[mou] MRVAC meeting Thursday 4/24

Steve Weston sweston2@attbi.com
Thu, 24 Apr 2003 00:51:34 -0500

My appologies for the untimely notice:

The Minnesota River Valley Audubon Chapter (MRVAC) will hold its April meeting today Thursday the 24th.

The program "Arachnophillia, Love of Spiders will be presented by Larry Weber.
Larry Weber, teacher, author, and familiar guide on the trails behind Hawk Ridge in Duluth, will talk about creatures most
of us are familiar with, but know little about: spiders and their life cycles.  He will concentrate on the spider families
that can be found in Minnesota and will bring his recently released book, Spiders of the North Woods.

Please,  join us  at 7:30 p.m. at the Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge Visitor’s Center in Bloomington.  Please
come at 7:00pm for the social period with coffee, cookies and committee exhibits.  There is no admission.

For directions e-mail me or see our newsletter at: http://home.attbi.com/~mrvac/May2003 or you can visit our website:
www.mrvac.org .

Steve Weston