; 8-12, Minneapolis, MAS; 8-23, Minneapolis, DB.
Prothonotary Warbler
(Protonotaria citrea)
breeding Houston (RLH) and Anoka (FL) Counties.
Tennessee Warbler
(Leiothlypis peregrina)
last spring date, 6-16, Duluth, JNG; fall dates, 7-16, Duluth, PBH; 7-26, Hibbing, SM; 8-14, Duluth, JCG; 8-23, Minneapolis, DB. ;
Orange-crowned Warbler
(Leiothlypis celata)
fall dates, 8-3 (very early), Crow Wing Co, TEM; 8-26, Duluth, JCG.
Nashville Warbler
(Leiothlypis ruficapilla)
fall dates, 7-18, Meadowlands, St. Louis Co, DM; 8-16, Crow Wing Co, TEM; 8-23, Minneapolis, DB.
Connecticut Warbler
(Oporornis agilis)
spring dates, 520, Stevens Co, RAG; 6-6, Duluth, JCG; fall dates, 7-18, Meadowlands, St. Louis Co, DM.
Mourning Warbler
(Geothlypis philadelphia)
breeding Crow (MSB) and Lake (JP, JCG) Counties.
Common Yellowthroat
(Geothlypis trichas)
UNDERTAIL COVERTS July 1 singing intensity and frequency were noticeably reduced. Towards evening and under overcast skies this also occurred. The song was usually soften· ed in volume, shortened to three and a half or four notes, and lessened in fre· quency. During its most intense sing ing periods, I timed the song intervals at twelve to fifteen seconds and up to eighty.five songs in a series. In the slower periods, the intervals remained the same but a series rarely exceeded ten. Singing perches were usually obvious vantage points located anywhere from a bush two feet off the ground to a dead cottonwood thirty feet up; on the whole they were used quite consistently. One peculiar habit connected with
American Redstart
(Setophaga ruticilla)
breeding St. Louis (VFB), Crow Wing (TEM), Hubbard (LWJ) and Washington (ACR) Counties.
Cape May Warbler
(Setophaga tigrina)
breeding, 2 separate families, Lake Co, JCG.
Cerulean Warbler
(Setophaga cerulea)
6-14, Goodhue Co, RG, RLH; all summer, Anoka Co, DP, RG, JW, RLH.
Northern Parula
(Setophaga americana)
fall dates, 8-22, Kelsey, St. Louis Co, DP, RLH.
Magnolia Warbler
(Setophaga magnolia)
fall dates, 8-23, Minneapolis, DB.
Bay-breasted Warbler
(Setophaga castanea)
fall dates, 8-22, Kelsey, St. Louis Co, RLH; 8-23, Minneapolis, DB.
Blackburnian Warbler
(Setophaga fusca)
fall dates, 8-23, Minneapolis, DB.
Yellow Warbler
(Setophaga petechia)
breeding Cass (ACR), St. Louis (MWM, SNE, NJH, VFB), Beltrami (JAM), Crow Wing (TEM), and Hubbard (ACR, LWJ) Counties; also Fargo-Moorhead, EGA; Ramsey Co, ad feeding 1y Cowbird, ELC.
Chestnut-sided Warbler
(Setophaga pensylvanica)
breeding Crow Wing (MSB, TEM), Cook (MAF) and Lake (JCG) Counties; Crow Wing Co, 6-6, 3e and 1e Cowbird, ELC. Bay·breasted Warbler: 6-20, McNair, Lake Co, DP, RG, RLH; 7-10, Lake Vermillion St. Louis Co, RE.
Blackpoll Warbler
(Setophaga striata)
fall dates, 8-16, Minneapolis, DB; 8-30, Ely, St. Louis Co, JCG.
Black-throated Blue Warbler
(Setophaga caerulescens)
7·5, Lake Co, 11 mi E of Jordan, logging roads, RK.
Palm Warbler
(Setophaga palmarum)
7-4, Meadowlands, St. Louis Co, ad feeding 2y, DM.
Pine Warbler
(Setophaga pinus)
fall dates, 8-22, Kelsey, St. Louis Co, RLH.
Yellow-rumped Warbler
(Setophaga coronata)
breeding St. Louis (CS, DM), Lake (JCG) and Crow Wing (MSB) Counties.
Black-throated Green Warbler
(Setophaga virens)
breed ing Lake Co, Encampment Forest, JP.
Canada Warbler
(Cardellina canadensis)
fall dates, 8-23, Min neapolis, DB.
Wilson's Warbler
(Cardellina pusilla)
fall dates, 8-20, Min neapolis, RBJ; 8-24, Hibbing, HM; 825, Two Harbors, RK; 8-26, Duluth, JCG; 8-27, Lake Co, JCG.
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks
Northern Cardinal
(Cardinalis cardinalis)
breeding Ramsey Co, ELC; Fargo-Moorhead, ad and 2y at feeder, EGA.
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
(Pheucticus ludovicianus)
breeding Ramsey (ELC), St. Louis, ad feeding 3y and 1 y Cowbird (AKA), Crow Wing (MSB), Hennepin (MAS) and Winona (DRM) Counties.
Blue Grosbeak
(Passerina caerulea)
seen again all summer in Rock Co; has reached north and east to Blue Mounds State Park, about 7 miles N of Luverne, Rock Co, BWA. (See Notes of Interest)
Indigo Bunting
(Passerina cyanea)
8-14, Lake Co, JCG; breeding Crow Wing (TEM) and Hubbard (LWJ) Counties.
(Spiza americana)
reported as very numerous by observers in southern half of state; Northern-most records were Wadena (RO) and Clay (EGA) Counties.