Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon
The 1973-Summer Season
1 June through 31 July 1973
Marjorie M. Carr

The summer report for 1973 consists of 252 species, with actual or probable nesting for 207 of these species. The report has been compiled much as it has been with late June and early July dates for known migrants, such as ducks, shorebirds, and warblers, included in the report.

Northern waterfowl lingered into June, and by mid-month, the nesting season at Agassiz National Wildlife Refuge had not yet begun by many common ducks, such as Mallard and Blue-winged Teal. Refuge officials were puzzled by this.

One of the most exciting finds of the season were 2 adults and 1 downy flightless young Solitary Sandpiper in Aitkin Co. (TS) This is the first positive breeding evidence for this specie in Minnesota. The Thayer's or Iceland Gull on Lake Superior is unusual for June. We are trying to differentiate between these gulls, in as much as the Thayer's Gull has been declared a separate specie by the AOU. These gulls occur with some regularity along the North Shore each winter.

Observers reported Green Herons more numerous and widespread than ever before. Warblers were wandering, with northern species reported as far south as Hennepin and Winona counties.

The Henslow's Sparrow reports from Hennepin County were the first recorded there in 40 years. Chestnutcollared Longspurs were in good numbers on the Felton Prairie. A nest was found with 4 eggs. (5-26 HCK).

Key to the Seasonal Report
1.Upper case (LEAST TERN) indicates a Casual or Accidental species in the state.
2.Species are listed in brackets [Whooping Crane] when there is a reasonable doubt as to its origin or wildness.
3.Bracketed text following a species’ name indicates the total number of north and south counties.
4.Dates listed in bold (10/9) indicate an occurrence either earlier, later, or within the three earliest or latest dates on file.
5.Counties listed in bold (Aitkin) indicate an unusual occurrence for that county.
6.Counties listed in bold and with an underline (Becker) indicate a first county record.
7.Counties listed in italics (Crow Wing) indicate a first county breeding record.
8.Totals in bold (150) indicate a total within or exceeding the top three high counts for that species.
9.Totals in bold-italic (55) indicate a CBC total within or exceeding the top three high counts for that species.
10.Dagger “†” preceding observer’s initials denotes written documentation was submitted.
11“ph.” denotes a species documented with a photograph.
12.“v.t.” denotes a species documented by video.
13.“a.t.” denotes a species documented by audio.
14.High counts that are multiples of 100 are assumed or known to be estimates, unless otherwide noted.
The Seasonal Report  is a compilation of seasonal bird sightings from throughout Minnesota. We particularly invite reports from parts of the state that have been neglected or covered lightly in past reports. To become a contributor, contact the Editor of The Loon (editor AT



Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
Snow Goose
(Anser caerulescens)
Big Stone Refuge (Big Stone Co. all summer). Probably a cripple.
Canada Goose
(Branta canadensis)
Nested in Big Stone, Hennepin; seen in Marshall, Ottertail, Aitkin, Crow Wing, Grant, Sherburne, Anoka, Lac qui Parle, Washington, Cottonwood and Houston.
Wood Duck
(Aix sponsa)
Reports from 23 counties including Ramsey (159 young on Como Lake (6-26 J. Wedin Walters).
Blue-winged Teal
(Spatula discors)
Reports from 33 counties. ;
Northern Shoveler
(Spatula clypeata)
Nested in Aitkin (TS); seen also in Marshall, St. Louis (6-23 St. Louis R. JCG), Ottertail, Grant, Lac qui Parle, Lyon, Cottonwood, Hennepin, and Anoka.
(Mareca strepera)
Nested in Mille Lacs (6-13 MI); seen also in Lyon, Lac qui Parle, Wilkin, Ottertail, Clay, & Marshall.
(Mareca penelope)
Aitkin Co. (6-5 Mille Lacs Lake TS).
American Wigeon
(Mareca americana)
Seen in Marshall, St. Louis (6-23 St. Louis R. 2 pr. JCG); Aitkin, Wilkin, Grant, Lac qui Parle, & Lyon.
(Anas platyrhynchos)
Reports from 29 counties; (135 young on Como Lake, Ramsey Co. 6-26 J. Wedin Walters).
American Black Duck
(Anas rubripes)
Reports from Aitkin, Lake, Sherburne, Ramsey and Wabasha.
Northern Pintail
(Anas acuta)
Nested in Aitkin (5-28 TS); seen also in Jackson, Lyon, Yellow Medicine, Lac qui Parle, Pope, Ottertail, & Marshall.
Green-winged Teal
(Anas crecca)
Nested in Aitkin (TS); seen in Dakota, Hennepin, Sherburne, Lac qui Parle, Grant, Morrison, Ottertail, & Marshall.
(Aythya valisineria)
Reports from Marshall, Mahnomen, Aitkin, Wilkin, Big Stone, Lyon, and Hennepin.
(Aythya americana)
Nested in Pope, Big Stone, Hennepin, Sherburne, Nicollet, & Jackson; seen also in Marshall, Ottertail, Grant, Stearns, Lac qui Parle, & Lyon.
Ring-necked Duck
(Aythya collaris)
Nested in Marshall, Mahnomen, Itasca, Hubbard, St. Louis, Cass, Aitkin, Morrison, Sherburne, Anoka, Hennepin, & Nicollet; seen also in Ottertail, Grant, Pope, Kandiyohi, & Lac qui Parle.
Greater Scaup
(Aythya marila)
St. Louis Co. (Duluth 6-7 JAB).
Lesser Scaup
(Aythya affinis)
Seen in St. Louis, Marshall, Aitkin, Grant, Pope, Lac qui Parle, Lyon, & Hennepin.
White-winged Scoter
(Melanitta deglandi)
St. Louis (6-7 JAB).
(Bucephala albeola)
Hennepin (6-10 OJ).
Common Goldeneye
(Bucephala clangula)
Seen in Aitkin (7-16 TS) (7-23 EC); St. Louis (6-5 Duluth JCG); Lake (7-9 PBH).
Hooded Merganser
(Lophodytes cucullatus)
Reports from Marshall, St. Louis, Hubbard, Aitkin, Crow Wing, Sherburne, Hennepin, & Houston.
Common Merganser
(Mergus merganser)
Nested in Itasca; seen in St. Louis, Lake, Becker (7-22 GN).
Red-breasted Merganser
(Mergus serrator)
Nested in St. Louis & Lake; seen in Hennepin (7-22 CH) & Lyon (6-1 HCK).
Ruddy Duck
(Oxyura jamaicensis)
Reports from Marshall, Ottertail, Grant, Pope, Big Stone, Lac qui Parle, Yellow Medicine, Lincoln, Lyon, Carver, Sherburne, Hennepin, (150 males French Lake OJ), Ramsey, Washington & Nicollet.
New World Quail
Northern Bobwhite
(Colinus virginianus)
Nested in Rice (7-26 OAR), Dodge (RBJ); seen in Hennepin (6-25 PT), Itasca (7-4 BB) escapees; Cottonwood (6-20 LAF).
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Ruffed Grouse
(Bonasa umbellus)
Nested in Lake, St. Louis, Itasca, Hubbard, Cass, Aitkin, Mille Lacs, Grant, Sherburne, Anoka, Washington, & Dakota.
Sharp-tailed Grouse
(Tympanuchus phasianellus)
Nested in Aitkin; seen in Cottonwood (7-1 & 3 LAF).
Greater Prairie-Chicken
(Tympanuchus cupido)
6-16 Clay RBJ & KE.
Gray Partridge
(Perdix perdix)
Nested in Dakota & Murray; seen in Rice, Cottonwood, Lac qui Parle, Big Stone, Ste~rns, Clay, & Norman.
Ring-necked Pheasant
(Phasianus colchicus)
Nested in Hennepin & Dakota; seen in 19 other counties, including St. Louis.
Pied-billed Grebe
(Podilymbus podiceps)
Nested in 10 counties; seen in 11 others, including Itasca (6-4 GN), St. Louis (6-23 St. Louis River JCG) and (6-2 GN).
Horned Grebe
(Podiceps auritus)
Seen in Marshall (RBJ & KE)
Eared Grebe
(Podiceps nigricollis)
6-15 Marshall (KE) 7-8 Nicollet (JCG)
Western Grebe
(Aechmophorus occidentalis)
Nested in Kandiyohi (50+ Sunburg Lake BAH); Pope (30+ Simon Lake BAH); Big Stone (300+ Big Stone Refuge Staff); Nicollet (200 JWP); seen in Marshall, Grant, Douglas and Hennepin (6-10 OJ).
Pigeons, Doves
Mourning Dove
(Zenaida macroura)
Nested in 5 counties; seen in 23 other counties.
Yellow-billed Cuckoo
(Coccyzus americanus)
Seen in Clay, Mille Lacs, Stearns, Sherburne, Anoka, Hennepin, Goodhue, Murray, St. Louis (6-24 Duluth BB).
Black-billed Cuckoo
(Coccyzus erythropthalmus)
Seen in 21 counties.
Common Nighthawk
(Chordeiles minor)
Reports from 17 counties.
Eastern Whip-poor-will
(Antrostomus vociferus)
Nested in Sherburne; seen in Crow Wing, Aitkin, Anoka, Cook, Lyon, Cass.
Chimney Swift
(Chaetura pelagica)
Seen in 21 counties.
Ruby-throated Hummingbird
(Archilochus colubris)
Seen in 25 counties.
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
(Rallus elegans)
Houston Co. (LaCrescent 6-23 KE).
Virginia Rail
(Rallus limicola)
Nested in Wright; seen in Cottonwood, Dakota, Hennepin, Sherburne, Mille Lacs, Aitkin, & St. Louis (6-23 St. Louis River JCG).
(Porzana carolina)
Nested in St. Louis, Marshall, Crow Wing, Pope, & Hennepin; seen in Clay, Cass, Stearns, Sherburne, Anoka, Wright, Dakota, & Blue Earth.
Common Gallinule
(Gallinula galeata)
Nested in Houston; seen in Anoka.
American Coot
(Fulica americana)
Reports from 25 counties, as far north as Marshall & St. Louis (6-10 JCG).
Yellow Rail
(Coturnicops noveboracensis)
Aitkin (6-13 OJ) (7-6 RBJ). See Note of Interest (TS).
Sandhill Crane
(Antigone canadensis)
Nested in Aitkin (Rice Lake National Wildlife Refuge and NE of McGregor (TS), Mille Lacs (7-14 Mille Lacs Wildlife Refuge by Mgr., fide JCG); also seen in Sherburne (6-18 ShNWR staff).
Stilts, Avocets
American Avocet
(Recurvirostra americana)
6-1 LeSueur (St. Peter GN), 6-2 Nicollet (Swan Lake); 6-3 & 7-14 Clay (Moorhead Lagoons); 6-28 Big Stone (1 adult and 2 downy youn~ Big Stone Wildlife Refuge Mgr.).
Black-bellied Plover
(Pluvialis squatarola)
Clay (6-3 & 7-11 Moorhead Lagoons).
American Golden-Plover
(Pluvialis dominica)
6-15 Marshall (Agassiz).
(Charadrius vociferus)
Nesting reports from St. Louis, Aitkin~ Crow Wing, Pope, Kandi.yohi, Wnght, Ramsey, & Dakota; seen m 21 other counties.
Semipalmated Plover
(Charadrius semipalmatus)
Clay (6-3 & 7-11); Le Sueur (St. Peter 6-1), St. Louis (Duluth 6-5 & 6-9 (15). Piping. Plover Nested in Duluth.
Upland Sandpiper
(Bartramia longicauda)
Nested in St. Louis, Aitkin; seen in Polk, Red Lake, Mahnomen, Clay, Becker, Ottertail, Mille Lacs, Stearns, Lac qui Parle, Anoka, Hennepin, Dakota, & Rock (Blue Mounds State Park).
(Numenius phaeopus)
6-2 St. Louis (Duluth) Joe Gallian.
Hudsonian Godwit
(Limosa haemastica)
7-8 Big Stone (Big Stone Wildlife Refuge Mgr.), 7-11 Clay (Elsie Welter).
Marbled Godwit
(Limosa fedoa)
Nested in Big Stone, seen in Lac qui Parle (KE), Wilkin, Ottertail, Becker, Clay, Norman, Polk, Marshall, Roseau, & Lake of the Woods, (6-18 Baudette MMC).
Ruddy Turnstone
(Arenaria interpres)
6-3 Clay (Moorhead Lagoons), 6-9 St. Louis (Duluth).
(Calidris canutus)
7-13 Hennepin (OJ fide RBJ).
Stilt Sandpiper
(Calidris himantopus)
6-15 Ottertail; 7-11 Clay; 7-28 Hennepin.
(Calidris alba)
6-5 St. Louis (Duluth), 7-4 & 7-14 Clay (Moorhead Lagoons). Short-billed Dowicher 7-10 Hennepin. Dowicher Sp. 6-10 & 7-4 Clay.
(Calidris alpina)
6-3 Clay; 7-24 Hennepin.
Baird's Sandpiper
(Calidris bairdii)
6-1 LeSueur; 6-1 & 7-31 St. Louis; 7-24 Hennepin; 6-3 & 7-31 Clay.
Least Sandpiper
(Calidris minutilla)
6-3 Cottonwood; 7-3 Anoka; 7-5 Clay; 7-8 Hennepin; 7-16 Aitkin; 7-31 St. Louis.
White-rumped Sandpiper
(Calidris fuscicollis)
6-1 LeSueur; 6-5 St. Louis; 6-6 Aitkin; 6-15 Ottertail; 7-31 Clay.
Pectoral Sandpiper
(Calidris melanotos)
6-15 Ottertail; 7-4 & 7-31 Clay; 7-10 Hennepin; 7-13 (1 adult & 1 young) Cottonwood (LAF).
Semipalmated Sandpiper
(Calidris pusilla)
6-1 LeSueur; 6-3 and 7-31 Clay; 6-5 St. Louis; 7-9 Hennepin.
(Calidris mauri)
6-6 Aitkin (TS), 7-28 Hennepin (CH), 7-29 (ES); 7-31 Clay.
American Woodcock
(Scolopax minor)
Reports from Cook, Lake, Aitkin, Cass, Crow Wing, Mille Lacs, Sherburne, Wright, & Ramsey.
Wilson's Snipe
(Gallinago delicata)
Nested in Aitkin & Crow Wing; seen in 15 other counties.
Spotted Sandpiper
(Actitis macularius)
Reports from 23 counties.
Solitary Sandpiper
(Tringa solitaria)
Nested in Aitkin (7-11 TS); seen in Hennepin (6-27), Anoka (7-8), Washington (7-25), Houston (7-21), Clay (7-31).
Lesser Yellowlegs
(Tringa flavipes)
6-3 & 7-31 Clay; 6-22 Anoka; 7-18 Hennepin; 7-18 Morrison; 7-21 Wright; 7-21 Swift; 7-31 St. Louis (Duluth).
(Tringa semipalmata)
7-28 Hennepin.
Greater Yellowlegs
(Tringa melanoleuca)
7-5 Clay; 7-27 Hennepin.
Wilson's Phalarope
(Phalaropus tricolor)
6-2 Nicollet (Swan Lake JWP).
Gulls, Terns
Bonaparte's Gull
(Chroicocephalus philadelphia)
6-11 Mille Lacs (NMH), 7-31 Crow Wing 400 (TS), 6-7 & 9 St. Louis (Minn. Pt. JCG & RR), 6-21 Lake (JAB).
Franklin's Gull
(Leucophaeus pipixcan)
Seen in 17 counties, including Crow Wing, Hennepin, Goodhue, St. Louis (6-7 Duluth JAB).
Ring-billed Gull
(Larus delawarensis)
Nesting attempted in St. Louis (Duluth JCG), reports from Marshall, Ottertail, Grant, Mille Lacs, Wright, Hennepin, Dakota, Winona, Nicollet, Lyon, Lac qui Parle, Kandiyohi.
Herring Gull
(Larus argentatus)
Nested in St. Louis; seen also in Lake, Cook, Itasca, Aitkin, Mille Lacs, Washington, Dakota, Winona, & Lac qui Parle. ICELAND OR THAYER'S GULL 6-5 St. Louis (Stony Pt. MMC).
Caspian Tern
(Hydroprogne caspia)
6-9 St. Louis; 7-21 Kandiyohi.
Black Tern
(Chlidonias niger)
Nesting reported in 6 counties; seen in 21 other counties.
Common Tern
(Sterna hirundo)
Nested in Duluth (JCG); seen also in Crow Wing (7-12 EC); Mille Lacs (6-11 NMH); Stearns, Hennepin, Washington, Houston (7-21 FL).
Forster's Tern
(Sterna forsteri)
Seen in Marshall, Clay, Cass (7-28 GN), Todd, Pope, Swift, Kandiyohi, Wright, Hennepin, Nicollet, Jackson.
Red-throated Loon
(Gavia stellata)
6-7 Duluth JAB. Red•necked Grebe Nested in Itasca; seen in Marshall, Todd, Wright, Hennepin and Nicollet (7-15 JWP)
Common Loon
(Gavia immer)
Breeding cards from 11 counties including Pope and Kandiyohi; seen in 15 other counties.
Double-crested Cormorant
(Nannopterum auritum)
Nested in Lac qui Parle & Pope; seen also in Marshall, Clay, Grant, Aitkin, Mille Lacs, Kandiyohi, Hennepin, Nicollet & St. Louis (6-5 Duluth JCG).
American White Pelican
(Pelecanus erythrorhynchos)
Nested in Lac qui Parle (150 young Marsh Lake BAH), seen in Big Stone, Nicollet, Jackson & Cook (6-6 Taconite Harbor JP) (6-16 no. of Arrowhead R. fide MMC).
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
American Bittern
(Botaurus lentiginosus)
Seen in 23 counties. Swan (Species ?) Swift Co. (Hollerberg Lake 7-21 BAH).
Least Bittern
(Ixobrychus exilis)
Seen in Lincoln, Jackson, Nicollet, Wright, Sherburne, St. Louis (6-23 St. Louis River JCG).
Great Blue Heron
(Ardea herodias)
Nested in Pope (200 nests) St. Louis (100 nests) Mille Lacs (30 nests), Marshall, Itasca, Hubbard, Aitkin, Stearns & Hennepin; seen in 22 other counties.
Great Egret
(Ardea alba)
Nested in Pope (300+ nests); seen in Dakota, Kandiyohi & Koochiching (C Matsch).
Little Blue Heron
(Egretta caerulea)
Nested in Pope (8 young produced from 3 nests Lake Johanna BAH) (6/30 7 adults RG), also seen in 6/25 Aitkin Co. (6/25 BB).
Cattle Egret
(Bubulcus ibis)
Aitkin Co. (MacGregor 6-25 BB), Pope (Lake Johanna 6-2 (4 adults) BAH).
Green Heron
(Butorides virescens)
Nesting reports from 13 counties; seen in 10 others including Clay, Ottertail, Itasca, Crow Wing.
Black-crowned Night-Heron
(Nycticorax nycticorax)
Nested in Pope (300+ nests Lake Johanna) Marshall, Ottertail; reported from 15 other counties in southern half of state.
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron
(Nyctanassa violacea)
4 reports all from Houston Co. (6-2 KE) (7-21 RBJ) (6-16 & 7-29 FL) (7-4 KG).
New World Vultures
Turkey Vulture
(Cathartes aura)
Seen in Aitkin, Itasca, St. Louis, Lake, Goodhue, Wabasha, & Houston.
(Pandion haliaetus)
Nested in Crow Wing (TS); seen in Marshall, St. Louis, Itasca, Aitkin, Mille Lacs, Isanti (7-22 SC) & Big Stone.
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Northern Harrier
(Circus hudsonius)
Reports from 22 counties.
American Goshawk
(Accipiter atricapillus)
St. Louis (6-5 & 7-13 MMC), Aitkin (7-28 TS). Sharp-shinned. Hawk Seen in St. Louis, Aitkin, Mille Lacs & Sherburne. Cooper1s Hawk Nested in Crow Wing (TS) & Anoka (SC).
Bald Eagle
(Haliaeetus leucocephalus)
Nested in St. Louis, Cass & Aitkin; seen in Becker, Ita~ca, Mille Lacs, Isanti, & Houston (6-16 FL).
Red-shouldered Hawk
(Buteo lineatus)
Seen in Itasca, Cass, Aitkin, Mille Lacs, Anoka, Washington, Dakota.
Broad-winged Hawk
(Buteo platypterus)
Reports from Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Itasca, Cass, Aitkin, Crow Wing, Mille Lacs, Kanabec, Pine, Isanti, Sherburne, Anoka, Hennepin, Washington, Goodhue, & Wabasha.
Swainson's Hawk
(Buteo swainsoni)
Dakota Co. (7-4 RR) (7-23 RBJ), Olmstead Co. (7-24 RBJ), Dodge Co. (6-17 JAB).
Red-tailed Hawk
(Buteo jamaicensis)
Nested in Pope, Stearns, Kandiyohi, & Hennepin; seen in 25 other counties including Clay (6-15 Krider's KE).
Screech-Owls, Owls
Eastern Screech-Owl
(Megascops asio)
Seen in Sherburne, Hennepin, Lyon.
Great Horned Owl
(Bubo virginianus)
Nested in Pope, Crow Wing; seen in 6 other counties.
Barred Owl
(Strix varia)
Nested in Wabasha; seen in Sherburne, Crow Wing, Aitkin.
Long-eared Owl
(Asio otus)
Sherburne (7-14 1 picked up and later died ShNWR staff); St. Louis (6-9 Duluth JCG).
Belted Kingfisher
(Megaceryle alcyon)
Nested in Murray, Kandiyohi, St. Louis; seen in 29 other counties.
Red-headed Woodpecker
(Melanerpes erythrocephalus)
Reported from 33 counties, including St. Louis (Duluth JCG); Lake of the Woods (6-18 Baudette MMC).
Red-bellied Woodpecker
(Melanerpes carolinus)
Seen in Jackson, Houston, Winona, Wabasha, Blue Earth, Nicollet, Hennepin, Ramsey, Washington, Chisago, Stearns, Itasca (6-28 BB).
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
(Sphyrapicus varius)
Breeding card from Lake; seen in 16 other counties.
Downy Woodpecker
(Dryobates pubescens)
Breeding cards from Stearns, Clay, Wabasha; seen in 22 other counties. Black-backed. 3-toed Woodpecker St. Louis (6-4 & 6 GN), Itasca (6-30 BB).
Hairy Woodpecker
(Dryobates villosus)
Nested in Wabasha, Pope; seen in 24 other counties.
Northern Flicker
(Colaptes auratus)
Breeding cards from Goodhue, Mille Lacs, Stearns; seen in 32 other counties.
Pileated Woodpecker
(Dryocopus pileatus)
Seen in St. Louis, Itasca, Crow Wing, Mille Lacs, Stearns, Sherburne, Wright, Hennepin, Nicollet, Lake.
Caracaras, Falcons
American Kestrel
(Falco sparverius)
Reports from 33 counties.
(Falco columbarius)
Carlton Co. (6-7 JAB).
Great Crested Flycatcher
(Myiarchus crinitus)
Nested in Pope; seen in 25 other counties.
Western Kingbird
(Tyrannus verticalis)
Reported from 17 counties.
Eastern Kingbird
(Tyrannus tyrannus)
Breeding cards from Wright, Ottertail, St. Louis, & Mille Lacs; nested in 4 other counties; seen in 24 other counties.
Olive-sided Flycatcher
(Contopus cooperi)
Nested in Aitkin (7-21 TS), seen in Cottonwood, Hennepin, Ramsey, Washington, Mille Lacs, St. Louis, Lake, & Cook.
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher
(Empidonax flaviventris)
Seen in Itasca, Aitkin, (6-27 TS); Mille Lacs (6-4 MI); St. Louis, Lake, & Cook.
Acadian Flycatcher
(Empidonax virescens)
Houston (6-16 FL & 7-24 RBJ).
Least Flycatcher
(Empidonax minimus)
Nested in Aitkin, St. Louis; seen in 24 other counties.
Empidonax flycatcher
(Empidonax sp.)
Nested in Aitkin; seen also in Marshall, Itasca, St. Louis, Lake, Cook, Cass, Crow Wing, Mille Lacs, Stearns, Ramsey, Dakota, Goodhue, & Lyon.
Eastern Phoebe
(Sayornis phoebe)
Breeding cards from Crow Wing, Clearwater; seen in 22 other counties.
Bell's Vireo
(Vireo bellii)
Winona 7-4 (KG) & 7-21 (RBJ & FL).
Yellow-throated Vireo
(Vireo flavifrons)
Nesting report from Clay; seen in 17 counties.
Blue-headed Vireo
(Vireo solitarius)
Nested in Cook, Aitkin; also seen in Lake. Red-eyed Vi reo Nesting reports from Murray, Stearns, & Aitkin; seen in 28 other counties.
Philadelphia Vireo
(Vireo philadelphicus)
Cook (6-30 Mineral Center MMC).
Warbling Vireo
(Vireo gilvus)
Reported from 29 counties.
Loggerhead Shrike
(Lanius ludovicianus)
Nested in Pipestone & Morrison; seen in Dakota, Wright, Mille Lacs, Aitkin, Clay & Polk.
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Canada Jay
(Perisoreus canadensis)
Breeding card from Hubbard (JAB); seen in Cass, St. Louis, Lake, Cook.
Blue Jay
(Cyanocitta cristata)
Breeding cards from Lake, Wabasha, Cottonwood, Jackson; reported from 25 other counties.
Black-billed Magpie
(Pica hudsonia)
Marshall (6-15 Agassiz RBJ), Clay (5-29) 2 nests (David Parmelee et al), Roseau (6-18) 2 young (Roseau River Wildlife Area) MMC.
American Crow
(Corvus brachyrhynchos)
Reported from 30 counties.
Common Raven
(Corvus corax)
Nested in Lake, Cook; seen in St. Louis, Aitkin, Itasca, Pine (7-8 DM).
Chickadees, Titmice
Black-capped Chickadee
(Poecile atricapillus)
Reported from 28 counties.
Boreal Chickadee
(Poecile hudsonicus)
Breeding cards from Aitkin (TS), Hubbard (JAB); seen in Lake (7-10 ME).
Tufted Titmouse
(Baeolophus bicolor)
Ramsey (7-5 BB).
Horned Lark
(Eremophila alpestris)
Nested in Hennepin, St. Louis; seen in 23 other counties.
Martins, Swallows
Bank Swallow
(Riparia riparia)
Breeding cards from Lake, Hennepin; reported from 20 other counties.
Tree Swallow
(Tachycineta bicolor)
Breeding cards from 10 counties; seen in 23 other counties.
Northern Rough-winged Swallow
(Stelgidopteryx serripennis)
Nested in Clay, St. Louis; seen in 17 other counties, including Kittson.
Purple Martin
(Progne subis)
Seen in 34 counties.
Barn Swallow
(Hirundo rustica)
Reported from 35 counties.
Cliff Swallow
(Petrochelidon pyrrhonota)
Reported from 21 counties.
Golden-crowned Kinglet
(Regulus satrapa)
Nested in Clearwater, Aitkin, Lake; seen also in Wabasha (6-13 DM) Isanti (7-22 SC) Cook (JCG). Ruby-crowned King.Jet Reported from Aitkin, St. Louis, Lake & Cook.
Cedar Waxwing
(Bombycilla cedrorum)
Nested in Chisago, Lake, Hennepin, & Crow Wing; seen in 23 other counties.
Red-breasted Nuthatch
(Sitta canadensis)
Nested in Aitkin; seen in Itasca, St. Louis, Lake, Cook, & Pine.
White-breasted Nuthatch
(Sitta carolinensis)
Reported from 29 counties, including St. Louis & Lake.
Brown Creeper
(Certhia americana)
Nested in Aitkin (7-11 TS); seen in St. Louis, (6-5 GN), Lake.
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
(Polioptila caerulea)
Nested in Washington & Wabasha; seen in Hennepin, Ramsey, Nicollet, Goodhue, Houston.
House Wren
(Troglodytes aedon)
Breeding cards from Wright, Clay, Cottonwood, Wabasha, Stearns, Carlton, Hennepin, & Sherburne; seen in 28 other counties.
Winter Wren
(Troglodytes hiemalis)
Nested in Aitkin (TS); seen in Isanti (SC), Chisago (RBJ), St. Louis, Lake, Cook.
Sedge Wren
(Cistothorus stellaris)
Reported from 26 counties.
Marsh Wren
(Cistothorus palustris)
Reported from 18 counties.
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Gray Catbird
(Dumetella carolinensis)
Breeding cards from Crow Wing, Wright, Ramsey; seen in 31 other counties including Cook (6-30 JCG).
Brown Thrasher
(Toxostoma rufum)
Breeding cards from 6 counties; seen in 27 other counties, including Cook (6-30 JCG).
Northern Mockingbird
(Mimus polyglottos)
Itasca (7-2 BB), Wright (6-23 fide BAH), Polk (6-15 KE).
Eastern Bluebird
(Sialia sialis)
Breeding cards from 5 counties; seen in 25 other counties.
(Catharus fuscescens)
Reported from 19 counties, including Lyon.
Swainson's Thrush
(Catharus ustulatus)
Nested in Clearwater; seen in Lac qui Parle, Aitkin, St. Louis, Lake, & Cook.
Hermit Thrush
(Catharus guttatus)
Nested in Crow Wing, Aitkin (TS); seen in St. Louis, Lake, Cook.
Wood Thrush
(Hylocichla mustelina)
Nested in Crow Wing, Hennepin, Clearwater; seen in Clay, Itasca, Aitkin, Mille Lacs, Kanabec, Sherburne, Wright, Washington, Nicollet, and Winona.
American Robin
(Turdus migratorius)
Reported from 32 counties.
(Anthus spragueii)
6-10 Lac qui Parle (F & AE), 6-16 Clay (RBJ).
Evening Grosbeak
(Coccothraustes vespertinus)
Nested in St. Louis; seen in Cass,
Purple Finch
(Haemorhous purpureus)
Nested in St. Louis, Aitkin; seen in Cook, Lake, Itasca, Cass, Hubbard Marshall, <:row Wing, Pine, Mill~ Lacs, Isanti, Stearns.
Red Crossbill
(Loxia curvirostra)
Nested in Ramsey; seen in Cook Lake, St. Louis, Itasca, Aitkin, 6-2i Grant, 6-18 Stearns, 6-1 Lac qui Parle, 6-13 Cottonwood, also Isanti Anoka & Chisago. ' '
Pine Siskin
(Spinus pinus)
Nesting reports from St. Louis Aitkin, Ramsey; seen in 13 other counties including Lyon (7-14), Lac qui Parle (7-1), Ottertail (6-21), Clay (6-15).
American Goldfinch
(Spinus tristis)
Reported from 29 counties.
Longspurs and Snow Buntings
Chestnut-collared Longspur
(Calcarius ornatus)
Nested in Clay (5-26 Felton Prairie HCK), 6-15 KE & RBJ (50 birds), 7-1 PBH.
Towhees, Sparrows
Grasshopper Sparrow
(Ammodramus savannarum)
Reported from 22 counties from Rock to Cook (6-26 Sawhill Trail JCG).
Lark Sparrow
(Chondestes grammacus)
Seen in Anoka, Sherburne, Washington.
(Calamospiza melanocorys)
6-24 Rock (KE), 6-25 Aitkin (BB), 6-5 St. Louis (Minn. Pt. JCG).
Chipping Sparrow
(Spizella passerina)
Breeding cards from 5 counties; seen in 30 other counties.
Clay-colored Sparrow
(Spizella pallida)
Reported from 24 counties.
Field Sparrow
(Spizella pusilla)
Reported from 15 counties, including Ottertail (6-6 KE), Clay (7-1 PBH).
Dark-eyed Junco
(Junco hyemalis)
Nested in Aitkin, Lake; seen in St. Louis, Cook.
White-throated Sparrow
(Zonotrichia albicollis)
Seen in Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Itasca, Aitkin, Crow Wing, Carlton, Mille Lacs, Isanti, Hennepin, ((6-26 RBJ), Lac qui Parle (6-10 Boyd -Mrs. Oscar Eckhardt).
Vesper Sparrow
(Pooecetes gramineus)
Reported from 31 counties includ
LeConte's Sparrow
(Ammospiza leconteii)
Nested in Aitkin; reported from Lincoln, Cass, Hubbard, Becker, Clay, Mahnomen, Marshall, St. Louis (Duluth).
Nelson's Sparrow
(Ammospiza nelsoni)
8-1 Wilkin (Dr. Harrison B. Tordoff), 6-11 Becker (Mrs. E. W. Joul), 6-15 Mahnomen (RBJ & KE).
Henslow's Sparrow
(Centronyx henslowii)
5 reports, all from Hennepin.
Savannah Sparrow
(Passerculus sandwichensis)
Nesting reports from St. Louis Aitkin; seen in 22 other counties. '
Song Sparrow
(Melospiza melodia)
Reported from 30 counties.
Lincoln's Sparrow
(Melospiza lincolnii)
St. Louis (7-8 DM) -(6-24 Whiteface R. DB), Cook (6-30 Mineral Center MMC).
Swamp Sparrow
(Melospiza georgiana)
Seen in 26 counties.
Eastern Towhee
(Pipilo erythrophthalmus)
Nesting reports from Hubbard Dakota; also seen in Winona Wab~sha Washington, Anoka, Pine, Cass Itasc~ and St. Louis. '
Blackbirds, Orioles
Yellow-headed Blackbird
(Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus)
Nesting reports from Aitkin Ramsey, Wright, Jackson; seen in 26 other counties as far NE as St. Louis (JCG). Red-winged Blackbird. Reported from 31 counties.
(Dolichonyx oryzivorus)
Reports from 32 counties.
Eastern Meadowlark
(Sturnella magna)
Reports from 20 counties.
Western Meadowlark
(Sturnella neglecta)
Breeding cards from Lac qui Parle Wabasha; seen in 24 other counties.'
Orchard Oriole
(Icterus spurius)
Nested in Pipestone; seen in Rock Murray, Lincoln, Lyon, Blue Earth' Winona, Wabasha, Dakota, Hennepin' Lac qui Parle, Clay. '
Baltimore Oriole
(Icterus galbula)
Nesting reports from 9 counties; seen in 24 other counties.
Brown-headed Cowbird
(Molothrus ater)
Reported from 31 counties.
Rusty Blackbird
(Euphagus carolinus)
6-30 Cook (Mineral Center) MMC.
Brewer's Blackbird
(Euphagus cyanocephalus)
Reports from 22 counties.
Common Grackle
(Quiscalus quiscula)
Nesting reports from 6 counties; seen in 22 other counties.
(Seiurus aurocapilla)
Nested in Aitkin, St. Louis; seen in 14 other counties including Cottonwood.
Louisiana Waterthrush
(Parkesia motacilla)
Nested in Chisago (6-9 WL); seen in Washington.
Northern Waterthrush
(Parkesia noveboracensis)
Seen in Cook, St. Louis, Aitkin, Chisago (6-28 JAB)-migrant.
Blue-winged Warbler
(Vermivora cyanoptera)
Reports from Anoka (7-14 SC), Goodhue, Winona, and Houston. . Tennessee Warbler Seen in Cook, St. Louis, Itasca, Crow Wing, Aitkin, Pine, Anoka, Washington, Ramsey, Hennepin, and Winona.
Black-and-white Warbler
(Mniotilta varia)
Nested in Aitkin (TS); seen in Isanti, Pine, Itasca, St. Louis, Lake, and Cook.
Prothonotary Warbler
(Protonotaria citrea)
Nested in Wabasha (6-16 DM); Houston (7-21 RBJ & FL); also seen in Itasca (7-2 BB). Golden-winged' Warbler Breeding cards from Aitkin, Crow Wing, & St. Louis; seen in Hennepin, Washington, Chisago, Mille Lacs, Kanabec, & Cass.
Orange-crowned Warbler
(Leiothlypis celata)
Lyon (6-1 HCK).
Nashville Warbler
(Leiothlypis ruficapilla)
Nested in Lake; seen in Hennepin, Anoka, Chisago, Isanti, Pine, Carlton, Crow Wing, Aitkin, Cass, Itasca, St. Louis, & Cook.
Connecticut Warbler
(Oporornis agilis)
Nested in Aitkin (TS); seen in Cook (6-30 JCG) 8; Hennepin (6-11 FN) migrant.
Mourning Warbler
(Geothlypis philadelphia)
Nested in Aitkin; seen in Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Itasca, Crow Wing, Carlton, Chisago, Anoka, Hennepin, Washington.
Common Yellowthroat
(Geothlypis trichas)
Reports from 40 counties.
American Redstart
(Setophaga ruticilla)
Nesting reports from Crow Wing, Nicollet; seen in 21 other from Polk to Houston. counties
Cape May Warbler
(Setophaga tigrina)
Cook (6-30 Isabella JCG), Hennepin (6-2 Edina)-migrant.
Cerulean Warbler
(Setophaga cerulea)
Nested in Anoka; seen in Morrison, Stearns, Ramsey, Nicollet, Goodhue, Houston.
Northern Parula
(Setophaga americana)
Seen in Isanti, Aitkin, Itasca, St. Louis, Lake, & Cook.
Bay-breasted Warbler
(Setophaga castanea)
Seen in St. Louis Cook; migrant - Ramsey (7-1 St. Paul JAB).
Blackburnian Warbler
(Setophaga fusca)
Breeding cards from Aitkin, Crow Wing; seen in Anoka, Pine, Cass, Itasca, St. Louis, Lake, Cook.
Yellow Warbler
(Setophaga petechia)
Breeding cards from Crow Wing, Mille Lacs, Cottonwood; seen in 25 other counties. .Magnolia Warbler Nested in Aitkin & Lake; seen in Itasca, St. Louis, Cook.
Chestnut-sided Warbler
(Setophaga pensylvanica)
Breeding cards from Aitkin, Lake; seen in Washington, Isanti, Mille Lacs, Pine, Carlton, Cass, Hubbard, Itasca, St. Louis, Lake, Cook.
Black-throated Blue Warbler
(Setophaga caerulescens)
St. Louis (6-7 Duluth JAB), 6-9 JCG, Cook 6-26 JCG. Yellow-rumped. Warbler Seen in Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Itasca, Aitkin, Isanti, Anoka.
Palm Warbler
(Setophaga palmarum)
St. Louis (6-24 Whiteface River DB), Aitkin (6-8 TS).
Pine Warbler
(Setophaga pinus)
Seen in St. Louis, Crow Wing, Aitkin, Isanti, Chisago, Pine, Lake of the Woods.
Black-throated Green Warbler
(Setophaga virens)
Seen in Washington, Carlton, Aitkin, Cass, St. Louis, Lake, Cook.
Canada Warbler
(Cardellina canadensis)
Seen in Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Itasca; migrants -6-3 Ramsey; 6-2 & 9 Wabasha.
Wilson's Warbler
(Cardellina pusilla)
6-5 St. Louis (Minn. Pt. (JCG).
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks
Scarlet Tanager
(Piranga olivacea)
Seen in 22 counties.
Northern Cardinal
(Cardinalis cardinalis)
Breeding cards from Goodhue, Wabasha; seen in 17 other counties, including St. Louis (Duluth -1 male all summer MMC).
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
(Pheucticus ludovicianus)
Nesting reports from Clay, Wright, Pope; seen in 29 other counties.
Indigo Bunting
(Passerina cyanea)
Reported from 37 counties from Cook to Murray.
(Spiza americana)
Reported from 27 counties including Aitkin.