[mou] Birding Western Mn

Pmegeland@aol.com Pmegeland@aol.com
Tue, 1 Apr 2003 20:24:06 EST

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Birded Lyon, Yellow Medicine and Redwood Counties today and found very few 
birds. Lakes are just opening up and were almost completely barren of birds. 
Did have several Brown Creepers and Golden Crown Kinglets in my Mothers yard 
in Cottonwood, Lyon County and Phoebe and Ruby Crowned Kinglet in Redwood 
I did have a pair of Trumpeter Swans on a slough a mile south of Cottonwood.
Does anyone know the meanings of numbers on tags on Trumpeters, I was able to 
read tags on both birds. One bird had a worn red neck band with the letters 
J03 on it and the other had a bright Yellow wing band with the number 311. 
other birds seen - Harrier, Unidentified Longspur, Bluebirds,  several 
Immature Bald Eagles, run of the mill ducks
Paul Egeland

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=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">Birded Lyon, Yellow Medicine and Redwood Counties toda=
y and found very few birds. Lakes are just opening up and were almost comple=
tely barren of birds. Did have several Brown Creepers and Golden Crown Kingl=
ets in my Mothers yard in Cottonwood, Lyon County and Phoebe and Ruby Crowne=
d Kinglet in Redwood Co..<BR>
I did have a pair of Trumpeter Swans on a slough a mile south of Cottonwood.=
Does anyone know the meanings of numbers on tags on Trumpeters, I was able t=
o read tags on both birds. One bird had a worn red neck band with the letter=
s J03 on it and the other had a bright Yellow wing band with the number 311.=
other birds seen - Harrier, Unidentified Longspur, Bluebirds,&nbsp; several=20=
Immature Bald Eagles, run of the mill ducks<BR>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <BR>
Paul Egeland<BR>
