[mou] Olmsted & Dakota County - 4/28/03

EgretCMan@aol.com EgretCMan@aol.com
Tue, 29 Apr 2003 00:06:30 EDT

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Spent some time birding in Olmsted and Dakota Counties with Linda Sparling 
today.  We tried of the Willet's at Silver Creek Reservoir, but found no 
shorebirds there.  We did find some interesting species though.  With a 
Red-breated Nuthatch hollowing out a nesting cavity at the county road 9 
Marsh in Olmsted County being the most interesting to me.  Here were some of 
the species we observed during the day.

@ Horned Grebe - CR 9 marsh
@ American White Pelican
@ Swainson's Hawk - Dakota County, In flight, just north of the town of 
@ Semi-palmated Plover - Lake Byllesby
@ Dunlin - Rochester - In small pond in the park in the SW corner of the 
interesection of CR 9 and CR 22.
@ Red-breasted Nuthatch - CR 9 marsh
@ Palm Warbler - CR 9 marsh
@ Lincoln's Sparrow - CR 9 marsh

Craig Mandel - EgretCMan@aol.com - Minnetonka, MN 

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=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">4/28/03<BR>
Spent some time birding in Olmsted and Dakota Counties with Linda Sparling t=
oday.&nbsp; We tried of the Willet's at Silver Creek Reservoir, but found no=
 shorebirds there.&nbsp; We did find some interesting species though.&nbsp;=20=
With a Red-breated Nuthatch hollowing out a nesting cavity at the county roa=
d 9 Marsh in Olmsted County being the most interesting to me.&nbsp; Here wer=
e some of the species we observed during the day.<BR>
@ Horned Grebe - CR 9 marsh<BR>
@ American White Pelican<BR>
@ Swainson's Hawk - Dakota County, In flight, just north of the town of Rand=
@ Semi-palmated Plover - Lake Byllesby<BR>
@ Dunlin - Rochester - In small pond in the park in the SW corner of the int=
eresection of CR 9 and CR 22.<BR>
@ Red-breasted Nuthatch - CR 9 marsh<BR>
@ Palm Warbler - CR 9 marsh<BR>
@ Lincoln's Sparrow - CR 9 marsh<BR>
Craig Mandel - EgretCMan@aol.com - Minnetonka, MN </FONT></HTML>
