Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon
The 2019-Winter Season
1 December 2019 through 29 February 2020
Bruce A. Fall, Howard C. Towle, and Paul E. Budde

The highlight of the 2019–20 winter season was undoubtedly the observation of a Lesser Goldfinch visiting a feeder near Warren in Polk County, representing the first sighting for the state (The Loon 92:6–8). The bird was first seen and photographed on December 8 and remained in the area for four days, allowing several birders to view it. Lesser Goldfinches have been observed in Iowa and both Dakotas with occasional breeding in the southwest corner of South Dakota. This bird now becomes the 442nd species on the Minnesota bird list (not counting extirpated and extinct species). Other notable records this season included three Casual species (California Gull, Barn Owl, Eurasian Tree Sparrow), and two second winter records (Northern Waterthrush, Lark Sparrow).

As with the previous two winters, there was little evidence of widespread early spring waterfowl migration into southern Minnesota. Reports of early migrants mostly consisted of small numbers of a few duck species in late February, and an influx of geese in the Southwest on the last day of the month. In contrast, the winter 2016 waterfowl migration began in earnest in mid February. Other than Canada, the only goose species reported in midwinter was Cackling, with eight in Clay County in early January.

Mute Swans were reported from three counties with a total of up to seven different individuals. This is a typical total for the previous five winters, and the species does not seem to be substantially increasing or decreasing. Several thousand Tundra Swans lingered in the Mississippi River near Brownsville until early December but numbers diminished quickly after that; a few overwintered farther upriver in Goodhue and Wabasha counties. Trumpeter Swans continue to overwinter in large numbers, with midwinter counts of 100 or more from nine counties. As usual, Blue Lake W.T.P. and nearby Shakopee Mill Pond in Scott County hosted a number of overwintering ducks — at least 14 species were found, including state midwinter high counts of six at Blue Lake (Northern Shoveler, Gadwall, Ring-necked Duck, Lesser Scaup, Bufflehead, and Hooded Merganser).

Only one scoter was reported — a White-winged in Grand Marais. The only Long-tailed Ducks were from Lake Superior, where they were found in normal numbers in Cook County but scarce farther southwest. The only Harlequin Ducks also were in Grand Marais. A Barrow’s Goldeneye was reported from Lake Pepin and another was seen by many for nearly a month through late February on the Mississippi River in Monticello; both were females. Interesting was the report of a male Bufflehead X Common Goldeneye hybrid at Monticello. This hybrid was reported here in two previous winters (2015, 2016), and photos suggest these may have been the same individual. Only two others have been documented in the state.

Wild Turkeys were reported from a season record-tying 75 counties (the same as last winter’s total), from as far northwest as Marshall County and northeast to Tofte, where four birds were a first winter record for Cook County. The highest counts in the state came from Pennington County in the Northwest, where 250 set a new record for the season. This total was over twice that of the highest south counts. Eurasian Collared-Doves were found in 55 counties, tying last winter’s record; two reports were from Kittson County in the far northwest corner. In January, a Wilson’s Snipe was seen flying across the road near Lutsen, for only the second Cook County winter record.

Great Blue Herons were reported from only five counties, the fewest in a decade. The only ones after December were singles at two Rice County locations. For the second consecutive winter, none were reported overwintering at the formerly reliable Mississippi River (Pig’s Eye) site in Ramsey County. As recently as winter 2011, as many as ten were found there in midwinter but numbers declined in subsequent winters. No gulls of any species were reported away from Lake Superior after 6 January. As in the past several winters, Great Black-backed Gulls remain scarce in Duluth with only a single adult that was seen by many after December. As recently as winter 2011, as many as 11 were found there but numbers have continued to decline since that peak. Three December Lesser Black-backed Gulls (one in Duluth, two in Minneapolis) continue the string of reports in 12 consecutive winters. A first-cycle California Gull at Point Douglas Park, Washington County, was only the fifth winter record for the state.

A Barn Owl in Sax-Zim Bog was the first north record since 1986. It was seen by many observers over two January days. Comments from some local residents suggest that this owl may have been present for up to a month prior to its discovery by birders. Unfortunately, the owl’s physical condition deteriorated to the point that it could no longer fly; it was picked up by several birders for transport to The Raptor Center in St. Paul, but it died during the trip. At least four different Boreal Owls were reported, including one cooperative individual at the Admiral Road feeding station in Sax-Zim Bog that was seen by many over its three-week stay. In only two of the previous ten winters were more than three Boreals reported.

For the fourth consecutive winter, no Gyrfalcons were found in the state. However, Peregrine Falcons reached a season-high, being seen in 16 counties, mostly along the Mississippi River corridor from Benton south to Houston County. Continuing a trend from the past few years, Common Ravens were reported from as far south as Scott and Dakota counties in near record numbers.

Several species were found in season-high or near season-high levels this winter. Tufted Titmouses were observed in 14 counties, again largely following the Mississippi River corridor as far north as Anoka County. Hermit Thrushes were found in 18 counties, easily surpassing the previous high of nine. Varied Thrushes appeared in 11 counties, one off the record high of 12 set just last year. And Townsend’s Solitaires continue to be seen in a large number of counties — 17 for this season, including a first county record sighting in Murray.

Overall, it was a slow winter for finches. Most notable, Evening Grosbeaks were found in only two counties — St. Louis and Lake — establishing a season low total for at least the past 40 years. Common Redpolls were reported from only 17 counties, far below the ten-year average of 55 and last winter’s total of 66 counties. And for the first time since 2013, there were no reports of Hoary Redpolls. By comparison, in 2017–2018, a major invasion year, this species was seen in 47 counties. In contrast, Pine Grosbeaks, Purple Finches, Pine Siskins, and both crossbills were seen in numbers close to their ten-year averages.

A few other notable sightings from this winter season included a second winter record of Northern Waterthrush that was lingering at Fort Snelling State Park on December 14–15. Other late migrants sighted included a Baltimore Oriole in Anoka County on 3 December, a Field Sparrow in Wabasha County on 5 December, an Orange-crowned Warbler on 8 December in Hennepin County, and a Rose-breasted Grosbeak in Kanabec County on 18 December. A Lark Sparrow first seen on 21 December  in Blue Earth County continued to 1 January, marking only the second winter record for this species. Finally, a Spotted Towhee braved out most of the winter in Morrison County.

Acknowledgements: We thank Jeanie Joppru for compiling and providing transcripts of Minnesota’s Detroit Lakes weekly birding report. Special thanks to Dave Cahlander for building and maintaining the Seasonal Report submission and production web pages ( through which most of this data is collected and organized. In addition to the data collected through this MOU website, we are grateful for the data provided for the creation of this report by eBird (, accessed March 2020). Steve Weston, serving as Minnesota CBC coordinator, compiled vast amounts of data from 85 counts. Medians of recent arrivals and departures are based on published and unpublished Seasonal Report data from 1994 through 2018. Our appreciation goes out to all our contributors, especially those who respond to our requests for details and who submit observations online.

Minneapolis, MN;  Golden Valley, MN;  Washington, DC.

Key to the Seasonal Report
1.Upper case (LEAST TERN) indicates a Casual or Accidental species in the state.
2.Species are listed in brackets [Whooping Crane] when there is a reasonable doubt as to its origin or wildness.
3.Bracketed text following a species’ name indicates the total number of north and south counties.
4.Dates listed in bold (10/9) indicate an occurrence either earlier, later, or within the three earliest or latest dates on file.
5.Counties listed in bold (Aitkin) indicate an unusual occurrence for that county.
6.Counties listed in bold and with an underline (Becker) indicate a first county record.
7.Counties listed in italics (Crow Wing) indicate a first county breeding record.
8.Totals in bold (150) indicate a total within or exceeding the top three high counts for that species.
9.Totals in bold-italic (55) indicate a CBC total within or exceeding the top three high counts for that species.
10.Dagger “†” preceding observer’s initials denotes written documentation was submitted.
11“ph.” denotes a species documented with a photograph.
12.“v.t.” denotes a species documented by video.
13.“a.t.” denotes a species documented by audio.
14.High counts that are multiples of 100 are assumed or known to be estimates, unless otherwide noted.
The Seasonal Report  is a compilation of seasonal bird sightings from throughout Minnesota. We particularly invite reports from parts of the state that have been neglected or covered lightly in past reports. To become a contributor, contact the Editor of The Loon (editor AT




Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
Snow Goose
(Anser caerulescens)
8 Three early December reports: 12/4 Meeker (12) PKF, 12/7 McLeod BHa, Kandiyohi RAE. No other reports until 2/29 when early migrants were found in five Southwest counties, with high count Rock (240) ASu.
Ross's Goose
(Anser rossii)
3 No reports until 2/29, when early migrants were found in three Southwest counties, with high count Rock (9) ASu.
Greater White-fronted Goose
(Anser albifrons)
12 Two early December reports (singles): 12/4 Martin PEJ, 12/7 Kandiyohi RAE. No others until 2/29, when early migrants were reported from 11 counties in the southwestern quarter of the state, with high counts at three locations in Rock (1,711; 1,160; 1,100) ASu and Nobles (720) PEJ.
Cackling Goose
(Branta hutchinsii)
115 December reports from nine south counties, with high counts 12/4 Martin (22) PEJ, 12/1 Lyon (19) GWe. One January report: 1/11 Clay (8) † MO. No others until early migrants in seven south counties 2/29, with high count Nobles (66) ASu. CBC high counts 12/19 Fairmont (8), 12/14 Northwest McLeod (Hutchinson) (4).
Canada Goose
(Branta canadensis)
1546 Reported from 10 north counties after December, with high count 1/2 Clay (2,000, Moorhead W.T.P.) PBB. Widespread south, although no reports from seven counties. South season high count 12/9 Olmsted (3,000, Cascade Lake Park) LAV. South high count after December 2/29 Nobles (1,500, early spring migrants) PEJ; midwinter high counts were fewer than 500. CBC high counts 12/19 Fairmont (7,056), 12/14 Rochester (4,244, Fergus Falls (2,578), Bloomington (2,537).
Mute Swan
(Cygnus olor)
3 Reported from three south counties: 12/1–9 Hennepin (up to 3, Long Meadow Lake; continuing from fall) m.ob., 12/4 Wabasha (2, Pool 5) PEJ, 12/26 Goodhue (2, Lock and Dam 3) PEJ.
Trumpeter Swan
(Cygnus buccinator)
1636 Reported from 52 counties statewide, the second-highest winter total. After December, reported from 15 north and 26 south counties. New winter county record 2/2 Carlton (2) RyR. Season high count north 1/4 Otter Tail (415) LGl. South season high count 2/15 Wright (700, Monticello) MGi. High counts away from Monticello area: 12/2 Wabasha (400, Pool 5) PEJ, 1/3 Dakota (380, Douglas Twp.) KDS, 1/21 Scott (310, Shakopee Mill Pond) TSk. CBC high counts 1/4 Northern Wright County (891), 12/28 Alexandria (268), 12/14 Bloomington (183).
Tundra Swan
(Cygnus columbianus)
16 Reported from 16 south counties in December, with nearly all reports from the first half of the month. Two reports after December, of probable overwintering singles: 2/5 Wabasha (Pool 5), 2/21 Goodhue (Lock and Dam 3) PEJ. New county winter records 12/9 Brown (20) MTW, 12/27 Big Stone † DLP. Season high count 12/3 Houston (4,500, Pool 8) ebd. CBC high counts 12/14 La Crosse-La Crescent (80), Winona (10).
Wood Duck
(Aix sponsa)
215 North reports from two counties: 12/13 Becker NaH, 12/18 Becker (2) TKa, 1/2–2/16 Clay (2, Moorhead Lagoons) PBB. December reports from six south counties, with high count 12/8 Hennepin (6) m.ob. Reports after December from 10 south counties, of 1–3 individuals. CBC high count 12/14 Faribault (4).
Blue-winged Teal
(Spatula discors)
1 One report of a possibly injured bird 12/21 Goodhue (female, Red Wing, private farm pond) † SWe.
Northern Shoveler
(Spatula clypeata)
4 December records from four south counties, with high count 12/3 Houston (50, Brownsville, south overlook) ebd. All records after December from Scott where up to 22 overwintered at Blue Lake W.T.P. m.ob. CBC high count 12/14 Excelsior (13).
(Mareca strepera)
12 December reports from nine south counties. As in prior winters, large numbers overwintered Scott (up to 125, Blue Lake W.T.P.) m.ob. Smaller numbers (mostly 1–2 individuals) also reported after December from eight other south counties, with the highest counts 1/11 Hennepin (9, Old Cedar Ave. Bridge) MSw, 2/29 Winona (11, Whitewater W.M.A.) PEJ. CBC high counts 12/14 Excelsior (41), 12/29 Wabasha (5).
American Wigeon
(Mareca americana)
14 One north: 12/1 Cook (Grand Marais) ebd. Early December reports from Houston, Wabasha. Records after December include 2/2 Ramsey ebd, overwintered Winona (female, Shives Road) m.ob. Season high count 12/2 Wabasha (53, Pool 5) PEJ.
(Anas platyrhynchos)
1944 Reported from about the same number of counties as last year. Overwintered widely, with reports after December from 14 north and 32 south counties. Season high counts north 12/4 St. Louis (588, Duluth) JLK; away from Duluth, 1/3 Otter Tail (400) ToR, 1/12 Clay (400) PBB. South high count 12/17 Dakota (5,000, Douglas Twp.) KDS, with up to 3,000–4,000 regularly reported in this area through February KDS; elsewhere, 1/12 Scott (1,700, Shakopee Mill Pond) ebd. CBC high counts 12/21 Minneapolis (North) (3,473), 12/14 Excelsior (1,848), St. Paul (North) (1,521), Faribault (1,498).
American Black Duck
(Anas rubripes)
415 Statewide high count 12/11 St. Louis (26, Duluth) JLK. Multiple individuals overwintered in Duluth, with midwinter high count 2/12 (18) LEv. Other midwinter north reports (1–2 individuals) from Cook, Lake, Morrison. High count south 12/2 Wabasha (24, Pool 5) PEJ. South reports after December from 10 counties, with up to 9 in Scott (Shakopee Mill Pond) m.ob. CBC high counts 12/14 Duluth (28), 12/21 Red Wing (6).
Mallard X American Black Duck
(Anas platyrhynchos X A. rubripes)
14 Most reports of this hybrid were from St. Louis (Duluth), with 1–4 found throughout the season m.ob. Also reported from Hennepin, Ramsey, Scott, Wright.
Northern Pintail
(Anas acuta)
19 North reports were from St. Louis: 12/12 (female, Manganika Creek, Viginia) SLF, 1/18–2/7 (female, Duluth) m.ob., 2/1 (4, Duluth) ebd. December south reports from eight counties, all of 1–3 birds except 12/2 Wabasha (65, Pool 5) PEJ. South reports after December from five counties, all of 1–3 birds.
Green-winged Teal
(Anas crecca)
8 December reports from five south counties, with high count 12/8 Hennepin (18, Old Cedar Ave. Bridge) m.ob. South reports after December: 2/1–29 Sherburne/Wright (female, Monticello; new winter record for Sherburne) ClB, m.ob., 2/29 Stearns AaL, MtS.
(Aythya valisineria)
5 December reports from four south counties, with high count 12/2 Wabasha (2,650, Pool 5) PEJ (all other counts were 21 or fewer). Reports after December from three counties: overwintered Goodhue (Red Wing) PEJ, 1/8–13 Scott (Blue Lake W.T.P.) IVa, AJF, 1/9–23 Wabasha (2, Camp Lacupolis) PEJ, DBz.
(Aythya americana)
12 December reports from ten south counties, with high count 12/2 Wabasha (6) PEJ; all others 1–3 individuals. Overwintered Scott (2, Blue Lake W.T.P.) m.ob., Washington (through 1/21, Point Douglas Park) m.ob. Other reports after December: 1/1, 1/9 Goodhue (2) m.ob., 2/7–8 Dakota PEJ, 2/23 Big Stone DLP, 2/25 Sherburne/Wright (2, Monticello; new winter record Sherburne) m.ob.
Ring-necked Duck
(Aythya collaris)
15 No north reports for the first winter since 2013. December reports from 12 south counties, with high counts 12/3 Houston (1,000, Reno Bottoms) GHo, KDS, 12/2 Wabasha (750, Pool 5) PEJ. Large numbers overwintered Scott (up to 60 in January and 38 in February, Blue Lake W.T.P.) m.ob. Other January reports (all singles) from Dakota, Goodhue, Ramsey, Wabasha. Reports from late February (1–4 individuals) were probably early migrants (Big Stone, Hennepin, Martin, Nobles, Wabasha). CBC high counts 12/14 Excelsior (33), St. Paul (North) (3).
Greater Scaup
(Aythya marila)
16 One north report: 2/17 Otter Tail (Fergus Falls) RAE, HHD. Overwintered Scott (female, Blue Lake W.T.P.) m.ob. Small group (up to 8) 12/16–1/24 Goodhue (Colvill Park) PEJ, m.ob., and up to 4 through 1/30 Wabasha (Camp Lacupolis) PEJ. Singles reported early December from Ramsey, Washington, Wright. High count 12/2 Wabasha (47, Pool 5) PEJ.
Lesser Scaup
(Aythya affinis)
112 One north record: 1/2–2/16 Clay (male, Moorhead W.T.P.) PBB, MO. December south reports from 11 counties, with high counts 12/2 Wabasha (2,400, Pool 5) PEJ, 12/2 Goodhue (10) PEJ, 12/1 Ramsey (9, Gervais Lake) DnS. Multiple individuals (up to 7) overwintered Scott (Blue Lake W.T.P.) m.ob. Other reports after December include 1/1–1/9 Dakota (Black Dog Lake) m.ob., 1/3–2/15 Goodhue (up to 4, Colvill Park) m.ob., 1/9–30 Wabasha (2, Camp Lacupolis) PEJ, 2/21–27 Wabasha (up to 4) PEJ. CBC high counts 12/14 Excelsior (4), 12/21 Red Wing (3).
Harlequin Duck
(Histrionicus histrionicus)
1  Only reports 12/9–2/7 Cook (1–2, Grand Marais) DFe, ASu, m.ob.
White-winged Scoter
(Melanitta deglandi)
1  One record (continuing from 11/28): 12/1–11 Cook (1–2, Grand Marais) ebd.
Long-tailed Duck
(Clangula hyemalis)
32 Reported in significant numbers only in Cook, with high counts from Good Harbor Bay 2/16 (125), 2/3 (107) ClN, m.ob. Other reports from Cook were of fewer than 75 individuals. Only three reports from Lake, all singles. Many reports of 1–2 birds from St. Louis (Duluth) in January and February, likely the same individuals. One south record: 2/20–29 Wright/Sherburne (Ellison Park, Monticello) ToL, m.ob.
(Bucephala albeola)
411 North reports from four counties: 1/24–2/25 Cook (female, Grand Marais) m.ob., 2/1 Lake m.ob., 2/26 Otter Tail TCL, 1/23, 2/15 St. Louis (Duluth) ebd. December south reports from ten counties, with high counts 12/2 Wabasha (425, Pool 5) PEJ, 12/3 Houston (100, Reno Bottoms) GHo, KDS. Multiple individuals overwintered Scott (up to 5, Blue Lake W.T.P.) m.ob. Other south reports after December include 1/9 Anoka (3) MkC, 1/6–7 Big Stone DLP, 1/24, 2/1 Hennepin ebd, 1/10–14 Wabasha PEJ. CBC high counts 12/14 Winona (6), Excelsior (4).
Common Goldeneye
(Bucephala clangula)
1430 High count north: 2/6 Otter Tail (325, Fergus Falls) JsS. Elsewhere, north totals were fewer than 75. Duluth (St. Louis) high count (72) was the second lowest there in at least the past 10 winters. South high counts 12/16, 1/23 Goodhue (900, Lock & dam 3) m.ob. Midwinter counts in Twin Cities counties were 150 or fewer. CBC high counts 12/21 Red Wing (1,792), 12/14 Fergus Falls (400), Excelsior (163).
Bufflehead X Common Goldeneye
(Bucephala albeola X B. clangula)
2 Male of this hybrid reported 2/1–25 Wright/Sherburne (Ellison Park, Monticello) ph. ClB, m.ob. Possibly the same male was photographed in this area during winters 2015–2016 and 2016–2017.
Barrow's Goldeneye
(Bucephala islandica)
3  Two records: 12/19–1/14 Wabasha (female, near Camp Lacupolis) † PEJ, 1/28–2/24 Wright/Sherburne (female, Monticello) ToL, ph. REn, m.ob.
Hooded Merganser
(Lophodytes cucullatus)
423  December reports from four north counties, all of 1–2 individuals. North reports after December: 1/6–2/2 St. Louis (Silver Lake, Virginia) SLF, BEA, 1/25–26 (2, Fergus Falls) MO, ebd. December reports from 18 south counties, with high counts 12/2 Ramsey (80, Vadnais Lake) SDz, 12/1 Hennepin (60, Bass Ponds, Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) CRM, m.ob. After December, reported from 17 south counties. Multiple individuals overwintered Scott (up to 15, Blue Lake W.T.P.) m.ob., Hennepin (up to 10, Bass Ponds) m.ob.; also 2/18 Dakota (14, Lock and Dam 2) KDS, 2/11 Goodhue (6, Lock and Dam 3) PEJ. Reports after December from other south counties were of 1–2 birds.
Common Goldeneye X Hooded Merganser
(Bucephala clangula X Lophodytes cucullatus)
1 Two reports (different individuals): 12/19–2/10 Wabasha (male, near Camp Lacupolis) ph. † PEJ, 2/5–10 Wabasha (male, Minneiska) ph. † PEJ.
Common Merganser
(Mergus merganser)
929  No reports Northwest. High count north 2/16 St. Louis (50, Duluth) ClN, m.ob.; away from Duluth, counts were fewer than 10. Reported from 23 south counties in December, with high counts 12/8 Wabasha (18,000, Lake Pepin) PEJ, 12/6 Wabasha (3,850, Lake City) MNb. After December, high count 1/15 Goodhue (8,000, Colvill Park, Red Wing) PEJ. Post-December high counts away from Goodhue include 1/3 Washington (370) NSg, 1/21 Ramsey (365) BAF. CBC high counts 12/21 Red Wing (6,791), 1/1 Afton (610), 12/28 Hastings-Etter (408).
Red-breasted Merganser
(Mergus serrator)
37  All north reports from Lake Superior, with high counts by county: 2/6 St. Louis (27, Duluth) VRL, 12/15 Lake (15) ClN, 2/14 Cook (14, Grand Marais) PEJ. December south reports from seven counties, with high counts 12/2 Wabasha (13), Goodhue (7) PEJ. Overwintered Goodhue (up to 6, Colvill Park, Red Wing) PEJ; also 1/9 Washington (Afton) MaJ. CBC high counts 12/15 Two Harbors (19), 12/14 Duluth (10).
Ruddy Duck
(Oxyura jamaicensis)
12 December reports from 11 south counties, with high counts 12/2 Wabasha (16, Pool 5) PEJ, Hennepin (13, Bde Maka Ska) ClB; after mid December, counts were 3 or fewer. Overwintered Scott (up to 3, Blue Lake W.T.P.) m.ob.; also 1/1 Goodhue (Colvill Park, Red Wing) ClB, PEJ.
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Wild Turkey
(Meleagris gallopavo)
2748 Reported from 75 counties statewide, tying last year†™s record, from as far northwest as Marshall. New winter county record 12/25 Cook (4, Tofte House) JaJ. North high counts 12/6 Pennington (250, along County road 7) JMJ, 12/22 Pennington (160, west of St. Hilaire) ebd, 12/15 Morrison (67) SEm. Reported from a season-record 48 south counties, with only five counties lacking observations. South high counts 2/22 Renville (105) RAE. 1/26 Dakota (75) ADS. CBC high counts 12/14 Henderson (187), 1/1 Long Prairie (181), 12/15 Cedar Creek Bog (173), 12/14 Faribault (172).
Ruffed Grouse
(Bonasa umbellus)
227 Reported from 22 north counties, slightly above the ten-year average (21). High counts were from St. Louis (Sax-Zim Bog): 1/3 (14) ASu, 1/10 (14) FJN, 2/15 (14) ebd. Only a few reports Southeast (all 1–2 birds), from Goodhue, Wabasha, Winona. Other south reports (1–2 birds) from Benton, Sherburne, Isanti, Chisago. CBC high counts 1/4 Fredenberg (46), 12/28 Cook Area (15), 12/31 Aurora (15), 1/4 Isabella (14).
Spruce Grouse
(Canachites canadensis)
6 Reported from all counties bordering Canada except Kittson. As usual, most reports were from Lake. High counts 1/4 Lake (14, County road 2) ebd, 2/22 Lake of the Woods (10, Gustafson†™s Camp S.N.A.) MHK, 2/23 Cook (7) FJN, JPR, m.ob. Also reported from Roseau, Koochiching, St. Louis. CBC high counts 1/4 Isabella (11), Roseau (2).
Sharp-tailed Grouse
(Tympanuchus phasianellus)
10 North reports only, with the great majority from St. Louis (Sax-Zim Bog). High count 12/19 Polk (26, near Pembina W.M.A.) ebd. Sax-Zim Bog counts were 7 or fewer. New winter record: 12/27 Norman (Twin Valley Prairie S.N.A.) ebd. CBC high counts 12/18 Newfolden (302), 1/4 Roseau (84), 12/19 Glacial Ridge (43), 1/5 Baudette (21).
Greater Prairie-Chicken
(Tympanuchus cupido)
5 Most reports from Clay and Polk; also reported from Mahnomen, Norman, Wilkin. High counts 2/2 Clay (81, Bluestem Prairie S.N.A. and vicinity) TCL, 2/19 Polk (46, Pankratz Memorial Prairie–North Unit) ebd. CBC high counts 12/14 Crookston (84), 12/19 Glacial Ridge (26).
Gray Partridge
(Perdix perdix)
59 All north reports from five Northwest counties, with high count 1/25 Polk (24, southwest of Warren) HHu, JHs. High counts from the other four north counties were 15 or fewer. South high counts 12/14 Jackson (10) KDS, 2/4 Lac qui Parle (9) DLP, 1/27 Dodge (8) NFT. CBC high count 12/14 Jackson County (10).
Ring-necked Pheasant
(Phasianus colchicus)
1853 Reported from the same number of counties as last winter, including all 53 south counties and from as far northwest as Polk and Marshall and northeast to southern St. Louis. North high counts 12/4 Kanabec (52) SPS, 1/19 Clay (23) PBB, 12/15 Morrison (22) SEm. South high counts 1/26 Chippewa (350, multiple county locations) ANy, 1/26 Chippewa (150, 30th St. grassland) LiH, 12/28 Stearns (98) MtS, HHD. CBC high counts 12/20 Hendricks (155), 12/14 Jackson County (120), 1/4 Mountain Lake-Windom (113).
Pied-billed Grebe
(Podilymbus podiceps)
3 Three reports: 12/1 Hennepin CMB, Ramsey (Gervais Lake) DnS, 12/2 Wabasha (Pool 4) PEJ.
Horned Grebe
(Podiceps auritus)
1 One report: 12/4 Wright (Lake Pulaski) HHD.
Pigeons, Doves
Rock Pigeon
(Columba livia)
3452 Recorded statewide from all but one county (Yellow Medicine). North high count 12/15 Polk (500, East Grand Forks) DaL, 1/12 St. Louis (265, Duluth Port Terminal) JLK. South high counts 12/14 Ramsey (497) JDS, SKS, 1/26 Hennepin (450, Minneapolis) ebd. CBC high counts 12/14 St. Paul (North) (804), Duluth (719), 12/15 Virginia (684),
Eurasian Collared-Dove
(Streptopelia decaocto)
1639 Reported from 55 counties statewide (tying last winter†™s record), from as far northwest as Kittson but only two (Itasca, Pine) east of a line from Roseau to Washington. New winter county records: 1/28 Hennepin (2, Elm Creek P.R.) ebd, 12/23 Pine (southeast of Pine City) KvJ. North high counts 1/12 Norman (18) TCL, 12/11 Becker (14) ASu, 12/12 Morrison (13) NSg. South high counts 1/8 Redwood (84, Milroy) TAT, 1/30 Dakota (70) ADS. CBC high counts 1/4 Mountain Lake-Windom (45), Pipestone (35), 12/21 Lamberton (34), 12/14 Kensington (32).
Mourning Dove
(Zenaida macroura)
1543 North reports after December from 13 counties, with high counts 2/29 St. Louis (12, Hibbing) ebd, 2/14 Carlton (11, Cloquet) ebd. High counts south 12/3 Houston (47) GHo, KDS, 1/26 Hennepin (38) TAT, 1/10 Hennepin (28, Bredesen Park) ebd. CBC high counts 12/14 La Crosse-La Crescent (131), 12/15 Cedar Creek Bog (94), 12/14 Rochester (92), Faribault (92), Winona (91).
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
American Coot
(Fulica americana)
17 One north report: 2/6 Otter Tail (Fergus Falls) JsS. Overwintered Scott (up to 21, Blue Lake W.T.P.) m.ob. No other reports after mid December. CBC high count 12/14 Excelsior (3).
Sandhill Crane
(Antigone canadensis)
2 Two south reports without details: 12/2 Wabasha (Pool 4) PEJ, 12/17 Mower PMM.
(Charadrius vociferus)
2 All reports: 12/3 Houston (4, Brownsville, Wildcat Park) GHo, KDS, 2/15, 2/29 Houston (3, Brownsville, Wildcat Park) m.ob., 2/19 Houston (2, La Crescent) SHo, 2/29 Olmsted DAB, ANy, JWZ.
Wilson's Snipe
(Gallinago delicata)
15 One north report: 1/21  Cook (Pedersen Lane, Lutsen) † PCh. Overwintered in Chisago (2, Wild River S.P.) m.ob., Dakota (Etter Bottoms) AJF, KDS, MwT, Olmsted (near Dover) m.ob., Scott (Minnesota Valley N.W.R., Wilkie Unit) m.ob. Other reports include 2/1 Hennepin (Old Cedar Ave. Bridge) ClB, 2/26 Olmsted (Viola Rd. north of Eyota) JmP.
Gulls, Terns
Bonaparte's Gull
(Chroicocephalus philadelphia)
2 First winter reports since 2016: 12/3 Wabasha (2, Lake City) MNb, ebd, Wright (2, Lake Pulaski) ToL.
Ring-billed Gull
(Larus delawarensis)
211 North reports in December of 1–4 individuals from St. Louis (Duluth) and Lake (Two Harbors). After December, 1–2 birds were reported (all but one without details) in Duluth through 2/1 m.ob. December south reports from 11 counties, with high count 12/2 Hennepin (400, Bde Maka Ska) SKe. Away from Hennepin, high count 12/7 Wabasha (190, Lake City Marina) MNb. South counts after 12/7 were 15 or fewer. Only two south reports after December: 1/1 Goodhue PEJ, 1/6 Dakota (2) ebd. CBC high count 12/14 Bloomington (5).
(Larus californicus)
1 New county winter record: 12/24 Washington (first-cycle, Point Douglas Park) † EzH, IsH.
Herring Gull
(Larus argentatus)
411 December north high count 12/26 St. Louis (528, Duluth) PHS. Overwintered along Lake Superior, with high counts after December by county: 1/25 St. Louis (1,500, Duluth) AVa, 2/23 Cook (220, Grand Marais) m.ob., 1/4 Lake (42, Two Harbors) m.ob. New winter county record 12/24 Morrison (Little Falls) BWF. Reported from 11 south counties in December, with high count 12/4 Hennepin (600, Bde Maka Ska) MZa, FFa. Reported from four south counties in early January, with high count 1/1 Dakota (48, Black Dog Lake) BAF. No south reports after 1/4. CBC high counts 12/14 Duluth (359), Grand Marais (66), 12/15 Two Harbors (56), 12/14 Bloomington (18).
Iceland Gull
(Larus glaucoides)
32 High count 1/20 St. Louis (7, Duluth, WLSSD) ClN, TEg. February reports in Duluth of 1–3 individuals through 2/23 m.ob. Singles also reported from Lake, Cook. South reports 12/24–29 Washington (adult, first-cycle, Point Douglas Park) m.ob. Statewide, most were identified as or presumed to be the Thayer†™s subspecies. Kumlien†™s subspecies reports were of singles in Duluth from 1/25–2/23 m.ob.; none included details although two noted age (adult, first-cycle).
Lesser Black-backed Gull
(Larus fuscus)
11 One north report: 12/14 St. Louis (second-cycle, Duluth) ClN, JDx. South reports: 12/2–3 Hennepin (second-cycle, adult, Bde Maka Ska) ClB, DWK. This species has been reported in each of the past 12 winters.
Glaucous Gull
(Larus hyperboreus)
24 Multiple individuals reported throughout the season St. Louis (Duluth) m.ob., with high counts 2/3 (16) ebd, 1/17 (13, mouth of Miller Creek) JLK, 2/7 (13) ClN. Also 1/8 Cook (Grand Marais) ebd. South reports (singles): 12/3–4 Hennepin (Bde Maka Ska) DWK, m.ob., 12/4 Sherburne (Elk River landfill) PLJ, 12/14 Dakota (Burnsville) BKa, 12/20–24 Washington (Point Douglas Park) PNi, m.ob. Last south report 1/1–3 Dakota (Black Dog Lake) BAF, IVa.
Great Black-backed Gull
(Larus marinus)
1  Singles reported 1/17–2/16 St. Louis (Duluth) JLK, m.ob., possibly the same adult. The decline of this species in Duluth over the past several winters continues.
Common Loon
(Gavia immer)
  No reports. This species had been recorded in eight of the previous ten winters.
Double-crested Cormorant
(Nannopterum auritum)
1 One report: 12/2–3 Olmsted (Rochester, Cascade Lake Park) LAV, JWH, MiD.
American White Pelican
(Pelecanus erythrorhynchos)
11 Two reports: 12/1 – 1/10 Wabasha (1–2 injured birds, Lake City) PEJ, 12/14 Fergus Falls CBC.
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
Great Blue Heron
(Ardea herodias)
5 Reported from only five south counties, the fewest since 2009. A few December records from Dakota, Hennepin, Mower, Rice, Sibley. Reported after December only from Rice: 1/16 (Northfield) ebd, 1/26 TFB, 2/22–28 (Faribault) DAB, REn, RLF.
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Golden Eagle
(Aquila chrysaetos)
413 December north reports (singles) from Carlton, Lake, Polk. North reports after December: 1/12 Polk SAu, 2/29 St. Louis (early migrant, Duluth) FJN. Numerous reports from the traditional Southeast wintering areas in Fillmore, Houston, Winona, and a few from Goodhue, Wabasha. Also reported from Blue Earth, Dakota, Mower, Nicollet, Redwood, Renville; new winter record 2/29 Nobles ASu. High counts were from Winona: 12/7 (5) ebd, 12/9, 2/2 (4) ToM. CBC high count 1/1 Whitewater River (3).
Northern Harrier
(Circus hudsonius)
215 Reported from only 17 counties statewide, the fewest for the season since 2014 (and in sharp contrast to the record 61 counties in winter 2016). Two north reports: 12/25 Kanabec (Mora) ebd, 1/1 Long Prairie CBC. South reports (all singles) from only one county in December, but from seven in January (including new winter county record 1/4 Pipestone CBC) and eight in February.
Sharp-shinned Hawk
(Accipiter striatus)
1340  Reported from 53 counties statewide, similar to last winter and above the ten-year season average (46). Reports (all singles) from 11 north counties after December; the farthest north were 1/4 Red Lake (Red Lake Falls) SAu, 2/28 Cook (Lutsen) JlB. Reported from 40 south counties, the most in at least the past ten winters. New county winter record: 1/10 Nobles KEm. CBC high counts 12/14 Bloomington (4), Rochester (4), Henderson (4).
Cooper's Hawk
(Accipiter cooperii)
336 All north reports: 12/6 Pine KrM, 12/13 St. Louis (Mountain Iron) † DBF, 12/15 Virginia CBC, 2/9 St. Louis (Duluth) † ClN, 2/16 Morrison ABL, 2/26 Pine LEv. Widely reported south from a record-tying 36 counties, including 30 counties after December. New winter county record 2/21 Nobles (2) ebd. CBC high counts 12/14 St. Paul (North) (5), Owatonna (4), Rochester (3), 12/21 Mankato (3).
American Goshawk
(Accipiter atricapillus)
1910 Reported from 29 counties statewide, the most since winter 1992 (37 counties). The great majority of reports were from St. Louis, especially Sax-Zim Bog, with high count 1/22 (4) JPR. South reports from 10 counties, higher than the ten-year average (4.9). New winter county records: 12/22 Cottonwood (Talcot Lake W.M.A.) JWH, KEm, 1/11 Pennington JMJ. CBC high counts 12/14 Duluth (3), 12/19 Glacial Ridge (2).
Bald Eagle
(Haliaeetus leucocephalus)
3453 Reported from all 87 counties for only the third time in winter (also 2016, 2018). North high counts 1/1 Lake of the Woods (30, Zippel Bay Resort) ebd, 2/29 St. Louis (30, mostly migrants, Duluth, Enger Tower) FJN, 2/22 Kanabec (14) SPS. South high count 12/7 Isanti (259, central Stanford Twp.) RCl. Away from Isanti, high counts 1/16 Goodhue (81, Colvill Park) MNb, 12/10 Blue Earth (71, Bethany Hawkwatch). CBC high counts 12/14 Bloomington (210), Winona (139), La Crosse-La Crescent (92).
Red-shouldered Hawk
(Buteo lineatus)
114 All north reports were from Morrison: 12/12 (Little Falls) NSg, PSP, 12/21 SC, 2/23 (Little Falls) SEm. South reports after December from 14 counties, with Hennepin providing the most, followed by Ramsey. CBC high counts 12/14 Bloomington (2), 12/28 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) (2).
Red-tailed Hawk
(Buteo jamaicensis)
1550 No reports from northernmost tier of counties except St. Louis, and reported from only two Northwest counties. North reports after December from 13 counties, with high counts 1/3 Mille Lacs (6) MJB, 1/1 Todd (5) REn, RLF, 2/22 Kanabec (5) SPS. Reported from all but three south counties. South high counts 12/14 Washington (11) ebd, 2/3 Scott (8, Shakopee) IVa. CBC high counts 12/14 Rochester (50), Bloomington (46), 12/21 Mankato (40). Harlan†™s subspecies (B. j. harlani) reported from Benton, Freeborn, Hennepin, Scott (12/14–2/15 near Shakopee m.ob.). Krider†™s subspecies (B. j. kriderii) reported from Blue Earth, Renville. Northern subspecies (B. j. abieticola) reported from seven counties.
Rough-legged Hawk
(Buteo lagopus)
2240 Reported from 62 counties statewide, the same as the ten-year average. North high counts were from St. Louis (Sax-Zim Bog): 12/7 (29) AVa, DAl, 12/8 (24) StK. After December, Sax-Zim counts were much lower (7 or fewer). Away from Sax-Zim, north high count 2/22 Kanabec (10) SPS. South high counts 1/19 Houston (6) JJS, 12/14 Olmsted (5) LAV, JWH, 1/11 Winona (5) ebd. CBC high counts 12/21 Rice Lake NWR (15), 12/14 Rochester (14), 1/1 Whitewater River (8). Of those individuals for which color morphs were noted (known or suspected duplicates excluded), 37 were light, 21 dark (north), and 23 light, 19 dark (south), for a statewide total of 60 light, 40 dark.
Barn Owls
(Tyto alba)
1 One report: 1/11–12 St. Louis (Sax-Zim Bog, County road 7 south of Zim) † KRE, ph. HNk, ph. ClN, † PCC, m.ob. (The Loon 92:86–87). This owl was hunting during the day on both days, but was in increasingly poor physical condition by the afternoon of the 12th. It was picked up by several birders who took it to the University of Minnesota Raptor Center, but it died during transport. The Raptor Center necropsy revealed that the owl apparently died from starvation (fide Lori Arent). This is the first county record since 1984.
Screech-Owls, Owls
Eastern Screech-Owl
(Megascops asio)
118 One north report: 12/14 Clay (2) Fargo-Moorhead CBC. Reported from 18 south counties, above the ten-year average (13). All reports were of 1–2 birds. A total of three gray and three red morphs reported. New county winter records: 1/1 Dodge (Dodge Center) SC, 2/2 Waseca (New Richland) MHz. CBC high counts 12/15 Austin (4), five others with 2.
Great Horned Owl
(Bubo virginianus)
1739 Reported from 56 counties statewide, close to the ten-year average (57). North reports were all of 1–3 individuals, and south reports of 1–4. Two Hennepin reports of the pale subspecies, B. v. subarcticus. CBC high counts 12/14 Excelsior (7), 12/21 Lamberton (7), 12/28 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) (7), 12/14 Rochester (6).
Snowy Owl
(Bubo scandiacus)
1210 Reported from only 22 counties statewide, the lowest number since 2010 and eight fewer than last winter. The ten-year average is 36 counties (range 9–62). Most north reports were from St. Louis (Sax-Zim Bog), all of 1–2 individuals. North high count 2/3 Polk (4) JHs. All south reports were singles except 2/9 Stearns (2) MJB. No CBC reports.
Northern Hawk Owl
(Surnia ulula)
7 Reported from eight north counties: Aitkin, Beltrami, Carlton, Cass, Itasca, Koochiching, Lake, Lake of the Woods, Marshall, St. Louis. Most reports were singles from St. Louis (Sax-Zim Bog), with a few high counts of 3. Away from Sax-Zim, high counts were 2 (Beltrami, Lake of the Woods). CBC high count 1/5 Baudette (4), 12/28 Cook Area (2). (This is considered a Sensitive Species in eBird and records are not public. This summary includes eBird records although they are not in the M.O.U. database.)
Barred Owl
(Strix varia)
1827 Reported from 45 counties statewide, somewhat above the ten-year average (43). No Southwest reports, and only from Becker and Clay in the Northwest. All counts were of 1–3 individuals north, and 1–2 south. CBC high counts 12/14 Bloomington (4), five others with 2; this is the lowest in at least the past decade.
Great Gray Owl
(Strix nebulosa)
8 Reported from eight north counties: Beltrami, Hubbard, Koochiching, Lake, Lake of the Woods, Marshall, Roseau, St. Louis. By far the most reports were from Sax-Zim Bog (St. Louis), nearly all singles with a few of 2–4. High count 1/10 Beltrami (5, in same field) ebd. CBC high counts 12/18 Sax-Zim (4), 1/3 Beltrami Island )3). (This is considered a Sensitive Species in eBird and records are not public. This summary includes eBird records although they are not in the M.O.U. database.)
Long-eared Owl
(Asio otus)
16 One north report: 2/24 Todd REn, RLF. South reports of singles from Carver, Goodhue, Hennepin, Meeker, Washington, and 2/8 Dakota (4) JMn. No CBC reports.
Short-eared Owl
(Asio flammeus)
14 All reports: 12/18 Hennepin (Staring Lake Park) ebd, 1/10 St. Louis (Sax-Zim Bog) FJN, 1/16 Faribault BAy, 1/30 Steele (Armstrong Wetland Restoration) AJF, 2/29 Watonwan (northwest of Lewisville) ASu.
Boreal Owl
(Aegolius funereus)
2 Reported St. Louis: 12/8 (Cook) GWe, 1/3 (Sax-Zim Bog) JVe, 1/12 (Sturgeon River S.F.) ClN, m.ob., 1/28–2/21 (Sax-Zim Bog, Admiral Road feeding station) m.ob. Also reported 12/14 Cook (Grand Marais CBC).
Northern Saw-whet Owl
(Aegolius acadicus)
716 Reported from seven north counties: single locations in Becker, Cass, Clay, Cook, Douglas (new winter county record 2/13 Alexandria ebd), Itasca, and six different locations in St. Louis. South reports (all singles) from 16 counties, higher than the ten-year average (9).
Belted Kingfisher
(Megaceryle alcyon)
326 Reported from 29 counties, near the ten-year average of 30, but less than last winter†™s season-high of 38 counties. All north reports 12/28 Alexandria CBC, 1/25 St. Louis ebd, 2/7 St. Louis SLF, 2/23 St. Louis DBF, 2/29 Otter Tail MO. Unusual south reports: 12/20, 12/27, 2/23 Big Stone DLP, 2/16 Murray VKl. CBC high counts 12/14 Bloomington (4), 12/14 Faribault (4), 12/15 Austin (4).
Red-headed Woodpecker
(Melanerpes erythrocephalus)
76 Found in 13 counties, slightly above the ten-year average of 12, including an unusually high number of north counties. Unusual north reports: 12/26–1/3 Roseau ph. JTi, 1/24 Wadena PJB, 2/2 Kanebec ABL. CBC high counts: 12/15 Cedar Creek Bog (98), 1/1 Pillager (7).
Red-bellied Woodpecker
(Melanerpes carolinus)
2651 Observed widely from all regions in numbers comparable to past ten years (ten-year average 72). Notable winter record 1/5 Baudette CBC. High counts 2/1 Anoka (12) MaS, 1/3 Hennepin (10) ebd, 2/23 Hennepin (10) KeK. CBC high counts 12/14 Excelsior (65), 12/14 Rochester (60).
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
(Sphyrapicus varius)
28 Found in ten scattered counties (ten-year average eight), including two unusual north reports: 12/14 Grand Marais CBC, 12/16 Detroit Lakes CBC. All reports after 12/31: 1/2–10 Isanti ph. ebd, 1/19, 1/28 Hennepin DAs, 1/1–2/11 Washington DGW.
American Three-toed Woodpecker
(Picoides dorsalis)
6 Observed in six northern counties with appropriate boreal habitat, including single observations from the following counties: 12/12 Koochiching (Pine Island S.F.) EzH, ebd, 12/26 Pine County CBC, 2/25 Lake of the Woods MHK. CBC high count 12/26 Pine County (6).
Black-backed Woodpecker
(Picoides arcticus)
91 Found in all northern tier counties except Kittson, plus Carlton, Aitkin and Pine counties in the north. A pair first found on 11/23 overwintered in conifer stand on the Blue Hill Trail at Sherburne N.W.R. (12/1 – 2/29, m.ob.). CBC high counts 12/21 Ely (7), 12/28 Cook Area (4).
Downy Woodpecker
(Dryobates pubescens)
3053  Reported from all counties except Red Lake, Clearwater, Mahnomen and Wilkin. High counts 12/24 Brown (24) BTS, 1/25 Lake (19) JWL, SLL, 1/4 St. Louis (18) AVa, DAl. CBC high counts 12/14 Faribault (168), 12/14 Rochester (143), 12/14 Bloomington (142).
Hairy Woodpecker
(Dryobates villosus)
3252 Found in a season-high 84 counties with only Mahnomen, Wilkin, and Big Stone lacking observations. High count 2/6 St. Louis (14) SkH. CBC high counts 12/14 Faribault (67), 1/4 Fredenberg (63), 12/14 Henderson (58).
Northern Flicker
(Colaptes auratus)
1038 Reported from 48 counties in all regions, lower than numbers from prior two winters, but still well above the ten-year average of 42. Numerous mid-January and early February reports, including many from counties along North Shore, Beltrami and Otter Tail indicate overwintering of this species. High count 12/14 Rice (5) DAB. CBC high counts 12/14 Faribault (26), 12/14 Owatonna (14).
Pileated Woodpecker
(Dryocopus pileatus)
2943  Observed in 72 counties, similar to numbers from previous five winters, although few reports from Southwest and other counties in prairie biome, as expected. High counts 12/15 Morrison (5) SEm, DOr, 12/28 Chisago (5) ebd, 1/6 Hennepin (5) MHu. CBC high counts 12/16 Detroit Lakes (31), 12/14 Walker (27), 12/14 Kandiyohi (23).
Caracaras, Falcons
American Kestrel
(Falco sparverius)
944 Reported from 53 counties in all regions of the state except the North-central, slightly higher than ten-year average of 48. Notable report 1/4 Roseau CBC. High counts 12/23 Winona (3) ebd, 1/1 Wabasha (3) SHk. CBC high counts 12/29 Wabasha (12), Whitewater River (8), 12/14 Henderson (6).
(Falco columbarius)
628 Reported throughout the season from 34 counties from all regions of the state except the North-central. The number of reporting counties was below last winter†™s record of 40, but well above the ten-year average of 27. Unusual records include 2/18 Pope (Lake Johanna Twp.) AaL, 2/26 Rock (Luverne) KEm. No reports of more than two birds.
Peregrine Falcon
(Falco peregrinus)
115 Reported from season-high 16 counties including regularly overwintering birds in St. Louis plus counties along or near Mississippi River from Benton to Houston. Notable records include 12/15 Isanti ebd, 2/25 Wright ToL. All reports of one or two birds.
Northern Shrike
(Lanius borealis)
3045 Seen in 75 counties in all regions of the state, below last winter†™s season-high of 80 counties, but above ten-year average of 71. High counts 12/21 St. Louis (10) RNe, 1/29 St. Louis (10) FJN. CBC high counts 12/18 Sax-Zim (13), 12/14 Bloomington (9).
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Canada Jay
(Perisoreus canadensis)
10 Found in all ten counties north and east of line from Roseau to Pine, except Aitkin, similar to ten-year average of 11 counties. High count 12/27 St. Louis (16) ebd. CBC high counts 1/4 Isabella (68), 12/21 Ely (36), 12/28 Cook Area (34).
Blue Jay
(Cyanocitta cristata)
3353 Found in all counties except Red Lake. High counts 12/15 Morrison (103) SEm, 12/18 Sherburne (62) DCk, 12/14 Chisago (60) TTv, 1/20 Anoka (60) MaJ. CBC high counts 12/15 Cedar Creek Bog (566), 12/21 Minneapolis (North) (361), 1/1 Pillager (262). [Corrected]
Black-billed Magpie
(Pica hudsonia)
19 Observed in the nearly the same number of counties as the previous five years. All reporting counties were north of a line from Clay to Carlton. Unusual report 2/16 Carlton (Barnum) ebd. High counts 12/13 Polk (16) EzH, ebd, 2/22 Beltrami (10) JuW, 2/22 St. Louis (10) ebd. CBC high counts 1/5 Baudette (46), 12/18 Newfolden (40), 1/4 Roseau (35).
American Crow
(Corvus brachyrhynchos)
3353  Reported from all counties except Grant. High count 1/30 Hennepin (2,030, Minneapolis Institute of Art) ebd. CBC high counts 12/14 Rochester (1,356), 12/21 Minneapolis (North) (835), 12/14 St. Paul (North) (735).
Common Raven
(Corvus corax)
3112 Reported from 43 counties, less than last winter†™s record high of 47, but well above ten-year average of 37. Observations were from as far south as Scott and Dakota and include all counties north of a line from Dakota to Wilkin except Mahnomen. High counts 2/14 St. Louis (38, Sax-Zim Bog) ebd, 1/12 St. Louis (35, McDavitt Twp.) IVa. CBC high counts 12/28 Cook Area (230), 1/5 Baudette (211), 12/21 Ely (153).
Chickadees, Titmice
Black-capped Chickadee
(Poecile atricapillus)
3452 Seen statewide in all counties except Waseca. High counts 12/14 St. Louis (404, Duluth CBC Section S) ClN, JDx, 12/14 Brown (95) JSc. CBC high counts 1/4 Fredenberg (1,589), 12/14 Duluth (1,533), 12/15 Two Harbors (862).
Boreal Chickadee
(Poecile hudsonicus)
9 Observed in all nine counties east and north of a line form Roseau to Carlton, the same number of counties as last year (ten-year average six). High counts 2/9 Lake (10) ASu, ebd, 1/6 St. Louis (9) ASu, 2/5 Lake (8) ASu. CBC high count 1/4 Isabella (11).
Tufted Titmouse
(Baeolophus bicolor)
14 Reported from a season-high 14 south counties, including all counties along or near the Mississippi River from Houston to Anoka. Unusual winter reports away from Mississippi River corridor 12/24 McLeod (Silver Lake) FFa, 2/18 Freeborn AEB. High counts 12/14 Olmsted (5) LAV, 2/21 Houston (5) KEm. CBC high counts 12/14 Winona (19), 12/14 Olmsted (9), 12/21 Red Wing (8).
Horned Lark
(Eremophila alpestris)
2252 Found in 74 counties (ten-year average 65) throughout state, albeit few reports from North-central and Northeast as expected. Yellow Medicine only south county without a report. High counts 2/22 Lyon (200) GWe, 2/23 Winona (100) ebd, 2/6 Rock (87) RAE. CBC high counts 12/14 Kensington (471), 12/20 Hendricks (199), 12/20 Lac qui Parle (119).
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
(Corthylio calendula)
1 For fourth year in a row a single report of late migrant 12/19 Olmsted (Quarry Hills N.C.) LAV.
Golden-crowned Kinglet
(Regulus satrapa)
415  Reported from 19 counties, similar to numbers from recent years. Midwinter reports from many counties. Unusual reports 12/8 Watonwan BTS, 12/16 Pope MKu, 1/30 Koochiching HHD, RAE, 2/6 Rock HHD, RAE. High count 12/13 Lyon (8) GWe. CBC high counts 12/14 Marshall (12), 12/16 Granite Falls (8).
Bohemian Waxwing
(Bombycilla garrulus)
14 Observed in 14 north counties as far south as Todd, the lowest total since 2013 (ten-year average 22). High counts 2/10 St. Louis (165, Cook) ebd, 2/29 St. Louis (100, Meadowlands) ebd. CBC high counts 1/4 Roseau (72), 12/31 Aurora (8).
Cedar Waxwing
(Bombycilla cedrorum)
1938 Found in 57 counties from all regions of the state, almost identical to numbers from past two years. Unusual winter report 12/20 Hendricks CBC. High counts 12/11 Cook (200) ebd, 12/14 Olmsted (180) LAV, 1/24 Scott (150) BHe. CBC high counts 12/14 Grand Marais (430), 12/14 Rochester (188), 12/14 Excelsior (183).
Red-breasted Nuthatch
(Sitta canadensis)
2424  Found in only 48 counties, the lowest number since 2014 and far below last winter†™s total of 80 counties (ten-year average 62). Very few reports from Southwest, South-central and West-central regions. High counts 1/4 Lake (35) JWL, 1/1 St. Louis (24) ebd. CBC high counts 1/4 Fredenberg (475), 12/21 Ely (180), 1/4 Isabella (123).
White-breasted Nuthatch
(Sitta carolinensis)
3352 Reported statewide from all counties except Red Lake and Waseca. High counts 12/14 Brown (33) BTS, 12/14 Kandiyohi (29) RAE. CBC high counts 12/14 Excelsior (155), 12/14 Bloomington (132), 12/28 Alexandria (132).
Brown Creeper
(Certhia americana)
1943 Observed in 62 counties in all regions, similar to numbers from previous two years. Only one report from Northwest: 1/4 Roseau CBC. High counts 12/16 Yellow Medicine (14, Upper Sioux Agency S.P.) WCM, 12/24 Hennepin (12, Wood Lake N.C.) SMl, 12/14 Brown (10) BTS. CBC high counts 12/16 Granite Falls (19), 12/20 Lac qui Parle (15), 12/14 Bloomington (12).
Carolina Wren
(Thryothorus ludovicianus)
9  Found in nine counties, down from last winter†™s count of 11, but above the ten-year average of six. Most reports from counties along the Mississippi River. Notable records 12/1–2/16 Mower (Austin) ph. RJW, 12/14–12/17 Stearns (St. Cloud) † PCC, ph. ToL, m.ob., 12/21 Blue Earth (Williams Nature Park) ChH. All observations of single birds.
Winter Wren
(Troglodytes hiemalis)
5 Reported from five south counties. returning to more typical numbers after last winter†™s record high of 11 counties (ten-year average four). Unusual winter record 1/2 Ramsey (Crosby Farm R.P.) BAF. January reports from Ramsey, Washington, Rice and Winona indicate multiple overwintering birds. All reports of single birds.
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Gray Catbird
(Dumetella carolinensis)
1 Only a single observation following last year†™s season-high seven reports: 12/4 Lyon (Marshall, continuing from fall) RJS.
Brown Thrasher
(Toxostoma rufum)
34 Observed in seven widely scattered counties, identical to last year†™s total (ten-year average four). All north reports 12/3 Morrison ph. LCr, 12/14 Crookston CBC, 12/14 Bemidji CBC. All south 12/3 Mower (Waltham Twp.) PMM, 12/8 – 2/8 Anoka (Blaine) ebd, 12/15–21 Dakota (Mendota Heights) KOB, 12/26 Hennepin (Minnetonka) ph. JdM.
European Starling
(Sturnus vulgaris)
3353 Reported statewide from all counties except Red Lake. High counts 12/14 St. Louis (1,264) ClN, 12/25 Dakota (1,050) KDS. CBC high counts 12/14 Duluth (1,354), 12/28 Hastings-Etter 1,318), 12/14 Faribault (1,058).
Eastern Bluebird
(Sialia sialis)
119 Observed in 20 counties, similar to ten-year average of 21, but far below last season†™s record high of 40. Only north reports 12/3 Lake ABm, 12/15 Lake GGo. Unusual south record 2/29 Cottonwood ASu. High count 2/7 Rice (15) MZa. CBC high counts 12/14 Rice (13), 12/21 Red Wing (8).
Townsend's Solitaire
(Myadestes townsendi)
511 Observed in 17 counties (ten-year average 11) scattered throughout the state, although none from the Southeast. Unusual records 12/22 Murray (Hjermstad W.M.A.) ph. † KEm, 12/2–16 Cass (Deep Portage Learning Center) JaE, m.ob., 1/4 – 2/29 Cottonwood (Banks W.M.A.) ph. † KEm, m.ob., 1/4 Cottonwood (Mountain Lake) AaL, CLu, MtS, 1/13 – 2/1 Swift (Kerkhoven Twp.) RAE, ph. DOr, m.ob., 1/25 Roseau (Spruce Cemetery, Roseau) ph. SAu. High count 12/7–8 Todd (2, Grey Eagle Twp.) ph. BAb, m.ob., with one continuing to 1/10. Additional north reports from Otter Tail, Lake, and south reports from Lac qui Parle, Chippewa, Renville, Blue Earth, Wright, Sherburne, Dakota, Washington.
Hermit Thrush
(Catharus guttatus)
314 Reported from a season-high 17 counties (previous high nine counties in 2014). Observed in nine counties 1/1 – 2/15, indicating many overwintering birds. Unusual north reports 12/4 Morrison (Little Falls Twp.) HHD, MAJ, 1/1, 1/20, 2/22 Lake (Two Harbors) JWL, JLK. Notable south reports 12/14 Stearns MJB, 12/16 Yellow Medicine WCM, 12/18 Chisago ELC, 1/4 Renville BTS, MiO, 1/11 Chippewa GWe, 2/29 Nobles ASu.
American Robin
(Turdus migratorius)
2643 Seen statewide in 69 counties (ten-year average 59). Unusual winter records 12/21 Traverse DLP, 2/15 Grant MKu. High counts 1/4 Hennepin (150) ABL, 1/21 Houston (100) DSt, 1/21 Dakota (86) KDS. CBC high counts 12/14 St. Paul (North) (322), 12/28 Hastings-Etter (181), 12/28 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) (147).
Varied Thrush
(Ixoreus naevius)
47 Reported from 11 counties (ten-year average nine) mostly from eastern portion of the state except 12/13 Hubbard (Nevis) MAW. Unusual reports 12/18 – 2/18 Carlton (Cromwell) ph. JMn, m.ob., 12/27 – 1/2 Benton † KEm, m.ob., 1/16 Mower (Udolpho Twp.) TJL, 1/21 Waseca (present approx. 1/10 through 2/25 per homeowners) † RBW. Additional reports north from St. Louis, Cook, and south from Isanti (male and female, Cambridge Twp.), Hennepin, Washington, Olmsted (2 locations).
Old World Sparrows
House Sparrow
(Passer domesticus)
3252 Reported statewide from all counties except Red Lake, Koochiching and Yellow Medicine. High counts 12/14 McLeod (248) PKF, 12/22 Dakota (200) PNi, MwT. CBC high counts 12/19 Fairmont (723), 12/14 Jackson County (721), 12/14 Northwest McLeod (590).
(Passer montanus)
2 For second winter in a row, two reports of single birds: one found in mid-November overwintered in Dakota (Ravenna Twp.) AJF, † EzH, ph. JWZ, m.ob.; another 12/14–12/31 McLeod (Silver Lake) ph. † PRH, m.ob.
Evening Grosbeak
(Coccothraustes vespertinus)
2 Reported from only two counties, St. Louis and Lake, far below the ten-year average of 10. Only report outside of St. Louis: 12/11 Lake (Finland) ebd. High count St. Louis (56, McDavitt Rd., Sax-Zim Bog) ebd. CBC high counts 12/31 Aurora (41), 12/18 Sax-Zim (24) 1/1 Hibbing (14).
Pine Grosbeak
(Pinicola enucleator)
9 Reported from all counties bordering Canada except Kittson, plus Becker, Carlton and Hubbard. The nine reporting counties was the lowest number since 2014 when also seen in nine (ten-year average 21). High count 1/4 St. Louis (40, Biwabik) HTr. CBC high counts 1/4 Isabella (6), 12/14 Grand Marais (4).
House Finch
(Haemorhous mexicanus)
1648 Reported from 64 counties, somewhat below last winter†™s season-high of 72 but still higher than the ten-year average of 60. Unusual winter reports 12/11 Pennington ZL, 2/28 Clearwater JCJ. High counts 1/31 Washington (52, Carpenter N.C.) CNC, 2/8 Wright (47, Delano) ebd, 12/8 Polk (44, East Grand Forks) SAu. CBC high counts 12/14 Rochester (361), 12/14 Owatonna (324), 12/21 Mankato (198).
Purple Finch
(Haemorhous purpureus)
2034 Reported from 54 counties in all regions of the state, nearly identical to ten-year average of 55, but well below last year†™s season-record of 71. High count 2/23 Cook (36) FJN, JPR, ebd. CBC high counts 12/14 Fergus Falls (52), 1/5 Carlton-Cloquet (42), 12/16 Itasca S.P. (39).
Common Redpoll
(Acanthis flammea)
89 Observed in only 17 scattered counties, the lowest number since 2002 and well below the ten-year average 55. High counts 1/4 Roseau (30, Lost River S.F.) ebd, 12/15 Lake (16) ClN, JDx. CBC high counts 12/14 Crookston (152), 12/14 Duluth (58), 12/15 Two Harbors (16).
Hoary Redpoll
(Acanthis hornemanni)
  No reports for first time since 2013.
Red Crossbill
(Loxia curvirostra)
128 Found in 20 counties, nearly identical to last year†™s total and somewhat above the ten-year average of 15. Unusual reports 12/13 Lyon GWe, 12/14 Clay (Gooseberry Park) HSh, 1/21 Goodhue (Miesville Ravine P.R.) IVa, 1/25 Marshall TJJ, 2/19 Blue Earth ebd. High count 2/23 Cook (122, Superior N.F.) JPR, m.ob. CBC high counts 1/4 Fredenberg (18), 12/14 Marshall (14), 1/3 Beltrami Island (13).
White-winged Crossbill
(Loxia leucoptera)
83  Reported in eight counties in Northeast and North-central regions and Roseau, plus three south counties (ten-year average 19). All south reports 12/13 Washington (Scandia) KSc, 12/14 Lyon (Lakeside Cemetery) GWe, 2/23 Freeborn (Myre-Big Island S.P.) LiH. High count 2/23 Cook (45, Superior N.F.) PR, m.ob. CBC high counts 1/3 Beltrami Island (12), 12/15 Virginia (4), 1/4 Isabella (4).
Pine Siskin
(Spinus pinus)
2618 Seen in 44 counties, well below last winter†™s season-high 79 and somewhat below the ten-year average of 51. High count 2/23 Cook (355, Superior N.F.) JPR, m.ob. CBC high counts 12/14 Grand Marais (102), 1/3 Beltrami Island (77), 1/4 Roseau (75).
(Spinus psaltria)
1 First state record 12/8–11 Polk (Warren) ph. † HHu, ph. † ASu, † AXH, JHs.
American Goldfinch
(Spinus tristis)
2748 Found in 75 counties in all regions of the state, somewhat less than last winter†™s season-record of 82 (ten-year average 70). High counts 1/9 Rice (75, Carleton College Cowling Arboretum) MZa, 2/27 St. Louis (75, Sax-Zim Bog) ClN. CBC high counts 12/14 Bloomington (199), 12/21 Ely (181), 12/15 Cedar Creek Bog (177).
Longspurs and Snow Buntings
Lapland Longspur
(Calcarius lapponicus)
1633  Reported from 49 counties, identical to the ten-year average. No reports from North-central and only one from Northeast: 12/1 Cook (Grand Marais) ebd. High counts 2/29 Murray (200, Slaughter Slough W.P.A.) GWe, 2/29 Rock (100, Schoeman Park) ASu. CBC high counts 12/14 Fergus Falls (78), 12/21 Lamberton (40), 12/14 Kensington (21).
Snow Bunting
(Plectrophenax nivalis)
2950 Observed in 79 counties, the highest number since 2013 (ten-year average 73). High counts 2/29 Murray (1,200, Slaughter Slough W.M.A.) GWe, 12/22 Polk (500, near Euclid) SAu, 1/29 Todd (500, County road 38) BEc. CBC high counts 1/4 Roseau (1,583), 12/18 Newfolden (532), 1/4 Mountain Lake-Windom (373).
Towhees, Sparrows
Lark Sparrow
(Chondestes grammacus)
1 Second winter record: 12/21–22, 1/1, 2/3 Blue Earth (private residence near Minneopa S.P.; last date was reported by homeowners) ph. † ChH.
Chipping Sparrow
(Spizella passerina)
35 Reported from eight scattered counties, below last season†™s unprecedented high of 14 counties, but still the second highest winter season total. All north reports: continuing from fall through 12/4 Morrison (Little Falls) SEm, m.ob., 1/1 – 2/22 Lake (Two Harbors) ph. † JWL, 1/4 Otter Tail † CMk. South reports 12/1–4 Hennepin (location?) ABL, 12/1–6 Lyon ph. GWe, 12/3 Hennepin (Brooklyn Park) MZa, 12/7–18 Hennepin (max. 2, Richfield) ph. CMB, 12/15 Mower ph. † KEm, 1/2 Dakota (Ravenna Twp.) KDS, 1/5–15 Ramsey (Roseville) ph. SPS.
Field Sparrow
(Spizella pusilla)
1 Only report 12/5 Wabasha (West Albany Twp.) † MNb.
Fox Sparrow
(Passerella iliaca)
110 Reported from 11 counties, similar to the ten-year average of 12, but below last winter†™s high of 19 counties. Only north report 12/14 Fargo-Moorhead CBC. Most south reports from near the Twin Cities, but also 1/11 Renville ph. GWe, 2/29 Nobles ASu. Only other reports after mid January were from Anoka, Carver, Hennepin, Scott.
American Tree Sparrow
(Spizelloides arborea)
1652 Observed in 68 counties, including all south counties except Waseca (ten-year average 63). High counts 12/18 Dakota (66, Vermillion Twp.) KDS, 12/1 Fillmore (55, Richard J. Dorer S.F.) ToM, 1/4 Goodhue (53, Frontenac S.P.) AJF. CBC high counts 12/22 Albert Lea (168), 12/28 Hastings-Etter (135), 12/23 Northern Meeker County (113).
Dark-eyed Junco
(Junco hyemalis)
2953 Seen statewide in all but five counties. High counts 1/19 Houston (90) JmP, JPr, JJS, 12/14 Brown (73) BTS, JSc. CBC high counts 12/14 Henderson (416), 12/14 Faribault (395), 12/14 Rochester (321). Reports of †œOregon† juncos from 3 north counties through mid December and from 18 south counties throughout the season.
White-crowned Sparrow
(Zonotrichia leucophrys)
14 Observed in five counties, similar to ten-year average of six. Only north reports 12/11 Cook ebd, 12/14 Grand Marais CBC. South reports 12/13–14 Freeborn (Alden) DaS, 12/16 Dakota (Marshan Twp.) KDS, 12/21 Red Wing CBC, 12/29 Dakota (Rosemount) MwT, 1/2–26 Dakota (Ravenna Twp.) KDS, AJF, m.ob., 1/15 – 2/26 Carver (Chaska) JWZ.
Harris's Sparrow
(Zonotrichia querula)
19 Reported from 10 counties, similar to ten-year average of 11. Only north report 12/14 Otter Tail (2, Fergus Falls) Fergus Falls CBC. All south reports after 12/31: 1/3 Blue Earth (Lake Crystal) ebd, 1/11 Renville (Flora Twp.) GWe, 1/12 Watonwan (Nelson Twp.) BTS, 2/8 Freeborn (Geneva Lake) ebd, all of single birds.
White-throated Sparrow
(Zonotrichia albicollis)
1121 Observed in 32 counties in all regions except the Southwest (ten-year average 29). Unusual north report 12/10 Roseau BSi. High counts 12/21 Hennepin (15) IVa, 12/2 Washington (10) ERH. CBC high counts 12/14 Rochester (4), 12/19 Fairmont (4).
Savannah Sparrow
(Passerculus sandwichensis)
1 One report for the second straight year: 12/1 Clay (Cromwell Twp.) † PBB.
Song Sparrow
(Melospiza melodia)
217 Found in 19 counties, nearly identical to the ten-year average of 18, but well below last winter†™s high of 36 counties. Late north 12/4 Lake JWL, St. Louis JLK. Many midwinter reports south. High count Houston (13) IVa. CBC high counts 12/14 Faribault (9), 12/21 Red Wing (3).
Swamp Sparrow
(Melospiza georgiana)
4 Reported from four south counties along the Mississippi River watershed, well below last winter†™s season-high of 14 counties (ten-year average six). All reports after December: 1/6 Ramsey (Crosby Farm R.P.) † BAF, 1/20–23 Hennepin (Minnesota Valley N.W.R., Bass Ponds) DWK, IVa, 2/10–12 Hennepin (Fort Snelling S.P.) † BAF, 2/15–29 Houston LiH, ebd, IVa.
Spotted Towhee
(Pipilo maculatus)
1 Reported for fourth consecutive winter 12/3 – 2/16 Morrison ph. † SEm, m.ob.
Eastern Towhee
(Pipilo erythrophthalmus)
1  Reported for fourth consecutive winter 2/2 Nobles (Worthington) ph. RPM.
Blackbirds, Orioles
Yellow-headed Blackbird
(Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus)
1 One report of a single bird for this species that is seen in about 75% of winters: 12/21 Traverse ph. DLP.
Western Meadowlark
(Sturnella neglecta)
2  Reported from two Southwest counties: 1/4 Pipestone CBC, 2/5 Rock (Northern Tallgrass Prairie N.W.R.) KEm.
Sturnella meadowlark
(Sturnella sp.)
2 Two reports: 12/3 Otter Tail WPl, 1/4 Roseau CBC.
Baltimore Oriole
(Icterus galbula)
1 Reported for second straight year for species seen in about 30% of winters: 12/3 Anoka ph. PJM.
Red-winged Blackbird
(Agelaius phoeniceus)
1028 Observed in 38 counties, the lowest total since 2014 (ten-year average 41). Unusual winter records 12/14 Bemidji CBC, 2/16, 2/18 Carlton (Cromwell) LiH, EzH, ph. FFa, 2/21 Pine (Pine City) HTr. High counts 2/24 Houston (225) SHo, 2/22 Rice (88) DAB, 2/29 Rock (60) ASu. CBC high counts 12/21 Lamberton (218), 12/23 North Meeker County (71), 12/14 Fergus Falls (60).
Brown-headed Cowbird
(Molothrus ater)
9 Reported in nine south counties, identical to ten-year average. Overwintering birds found at the Hampton feedlot, Dakota, m.ob. High count 2/8 Dakota (38, Hampton) AJF. CBC high count 12/21 Red Wing (3).
Rusty Blackbird
(Euphagus carolinus)
43 Reported in seven widely scattered counties, the lowest number since 2008 and well below ten-year average of 14. All reports after December: 1/9 Polk (2) ph. REn, RLF, 1/9–18 Todd TLu, 1/24 Faribault KEm, 2/23 St. Louis (Virginia) † DBF. No counts of more than two birds.
Brewer's Blackbird
(Euphagus cyanocephalus)
21 Three reports of this species that is seen in approximately a third of winter seasons: 12/3 Houston (Brownsville Overlook) ebd, 12/14 Crookston CBC, 1/2 Todd ph REn, RLF.
Common Grackle
(Quiscalus quiscula)
625 Seen in 31 counties, identical to the prior winter season and similar to ten-year average of 33. Unusual reports 2/2 Traverse DLP, 2/14 Kittson SC. High count 12/23 Winona (6) ebd. CBC high counts 12/14 Winona (12), 12/14 Henderson (10), 12/14 Owatonna (10).
Northern Waterthrush
(Parkesia noveboracensis)
1 Second winter report: 12/14–15 Hennepin (Fort Snelling S.P.) † ClB, ph. † IVa.
Orange-crowned Warbler
(Leiothlypis celata)
1 One report of a lingering migrant: 12/8 Hennepin (Orono feeder) ph. TBu, KBu.
Yellow-rumped Warbler
(Setophaga coronata)
13 Reported from 13 south counties, the highest total since 2011 when observed in a record 14 counties (ten-year average five). Still reported in February from Dakota, Houston, Scott, Sibley, Washington, Wright. High counts 12/6 Dakota (7, Lake Byllesby R.P.) KDS, 2/3 Houston (6, Yucatan Twp.) DBz.
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks
Northern Cardinal
(Cardinalis cardinalis)
2149  Observed in 70 counties in all regions of the state, although less commonly from Northwest and North-central, as expected. High counts 12/31 Washington (32) PNi, 12/20 Wabasha (29) MNb. CBC high counts 12/14 Faribault (304), 12/14 Excelsior (217), 12/14 Henderson (215).
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
(Pheucticus ludovicianus)
1 Fourth winter record in past ten years: 12/18 Kanabec ph. CAM.