[mou] April 26th birds Dakota County

SoYBomB223@aol.com SoYBomB223@aol.com
Sun, 27 Apr 2003 17:17:20 EDT

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It was a nice day yesterday and was pretty active. I spent some time at 
Ritter Farm Park for a banding program, and later in the day I walked around 
Bass Ponds and the Old Cedar Bridge. 
Species seen at Ritter:
@ Nashville Warbler- first one of the year for me.
@ 4 broad winged hawks
~ Lots of Field Sparrows. I checked out the Great Horned Owl nest. Mom was 
off the nest but I could see that there were two young, not one. 

Bass Ponds & the Old Cedar Bridge
@ Redhead
@ Red Necked Grebe- Thanks to a fellow birder for pointing it out!
@ Yellow Warbler- first of the season

It was a good day!
P.S.  Went to Bass Ponds today... Not to much, but I saw a female Northern 

Nick Tangen

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=3D"Eras Demi ITC" LANG=3D"0">It was a nice day yesterday and was pretty act=
ive. I spent some time at Ritter Farm Park for a banding program, and later=20=
in the day I walked around Bass Ponds and the Old Cedar Bridge. <BR>
Species seen at Ritter:<BR>
@ Nashville Warbler- first one of the year for me.<BR>
@ 4 broad winged hawks<BR>
~ Lots of Field Sparrows. I checked out the Great Horned Owl nest. Mom was o=
ff the nest but I could see that there were two young, not one. <BR>
Bass Ponds &amp; the Old Cedar Bridge<BR>
@ Redhead<BR>
@ Red Necked Grebe- Thanks to a fellow birder for pointing it out!<BR>
@ Yellow Warbler- first of the season<BR>
It was a good day!<BR>
P.S.&nbsp; Went to Bass Ponds today... Not to much, but I saw a female North=
ern Harrier.<BR>
Nick Tangen</FONT></HTML>
