Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon
The 1974-Winter Season
1 December 1974 through 28 February 1975
by K. R. Eckert

Most of this winter wasn't too bad.

Snow and cold temperatures weren't very extreme, especially in December and early January. Below zero temperatures held off until January 11 in the Twin Cities, and all of this warmth helped late lingering migrants and Christmas Count totals. But on January 10 and 11 what was described as the worst blizzard on record hit. Especially in southern Minnesota thermometers and barometers nosedived, snowdrifts piled up everywhere, and worst off all extremely high winds blew everything away. Property damage was considerable but worst of all were the scores of people killed as well as severe livestock losses. Birds at feeders were almost wiped out in the southwest part of the state. Most feeder watchers reported losses of around 1/z to 2/3 and at least one observer reported a 100% loss! Species hardest hit were woodpeckers, chickadee, nuthatches, Brown Creeper, House Sparrow, siskin and goldfinch. The fact that some of these are hole and cavity roosters is hard to explain, though one possibility is that the snow driven by the extreme winds was so powdery that suffocation resulted even from a short exposure. At least three people I talked to who were out in the blizzard said they had trouble keeping blowing snow out of nostrils and mouth after just a brief time, so imagine the difficulties a bird would have. I found dead House Sparrows in my yard only two hours after the storm began, and since things continued for another day and a half without letting up, some birds must have gotten hungry enough to venture out to feed and were wiped out. Like I said, most of the winter wasn't bad, but that one weekend kind of spoiled the rest of it.

Perhaps as a result of the storm, birders later in January and February found things pretty quiet in the woods.

However, 45 observers reported a record 142 species. This is mainly due to the mild conditions in December that kept things around, especially for Christmas Counts. I only received copies of 26 counts to use for this report, but there were at least four other counts taken whose results I didn't see, so perhaps a species or two were missed for this compilation. Good Christmas Count totals were in the north (Duluth with 48 species) and west (Big Stone had 44) especially, but the most exciting counts were at Sherburne and Cottonwood. On the Sherburne count a Black-backed Three-toed Woodpecker was south of its normal range, a Townsend's Solitaire made one of its few appearances, and best of all was a first state record Lewis' Woodpecker which hung around for another four months. And Cottonwood had a Prairie Falcon which was the first winter report in the state since the early '60's, along with an unprecedented Pecoral Sandpiper which is certainly a winter first.

Other highlights? Water birds were especially numerous, with such things as Common Loon, Red-necked Grebe, Greater Scaup and White-winged Seater remaining longer than usual.

Grand Marais was the place to be this winter (if you managed to choose the right day): three Mute Swans showed up for only the second time in the state, and BJ and JG had one of the best birding days ever by finding a Barrow's Goldeneye, Harlequin Duck and King Eider in the harbor. Greater Prairie Chickens wandered south to Lincoln Co., and the Northern Bobwhite and Chukar continue to barely hold their own. I forgot to mention Ring-necked Pheasant losses from the blizzard of up to 50 %, but for some reason Gray Partridge seem unaffected by the storm. An immature Iceland Gull made one of its rare appearances, defying the latest Thayer's Gull craze, and the Boreal Owl again just barely kept itself on the regular list by turning up on the Gunflint Trail. Ruby-crowned Kinglets and a Loggerhead Shrike were recorded for only the second time each, and most remarkably were first winter records for Black-andwhite Warbler and Ovenbird. All the winter finches were scarce this winter, except for Evening Grosbeaks, and finally a possible Vesper Sparrow lingered into January in Cottonwood Co.

On the negative side, no one managed to find Gyrfalcon, Spruce Grouse, Thayer's Gull or Short-eared Owl.

I'll end this introduction with a few announcements. First, on behalf of Terry Savaloja, Paul Egeland, myself and all future seasonal report compilers, please throw away your list of county numbers. Counties were given a number a couple years ago to see if a computer could work in compiling these reports. That experiment failed after only one report, and continued use of those numbers makes the compilers' job more difficult. Second, I'm happy to welcome back RG as a contributor to these seasonal reports. Ray has long been an expert on Minnesota birding, but it's been several years since we've heard from him and he turned in the best report of the season.

Also wish Ray luck with his Minnesota year list-as of mid-July he had 278, so he's got an excellent shot at the old record of 290 or even the "impossible" of 300 in one year. Finally, some of you may wonder why some contributors' names or initials change from one report to the other. Other compilers may follow a different method, but I list an observer's name as he lists it on the report form, and we all sign our names in different ways from time to time. As a result, your assigned initials may change because of this or because another contributor with the same initials may turn up. Thus you may be DB one time but DAB the next depending on who's submitting re ports. It is also hoped that some of you who take the trouble to contribute don't get discouraged if your initials seldom get into these seasonal reports.

Information on even those birds too common to document with dates and initials is appreciated, and your report forms are kept on file for possible future reference. There's even an advantage in not using some initials: if Beatrice Smith saw too many good girds, I might be accused of putting too much BS in this report.

Key to the Seasonal Report
1.Upper case (LEAST TERN) indicates a Casual or Accidental species in the state.
2.Species are listed in brackets [Whooping Crane] when there is a reasonable doubt as to its origin or wildness.
3.Bracketed text following a species’ name indicates the total number of north and south counties.
4.Dates listed in bold (10/9) indicate an occurrence either earlier, later, or within the three earliest or latest dates on file.
5.Counties listed in bold (Aitkin) indicate an unusual occurrence for that county.
6.Counties listed in bold and with an underline (Becker) indicate a first county record.
7.Counties listed in italics (Crow Wing) indicate a first county breeding record.
8.Totals in bold (150) indicate a total within or exceeding the top three high counts for that species.
9.Totals in bold-italic (55) indicate a CBC total within or exceeding the top three high counts for that species.
10.Dagger “†” preceding observer’s initials denotes written documentation was submitted.
11“ph.” denotes a species documented with a photograph.
12.“v.t.” denotes a species documented by video.
13.“a.t.” denotes a species documented by audio.
14.High counts that are multiples of 100 are assumed or known to be estimates, unless otherwide noted.
The Seasonal Report  is a compilation of seasonal bird sightings from throughout Minnesota. We particularly invite reports from parts of the state that have been neglected or covered lightly in past reports. To become a contributor, contact the Editor of The Loon (editor AT



Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
Snow Goose
(Anser caerulescens)
At least nine all winter at two spots in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co. (PZ, VRL); also late migrants 12-2 to 12-23 Chippewa (CH), 150 on 12-7 Lac qui Parle (AFE), Bloomington and Rochester Christmas Counts.
Greater White-fronted Goose
(Anser albifrons)
A late migrant recorded during the Winona Christmas Count week.
Canada Goose
(Branta canadensis)
Reported from 15 counties north and west to Stearns, Ottertail, Big Stone, Chippewa (28,000 on 12-2 and 4000 on 12-17 on Lac qui Parle refuge) (CH), and Lac qui Parle; peak at Rochester, Olmsted Co. was 24,000.
Mute Swan
(Cygnus olor)
The most inconsiderate birds of the year were three Mute Swans which showed up at Grand Marais, Cook Co. on 1-27-the day after the M.O.U. winter trip; they remained here until mid-February; second state record.
Wood Duck
(Aix sponsa)
Reported from Chippewa, Scott, Hennepin, Ramsey, Wabasha and Winona Co's.
Blue-winged Teal
(Spatula discors)
Reported on the Winona Christmas Count, (needs details).
(Mareca strepera)
Reported on the Winona Christmas Count, on 1-5 in Hennepin Co. (M. Johnson), and on 1-7 and 2-1 in Scott Co. (VRL, BJ, RG).
American Wigeon
(Mareca americana)
Reported on the Big Stone, St. Paul and St. Paul N.E. Christmas Counts; also 12-7 and 2-17 Hennepin (VRL, PZ), 12-8 Dakota (ES), and 12-12 (JG, BJ) and 1-25 at Grand Marais, Cook Co. (first northern winter records?).
(Anas platyrhynchos)
Reported from 27 counties north to Marshall, Itasca and Cook; peaks of 5000 on 12-2 in Chippewa Co., 7956 on the Bloomington Christmas Count, and 6000 on 12-19 in Winona Co.
American Black Duck
(Anas rubripes)
Reported from 11 counties north to Big Stone and Cook.
Northern Pintail
(Anas acuta)
Reported on the Big Stone, Willmar and St. Paul Christmas Counts; also 1-1 Yellow Medicine (BJ, RG), 1-7 Scott (VRL, RG) and 2-17 Hennepin (PZ).
Green-winged Teal
(Anas crecca)
Reported from Ramsey Co. on the St. Paul Christmas Count and on 1-7 and 1-8 (BJ, RG).
(Aythya valisineria)
12-6 Hennepin (CLH); 12-8 Wright (BH); 12-12 (250) and 12-29 Winona (WDM).
(Aythya americana)
Reported from Ramsey Co. on 1-7 and 1-8 (BJ, RG) and on the St. Paul Christmas Count; also 1-17 and 2-1 Scott (BJ, RG).
Ring-necked Duck
(Aythya collaris)
Reported on the Fergus Falls, Bloomington and Winona Christmas Counts; also seen in Hennepin Co. from 12-28 to 2-8 (PZ, KE, VRL, RG).
Greater Scaup
(Aythya marila)
A female was reported with good details from Anoka Co. from 1-5 to 1-21 (OJ, PZ, BJ); first winter record.
Lesser Scaup
(Aythya affinis)
Reported from the Fergus Falls, Grand Marais, Minneapolis, Bloomington, St. Paul and Winona Christmas Counts; also 12-31 Houston (KE), 1-1 and 1-5 Hennepin (PZ, KE), 1-4 Lac qui Parle (PF), and 1-8 Ramsey (RG).
(Somateria spectabilis)
One found at Grand Marais, Cook Co. with the Harlequin and Barrow's Goldeneye on 12-12 and 12-14 (JG, BJ, DB); fifth state record.
Harlequin Duck
(Histrionicus histrionicus)
Single females seen 12-12 and 12-14 at Grand Marais, Cook Co. (JG, BJ, DB) and at Stoney Point, St. Louis Co. on 2-1 (CF).
White-winged Scoter
(Melanitta deglandi)
Up to 4 seen in Cook Co. on Lake Superior on 12-12, 12-21 and 2-15 (JG, BJ, ES); also two on 1-26 at Stoney Point, St. Louis Co. (PF).
Long-tailed Duck
(Clangula hyemalis)
Reported from Lake and Cook (peak of 80 on M.O.U. winter trip).
(Bucephala albeola)
Reported on the Big Stone and Duluth Christmas Counts; also two seen by many from 1-25 to 2-15 at Hovland, Cook Co.; 12-3 to 1-26 Dakota (PZ, VRL-; 12-7 Hennepin (VRL, CLH); 2-1 Sherburne (BJ); more reports than usual.
Common Goldeneye
(Bucephala clangula)
Reported from 18 counties; numbers down on Lake Superior: only 17 on the Duluth Christmas Count and 6 on the Grand Marais Christmas Count.
Barrow's Goldeneye
(Bucephala islandica)
Three reports with good details: one female at Grand Marais, Cook Co. on 12-12 (JG, BJ); one male at Duluth on 2-1 (CF); another at Hovland, Cook Co. on 1-25 (Thunder Bay Field Naturalists).
Hooded Merganser
(Lophodytes cucullatus)
1-2 Olmsted (JF); 12-3 Dakota (VRL); 1-23 Hennepin (VRL).
Common Merganser
(Mergus merganser)
Reported from Hubbard, St. Louis, Cook, Big Stone, Chippewa, Kandiyohi, Dakota, Goodhue and Wabasha Co's.
Red-breasted Merganser
(Mergus serrator)
Five reports: Big Stone and Minneapolis Christmas Counts, 12-28 and 1-8 St. Louis (GN, JG), 2-15 Cook (BJ)probably latest date on record.
New World Quail
Northern Bobwhite
(Colinus virginianus)
This elusive bird was found 12-26 and 2-13 at Prairie Island, Goodhue Co. (CF).
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Wild Turkey
(Meleagris gallopavo)
No reports from Whitewater, but FL reported four from Freeburg, Houston Co. on 1-8 and says they are wild.
Ruffed Grouse
(Bonasa umbellus)
Reported from 17 counties; appeared to be down in numbers.
Sharp-tailed Grouse
(Tympanuchus phasianellus)
Reported from Marshall Co. (Warren Christmas Count and 5 at Agassiz, SV), Aitkin Co. (17 from 1-4 to 1-18, RG), and St. Louis Co. (1-14, P. Fearing).
Greater Prairie-Chicken
(Tympanuchus cupido)
17 seen on the Crookston Christmas Count; also a reliable report of 6 near Lake Benton, Lincoln Co. on 2-20 (G. Scott); this species migrates in small numbers to southwest Minnesota.
Gray Partridge
(Perdix perdix)
Reported from 18 counties; more widespread than usual; at least two observers reported this species to have survived the January 10-11 blizzard with little or no losses.
Ring-necked Pheasant
(Phasianus colchicus)
Reported from 30 counties; reported to have suffered heavy losses from the January 10-11 blizzard.
Pied-billed Grebe
(Podilymbus podiceps)
Reported on the Bloomington and Fergus Falls Christmas Counts; also 1-2 Dakota (RG).
Horned Grebe
(Podiceps auritus)
12-2 Hennepin (BJ).
Red-necked Grebe
(Podiceps grisegena)
Two very late migrants at Duluth on 12-21 (JG).
Pigeons, Doves
Rock Pigeon
(Columba livia)
Peak of 7534 on the Duluth Christmas Count; none reported on the Walker, Hibbing and Grand Marais Christmas Counts.
Mourning Dove
(Zenaida macroura)
Reported from 19 counties north to Polk, Clearwater and Duluth; wintered in greater numbers than usual: four Twin Cities Christmas Counts had between 71 and 81 recorded and DAB counted 100 wintering in Ramsey Co. Ringed Turtle Dove What was obviously an escaped bird was seen at a feeder in La Crescent, Houston Co. on 2-28; however this bird is of interest since this is its second winter here, and it built a nest in the vicinity last summer. (fide FL).
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
American Coot
(Fulica americana)
Reported on the Fergus Falls, Big Stone, Bloomington, St. Paul, Rochester (overwintered), and Winona (19) Christmas Counts; also 12-8 Wright (BH), 12-7 to 1-7 Hennepin (VRL, BJ), 1-7 Dakota (VRL, RG), 1-2 to 3-1 Scott (RG, BJ).
(Charadrius vociferus)
Reported from the St. Paul N.E., Winona, La Crosse and Rock Co. Christmas Counts; also 2-28 Houston (FL).
Pectoral Sandpiper
(Calidris melanotos)
One very late migrant on 12-24 on the Cottonwood (Lyon Co.) Christmas Count; latest date on record by about a month. (P. Egeland, H. Kyllingstad).
Wilson's Snipe
(Gallinago delicata)
Reported from St. Louis (12-21, JG), Sibley, Hennepin, Ramsey, Dakota, Winona, Houston and Mower Co's.
Gulls, Terns
Ring-billed Gull
(Larus delawarensis)
Reported on the Bloomington and Minneapolis Christmas Counts; last seen at Black Dog Lake, Dakota Co. on 1-7 (VRL); also seen until 12-10 in Wabasha Co. (WDM).
Herring Gull
(Larus argentatus)
Seen in Cook, Lake and St. Louis Co's on Lake Superior as usual, but migrants also lingered inland on the Minneapolis, St. Paul (152), St. Paul N.E., and Bloomington (311) Christmas Counts; last seen 1-8 Dakota (RG).
Iceland Gull
(Larus glaucoides)
This elusive gull was found on 2-11 at Stoney Point, St. Louis Co. (1i, BJ).
Glaucous Gull
(Larus hyperboreus)
Reported from Grand Marais, Cook Co. (2 from 12-12 to 1-26, JG, BJ, RG, KE); Silver Bay, Lake Co. (1 on 1-26, KE); St. Louis Co. (Duluth Christmas Count and 2-15, BJ); also 1 reported during the St. Paul Christmas Count week.
Common Loon
(Gavia immer)
One overwintered at Fergus Falls, Ottertail Co. from 1-27 into March (P. Anderson); also a late migrant 12-12 St. Louis (JG,BJ).
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
Great Blue Heron
(Ardea herodias)
Late migrants 12-2 Chippewa (CH), 12-3 Dakota (VRL), and Bloomington Christmas Count; also 2-13 at Spring Banks L., Dakota Co. (CF)-coincidentally the only other two February records were also on the 13th! Whistling. Swan Lingered long enough to participate on the Fergus Falls, Big Stone, Rochester (cripple) and Wabasha (382) Christmas Counts; also 3 in Stearns Co. on 12-11 and 1-5 (BH, NH); as late as 12-12 at Weaver marshes, Wabasha Co. 1000 were still present, and one swan remained all winter (WDM).
New World Vultures
Turkey Vulture
(Cathartes aura)
Reported on the Winona Christmas Count, (needs details).
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Golden Eagle
(Aquila chrysaetos)
Reported from 4 areas: 1a on 2-25 at Agassiz, Marshall (SV); 2 on 2-20 in Clay Co. (D. Evans); 12-5 (1) and 12-17 (2) in Chippewa Co. (CH); Whitewater Wildlife Area, Wabasha-Winona Co's (Wabasha Christmas Count; 12-19, WDM; 1a on 1-5, RG; 2i on 2-22, FL).
Northern Harrier
(Circus hudsonius)
Reported on the Excelsior, Bloomington, St. Paul and La Crosse Christmas Counts; also 12-2 Swift (HH), 12-21 Hennepin (VRL), 12-24 Rice (BJ), 1-7 Sibley (RG).
Sharp-shinned Hawk
(Accipiter striatus)
Nine reports from seven counties: St. Louis (Hibbing and Duluth), Kandiyohi (Willmar Christmas Count), Hennepin, Ramsey, Goodhue (all winter), Wabasha and LeSueur.
Cooper's Hawk
(Accipiter cooperii)
Reported on the Minneapolis Christmas Count and from 1-20 to 2-20 in Stearns Co. (NH). Red•tailed Hawk Reported from 19 counties north to Marshall (Warren Christmas Count) and Lake (1-13, RG).
American Goshawk
(Accipiter atricapillus)
Reported from 18 counties south to Yellow Medicine, Renville and Rice.
Bald Eagle
(Haliaeetus leucocephalus)
Reported from Marshall (1a, 1i), Hubbard, Itasca (1a), St. Louis (10 at Duluth and Hibbing), Lake (1a), Lac qui Parle (2), Chippewa (6), Stearns, Sherburne (1a), Hennepin, Ramsey (2a), Dakota, Goodhue (12), Wabasha (14), Winona (1a), and Le Sueur Co's.
Red-shouldered Hawk
(Buteo lineatus)
Reported on the Willmar Christmas Count (details?), in Goodhue Co. (all winter, CF and 1-5, RG), and on 2-8 in Houston Co. (FL).
Rough-legged Hawk
(Buteo lagopus)
Reported from 25 counties; more common than usual.
Screech-Owls, Owls
Eastern Screech-Owl
(Megascops asio)
Reported from 13 counties north to Marshall (Warren Christmas Count), Big Stone and Sherburne.
Great Horned Owl
(Bubo virginianus)
Reported from 23 counties.
Snowy Owl
(Bubo scandiacus)
More widespread than usual: reported from Clay, Ottertail, Marshall, Wilkin, Crow Wing, Aitkin, St. Louis (only 2 at Duluth but 8 at Sax-Zim), Lake, Stearns, Chippewa, Cottonwood, Murray, Hennepin (4), Olmsted, Ramsey, Dakota and Lyon Co's.
Northern Hawk Owl
(Surnia ulula)
Two reports from Cook Co.: 12-21 (ES) and 12-31 (J. Jepson).
Barred Owl
(Strix varia)
Reported from 10 counties west to Kandiyohi (Willmar Christmas Count).
Great Gray Owl
(Strix nebulosa)
Four reports: Hibbing Christmas Count; 1-31 and 2-2 in Cook Co. (J. Sublett, E. Pearson); up to three seen along Hwy. 310 near the Canada border in Roseau Co. from 12-19 to 2-17 (fide R. Nero).
Long-eared Owl
(Asio otus)
Reported on the Big Stone and Cottonwood Christmas Counts; also 12-3 and 12-25 Duluth (K. Sundquist, H. Roberts);·2-26 Cottonwood (CF).
Boreal Owl
(Aegolius funereus)
One found on the Gunflint Trail, Cook Co. on 1-1 (J. Jepson); this very rare owl continues to just barely hang on to its "regular" status..
Northern Saw-whet Owl
(Aegolius acadicus)
Only one report: 2-24 Mower (RK).
Belted Kingfisher
(Megaceryle alcyon)
Reported from 12 counties west to Rock, Nicollet and Sibley.
(Melanerpes lewis)
One found near Santiago, Sherburne Co. on 12-28 on the Sherburne Christmas Count (OJ); remained in the exact same spot all winter and was seen and photographed by many; first state record.
Red-headed Woodpecker
(Melanerpes erythrocephalus)
Reported from Sherburne, Dakota, Steele, Olmsted, Wabasha, Winona, Houston and Mower Co's.
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
(Sphyrapicus varius)
Reported on the Moorhead Christmas Count and from 12-31 to 1-27 in Hennepin Co. (VRL).
Black-backed Woodpecker
(Picoides arcticus)
Reported from Cook (1-1, J. Jepson; 1-26, KE; 2-1, LS), St. Louis (2-2, GN), Morrison (12-22, DB) and Sherburne Co's (Sherburne Christmas Count). NORTHERN THREE-TOED WOODPECKER 12-23 Morrison (DB) and 1-9 Crow Wing (3, RG).
Downy Woodpecker
(Dryobates pubescens)
Reported from 39 counties.
Hairy Woodpecker
(Dryobates villosus)
Reported from 41 counties.
Northern Flicker
(Colaptes auratus)
Reported from 20 counties north to Ottertail and Sherburne; peak of 16 on the Rock Co. Christmas Count; also a Red-shafted form was seen in Hennepin Co. in January (J. Keinkes).
Pileated Woodpecker
(Dryocopus pileatus)
Reported from 25 counties west to Polk, Ottertail, Stearns and Le Sueur; peaks of 7 and 8 on the St. Paul N.E. and Excelsior Christmas Counts. Red-.bellied Woodpecker Reported from 25 counties north and west to Stearns, Marshall (Warren Christmas Count, details?), Big Stone and Rock.
Caracaras, Falcons
(Falco columbarius)
Reported on the St. Paul N.E. Christmas Count (details?), and on 12-12 and 2-15 in Cook Co. (BJ.) American Kestrel: Reported from 22 counties north to Marshall (Warren Christmas Count) and Duluth (1-24 and 1-26, KE, E. Campbell).
Prairie Falcon
(Falco mexicanus)
This casual visitant was reported on 12-14 on the Cottonwood (Lyon Co.) Christmas Count. (P. Egeland).
Loggerhead Shrike
(Lanius ludovicianus)
One reported with good details on 1-10 at Carver Park, Carver Co. (RG, K. Heidel); only the second winter record. Starling Reported on all Christmas Counts.
Northern Shrike
(Lanius borealis)
Reported from 23 counties south to Winona, Olmsted, Cottonwood and Yellow Medicine.
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Canada Jay
(Perisoreus canadensis)
Reported from Marshall, Koochiching, Itasca, St. Louis, Lake, Cook and Dakota Co's (12-6 and 12-7 at Lakeville, L. Thomas).
Blue Jay
(Cyanocitta cristata)
Reported from 42 counties.
Black-billed Magpie
(Pica hudsonia)
Reported from Polk, Marshall (11 on the Warren Christmas Count and 21 at Agassiz, SV), Itasca, Aitkin, St. Louis, Cook, Clay, Chippewa (1-4 to 2-6, CH), Lyon (Cottonwood Christmas Count), and Hennepin Co's (2-25, Bloomington, AJ); more widespread than usual.
American Crow
(Corvus brachyrhynchos)
Reported from 34 counties north to Marshall, Clearwater, Aitkin, St. Louis, Lake and Cook.
Common Raven
(Corvus corax)
Reported from 11 counties south to Aitkin and Pine.
Chickadees, Titmice
Black-capped Chickadee
(Poecile atricapillus)
Reported from 41 counties.
Boreal Chickadee
(Poecile hudsonicus)
More reports than usual: reported from Marshall, Hubbard, Aitkin, Clearwater, St. Louis (Duluth and Hibbing Christmas Counts, 8 at Ely, 6 at SaxZim), Lake, Cook, Ottertail (Fergus Falls Christmas Count) and Kandiyohi Co's (Willmar Christmas Count; details?).
Tufted Titmouse
(Baeolophus bicolor)
Reported on the Bloomington, St. Paul, St. Paul N.E., Rochester, La Crosse and Winona Christmas Counts; all winter in Olmsted (JF, FH) and Goodhue (CF) Co's; also 1-10 and 2-23 Hennepin (RG, VRL).
Horned Lark
(Eremophila alpestris)
More common than usual: reported from 35 counties north to Marshall, Beltrami, Morrison and Mille Lacs; peak of 2318 on the Rock Co. Christmas Count; first migrants on 1-17 in Olmsted Co.
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
(Corthylio calendula)
12-3 Wabasha (WDM); 12-11 Hennepin (VRL); 12-28 to 2-15 Olmsted (K. Rossi, JF); late December to mid-February at Proctor and 12-30 at Duluth, St. Louis Co. (A. Kroll, M. Kohlbry); only one previous February record.
Golden-crowned Kinglet
(Regulus satrapa)
Reported from 11 counties north to Marshall, Clearwater and Crow Wing; peak of 49 on the St. Paul N.E. Christmas Count.
Bohemian Waxwing
(Bombycilla garrulus)
Reported from Marshall (32), Pennington (70), Clearwater (15), Duluth (peak of 65), Crow Wing, Sherburne (3 on 12-18, OJ) and Rice Co's (2 on 2-15, OR).
Cedar Waxwing
(Bombycilla cedrorum)
Reported from 14 counties north to Marshall, Pennington, and Duluth.
Red-breasted Nuthatch
(Sitta canadensis)
Reported from 24 counties.
White-breasted Nuthatch
(Sitta carolinensis)
Reported from 42 counties; several observers reported this species especially down in numbers after the January 10-11 blizzard.
Brown Creeper
(Certhia americana)
Reported from 25 counties north to Marshall, Clearwater, Hubbard, Cass, Itasca and St. Louis; more common than usual.
Winter Wren
(Troglodytes hiemalis)
Seen on 1-6 (RG) and 2-1 (BJ) in Hennepin Co.
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Brown Thrasher
(Toxostoma rufum)
Reported on the Winona Christmas Count, from 12-28 to 2-14 in Olmsted Co. (JF), and on 1-25 in Hennepin Co. (VRL).
Eastern Bluebird
(Sialia sialis)
One seen on 2-22 at Whitewater Wildlife Area, Wabasha Co. (FL).
Townsend's Solitaire
(Myadestes townsendi)
One seen near Zimmerman, Sherburne Co. on 12-18 (Mr. Jones, H. Withers). (Poor details?).
American Robin
(Turdus migratorius)
More widespread than usual: reported from 20 counties north to Cook, Clearwater and Marshall.
Varied Thrush
(Ixoreus naevius)
Four reports: Hibbing, St. Louis Co. (12-9 and on the Christmas Count, H. Micensky); from 12-15 into February at Barnum, Carlton Co. (H. Shepard); from 12-26 into February at Tofte, Cook Co. (Mrs. Hoagland); from 2-5 to 2-22 at Eden Prairie, Hennepin Co. seen by many.
Old World Sparrows
House Sparrow
(Passer domesticus)
Not only did Grand Marais have no pigeons on its Christmas Count, but it also lucked out with no House Sparrows. Meadowlark, sp. Reported from 15 counties north to Clay, Kandiyohi, Stearns and Sherburne.
Evening Grosbeak
(Coccothraustes vespertinus)
Reported from 22 counties south and west to Winona, Olmsted, Stearns and Ottertail.
Pine Grosbeak
(Pinicola enucleator)
Not as widespread as usual: reported from 10 counties south only to Aitkin, Mille Lacs and Morrison.
Purple Finch
(Haemorhous purpureus)
Reported from 22 counties north and west to St. Louis, Clearwater, Marshall, Polk, Clay, Big Stone and Renville.
Common Redpoll
(Acanthis flammea)
Reported from 20 counties south to Winona, Mower, Kandiyohi and Big Stone; fewer reports than usual.
Hoary Redpoll
(Acanthis hornemanni)
Only two reports: Duluth Christmas Count and 2-22 Clay (LCF).
White-winged Crossbill
(Loxia leucoptera)
Reported only from Cook, Lake, St. Louis and Mower (2-24, RK).
Pine Siskin
(Spinus pinus)
Also down in numbers: reported from only 13 counties south to Olmsted, Mower, Steele, Swift and Big Stone.
American Goldfinch
(Spinus tristis)
Reported from 24 counties north only to Big Stone, Stearns and Chisa- go; usually there are a few northern reports. Red C rossbi II Also down in numbers: reported only from St. Louis, Cass, Hubbard, Clearwater, Ramsey, Goodhue and Olmsted.
Longspurs and Snow Buntings
Lapland Longspur
(Calcarius lapponicus)
Reported from Wabasha, Olmsted, Mower, Rock (173 on Christmas Count), Chippewa and Cook (1-14, RG) Co's.
Snow Bunting
(Plectrophenax nivalis)
Reported from 29 counties.
Towhees, Sparrows
Fox Sparrow
(Passerella iliaca)
4 at La Crescent, Houston Co. on 12-14 (D. Schneider) and also seen during the Winona Christmas Count week.
Dark-eyed Junco
(Junco hyemalis)
Reported from 35 counties north to Clearwater, Cass, Crow Wing, St. Louis, Lake and Cook. Tree Sparrow Reported from 28 counties north to Ottertail and Crow Wing.
White-crowned Sparrow
(Zonotrichia leucophrys)
Reported on the Sherburne Christ mas Count and on 2-24 in Winona Co. (R. Bilder -second latest wintering date on record).
Harris's Sparrow
(Zonotrichia querula)
Reported from Big Stone (Christmas Count), Swift (all winter, HH), Rock (1-5, KE), Carver (12-29, BJ), Ramsey (1-7 and 1-8 RG, BJ), and Clearwater 1-18 to 1-25, RD).
White-throated Sparrow
(Zonotrichia albicollis)
Reported from Hennepin (again on the Nicollet Mall in Minneapolis, CLH), Ramsey (St. Paul Christmas Count), Olmsted (12-27 to 12-29, JF), Winona (1-1 and 1-21, Mrs. Gadow, D. Becker), Duluth (all winter, J. Gallian), Crow Wing (Crosby Christmas Count), Cass (Walker Christmas Count) Co's.
Vesper Sparrow
(Pooecetes gramineus)
One reported on 1-4 in Cottonwood Co. by R. Wagner; need detailswould be only fifth winter record.
Song Sparrow
(Melospiza melodia)
Reported from 12 counties north to Big Stone, Swift and Lake (12-28 and 1-8, GN, JG).
Swamp Sparrow
(Melospiza georgiana)
Reported on the Winona and Grand Marais Christmas Counts, poor details on latter record).
Blackbirds, Orioles
Baltimore Oriole
(Icterus galbula)
One lingered until 12-11 in Stearns Co. (BH).
Red-winged Blackbird
(Agelaius phoeniceus)
Reported from 23 counties north to Marshall, Pennington, Clearwater and St. Louis; peaks of 511 on La Crosse Christmas Count and 1138 on Wabasha Christmas Count.
Brown-headed Cowbird
(Molothrus ater)
Reported on the Big Stone and Winona (10) Christmas Counts; also 12-24 Rice (BJ), 1-22 Winona (25, A. Buggs), and 2-5 Houston (15, FL).
Rusty Blackbird
(Euphagus carolinus)
Reported from 14 counties north to Ottertail and Itasca (12-6, MS).
Brewer's Blackbird
(Euphagus cyanocephalus)
Reported on the Big Stone, Bloomington and St. Paul N.E. Christmas Counts; also 12-5 to 12-17 Freeborn (DG).
Common Grackle
(Quiscalus quiscula)
Reported from 23 counties north to St. Louis (12-21, JG; and Hibbing Christmas Count), Lake (1-26 at Beaver Bay and Finland, KE, PZ) and Cook (Grand Marais Christmas Count); peak of 339 on La Crosse Christmas Count.
(Seiurus aurocapilla)
From 12-27 to 1-9 in Minneapolis (good details, VRL); first winter record.
Black-and-white Warbler
(Mniotilta varia)
One at a feeder in Duluth from 2-15 to 3-21 (J. Clark); good details, first winter record.
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks
Northern Cardinal
(Cardinalis cardinalis)
Reported from 26 counties north and west to Lake (2-1, VRL), St. Louis (Duluth Christmas Count and 12-10 in Hibbing, H. Micensky), Carlton (E. Peterson), Clay (2-24, LCF), Big Stone, Lyon and Rock.
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
(Pheucticus ludovicianus)
One seen on 1-24 at a feeder in Tofte, Cook Co. (E. Campbell); latest wintering date on record.