[mou] Eagle Nest?/no April

Shelley Steva crossbill7200@yahoo.com
Tue, 1 Apr 2003 17:05:28 -0800 (PST)

  I had to go to Grand Forks today April 1 and it was
a really good birding trip:
   1- on the way over to Grand Forks I saw a very
large nest in an area where I had never seen one
before.  both times there was a bald eagle within 50
-100 yards of the nest. The area is just to the west
of the last Beach Ridge in an area where there is many
restored wetlands in a 2-3 section area of CRP.
@bald eagle- nest?
also in the area on the way back:
@2 rough-legged hawks
@ 20 lapland longspurs
@sandhill cranes Walking (!) down a road

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