[mou] is it a robin??

Cindy Carlsson carls128@tc.umn.edu
Wed, 09 Apr 2003 22:49:41 -0500

Do robins have color variations that include white markings on
the back of the head, breast, and neck? 

I saw a bird picking at old fruit on a tree today that looked
like a robin -- same size, shape and coloring EXCEPT it had a
distinct white neck ring and blotchy (not streaked, not spots,
various-sized roundish blotches) white marks marks from it's
throat about 1/2 or 1/3 of the way down its breast. It had the
same blotchy white markings --only smaller on the back of it's
head and part way down its back. I thought it had a dark beak,
but I may be wrong. It had a dark head and chin. Otherwise it
looked like a regular robin with very nice, clear coloring: Dark
back and wings, deep rusty breast. (I didn't notice whether you
could see white on the wing tips.) It was a really lovely bird.
The markings were gorgeous. 

My apologies if this is a dumb question. None of the bird books
indicate that there are color variations and it didn't look like
a partial albino, although I suppose it could be.

St. Paul