[mou] Mountain Bluebird, Kandiyohi County

Erika Sitz esitz@goldengate.net
Fri, 11 Apr 2003 01:53:57 -0500

We saw a Mountain Bluebird, male, bright blue above, paler blue below, along
Highway 12, about 0.3 mile east of MM80 which is just east of the town of
Kandiyohi.  Fortunately it was sitting out on a utility wire on a sweeping
curve in the road, facing outward, so we picked up the blue breast right
away and turned around and doubled back.  We watched it through the scope
from 2:45pm until about 3:15pm.  It flew several times across the road and
briefly into or beyond some roadside trees, but it always returned to the
same spot on the wire.  Traffic, including large trucks, was very heavy, but
it didn't seem to bother it at all. It was still there when we left.

Erika Sitz
Ramsey, north Anoka County