[mou] Lincoln/Lyon/Yellow Medicine Counti - 4/11/03

EgretCMan@aol.com EgretCMan@aol.com
Sat, 12 Apr 2003 00:21:02 EDT

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There is still a major movement of Waterfowl in western Minnesota.  With 
large numbers of Scaup, Redhead, Canvasback and Northern Shoveler's being 
observed on most of the lakes that I checked in Lincoln, Lyon and the 
Southern portion of Yellow Medicine Counties.  There were still some Greater 
White-fronted Gees in Lincoln County with one flock numbering over 500.  In 
addition to the Greater White-fronted Geese, I observed Ross's Geese in two 
locations.  Three were observed along the West side of CR 4, .5 miles South 
of CR 19.  There were also Snow and Greater White-fronted Geese and Tundra 
Swans observed at this location.  A single Ross's Goose was also present at 
the Hendricks Sewage Ponds.  I checked over 40 lakes and WMA's in Lincoln 
County and found shorebirds on 3.  The best was the wetland just West of the 
town of Tyler on Hyw 14.  Watch for traffic, as the truckers do not slow 
down.  This area could be very good if the conditions stay as they are.  The 
other location that should remain favorable for shorebirds is reached from 
the town of Hendricks.  Go South on Hwy. 271, to Hyw 19, turn east on Hyw 19 
and go 1 mile, the turn south and watch for the wetland in about a 1/2 mile.  

Total for the day was 72 species with these additional highlights:

@ Ruddy Duck - Several Lakes full of this species
@ Great Egret
@ Gray Partridge
@ Wild Turkey
@ Greater Yellowlegs
@ Lesser Yellowlegs
@ Pectoral Sandpiper
@ Bonaparte's Gull
@ Common Loon
@ Northern Flicker - These were seen on many telephone poles and feeding in 
the fields.
@ Fox Sparrow
@ Harris's Sparrow
@ Savannah Sparrow
@ Vesper Sparrow
@ Western Meadowlark - 100+, all in full song.

Craig Mandel - EgretCMan@aol.com - Minnetonka, MN 

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=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">4/11/02<BR>
There is still a major movement of Waterfowl in western Minnesota.&nbsp; Wit=
h large numbers of Scaup, Redhead, Canvasback and Northern Shoveler's being=20=
observed on most of the lakes that I checked in Lincoln, Lyon and the Southe=
rn portion of Yellow Medicine Counties.&nbsp; There were still some Greater=20=
White-fronted Gees in Lincoln County with one flock numbering over 500.&nbsp=
; In addition to the Greater White-fronted Geese, I observed Ross's Geese in=
 two locations.&nbsp; Three were observed along the West side of CR 4, .5 mi=
les South of CR 19.&nbsp; There were also Snow and Greater White-fronted Gee=
se and Tundra Swans observed at this location.&nbsp; A single Ross's Goose w=
as also present at the Hendricks Sewage Ponds.&nbsp; I checked over 40 lakes=
 and WMA's in Lincoln County and found shorebirds on 3.&nbsp; The best was t=
he wetland just West of the town of Tyler on Hyw 14.&nbsp; Watch for traffic=
, as the truckers do not slow down.&nbsp; This area could be very good if th=
e conditions stay as they are.&nbsp; The other location that should remain f=
avorable for shorebirds is reached from the town of Hendricks.&nbsp; Go Sout=
h on Hwy. 271, to Hyw 19, turn east on Hyw 19 and go 1 mile, the turn south=20=
and watch for the wetland in about a 1/2 mile.&nbsp; <BR>
Total for the day was 72 species with these additional highlights:<BR>
@ Ruddy Duck - Several Lakes full of this species<BR>
@ Great Egret<BR>
@ Gray Partridge<BR>
@ Wild Turkey<BR>
@ Greater Yellowlegs<BR>
@ Lesser Yellowlegs<BR>
@ Pectoral Sandpiper<BR>
@ Bonaparte's Gull<BR>
@ Common Loon<BR>
@ Northern Flicker - These were seen on many telephone poles and feeding in=20=
the fields.<BR>
@ Fox Sparrow<BR>
@ Harris's Sparrow<BR>
@ Savannah Sparrow<BR>
@ Vesper Sparrow<BR>
@ Western Meadowlark - 100+, all in full song.<BR>
Craig Mandel - EgretCMan@aol.com - Minnetonka, MN </FONT></HTML>
