MOU Remote Entry


Enter into your phones browser. It will bring up a window that looks like this.

Main Page

Click on a species and enter X or a number. This (species, county, date, count, location, comment) is stored locally in a database on your phone.

Home: Click to go to main page. (

List: Go to a page that lists all the sightings held on the phone.

Species or BB code: Search box to enter part of a species name or the bird banding code for the species you can optionally enter a number followed by the name to indicate the number by which to increment the species count. An example is 3rth to indicate 3 Red-tailed Hawks. A list of species are shown. You select the species that you want.

County: select county of sighting. If the GPS is selected, the county will automatically change to reflect the county that you are in.

Date. Select sighting date. Currently the dates are today and the days of sightings stored in the phone. Also, the first and 15th day of 2012 are displayed. These are shown to indicate the species you would expect to see during the year. Select a date and see what species are expected during that season and date.

Occurrence drop-down. Select occurrence of list of birds in this county for this season. These are Common, Uncommon, Occasional, Rare, and All. The occurrence is from the tables generated by Robert Janssen for a particular season with the addition of the migration information assembled by Paul Budde.

County count: number of species seen in this county during the selected date.

Species count: number of species seen for the day.

Latitude, Longitude, Accuracy, and Heading are readouts of the phones GPS.

Species List: The list of species have the count box and the species name. Clicking on the count box will enter an X for the species. Clicking additional times will increment the number by one for each click. Clicking on the species name brings up an entry Screen.

GPS toggles the GPS on and off.

Map goes to a page that indicates the current position as well as the county. It has an icon that indicates the current position for a moving map display.

MOU. Submit sightings to MOU. This is expected to occur at the end of the day.

Top. Go to the top of the screen.



Entry of data

Location: enter location of sighting (Bass Ponds). Click above the sighting to add the current latitude and longitude to the sighting.

Comment: enter birding comment.

0-9 are for entry of number of species.

Click on orange box to increment by one.

is a backspace

X indicates species seen, but no number.

add number to current number.

says cancel entry

= show result of addition..

indicates entry complete.


Listing Dates of Records

Records are listed by date. An indication is given about how many species were seen in each county. Clicking on the left part of the bar brings up a detailed listing of the records. Clicking on the right side of the bar is a request to delete all the sightings for the specified day.


Listing of Records

All records for a specific date are listed. They are in taxanomic order and alphbetic order by county. Location and comment information is included.

Overall information:

This application is written in a combination of HTML and JavaScript. It requires an Internet connection to load the first time, to enter the data into the MOU database, and display a map, but it runs completely stand-alone otherwise. You can navigate away from this page at any time. When you come back, the information/counts are reloaded.


Any feedback is welcome. Comment on font-size, size of buttons, operation, or anything else. I want to make this a useful tool for entering bird reports.
David Cahlander
Burnsville, MN 952-894-5910