[mou] SE MN Bobwhites

Michael Hendrickson smithville4@msn.com
Fri, 1 Aug 2003 11:59:25 -0500

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Well here I go to put a damper on the Bobwhite sightings in SE =
Minnesota.  I read in the MOU Loon an article by Tony Hertzel talking =
about the Bobwhite population in SE Minnesota and the population level =
in NE Iowa.  If my memory serves me correct that Bobwhite populations in =
the NE section of Iowa were very VERY rare with populations dropping =
significantly and the same goes with the SE section of Minnesota.  The =
article also went on talking about reintroduction of Bobwhites by =
hunting groups thru out Minnesota especially in southeast and southern =

So I ask, in past years Bobwhites were very very hard to locate and find =
in SE Minnesota and suddenly a place near Canton, Minnesota on a farm =
there are Bobwhites to be found. (??) Could this group of Bobwhites be =
reintroduction let loose in the wild? =20

Also with reintroduction efforts by hunting groups letting loose =
Bobwhites in the wild you have to wonder the origins of this group of =
Bobwhites that are being currently be seen or heard in Canton, MN. ??

For example, the Trumpeter Swan was a reintroduction started by the DNR =
(?) and it took slightly over 10 years for MOURC to add the Trumpeter =
Swan to the Minnesota List.  So wouldn't Bobwhites be in the same =
category, meaning shouldn't we wait and research to see if this group of =
Bobwhites are in fact from wild origins not from reintroduction efforts? =
Maybe some one in the SE section of Minnesota call some hunting groups =
to see if they release any Bobwhites in this area or nearby areas of =
Canton. If so than ask how long ago?

I saw and heard a Bobwhite with a Minnesota Birding Weekend group in SE =
Minnesota many years ago and after reading Tony's article I have to =
wonder can I count it? I been struggling this issue since I read that =
article.  I also wonder what MOURC will do with this group of Bobwhites =
in Canton, MN.  Meaning what are the origins of this group of Bobwhites? =
 What is the status of Bobwhites in Minnesota, are all the populations =
of Bobwhites in Minnesota from reintroduction efforts and if so are they =
countable? Do we treat the Bobwhite like Trumpeter Swans and wait to see =
if they are breeding on their own in the wild and maintaining a =

I know I sound bitter but I am asking some good questions here and maybe =
there can be some good discussion on this. =20

Mike Hendrickson

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<DIV>Well here I go to put a damper on the Bobwhite sightings in SE=20
Minnesota.&nbsp; I read in the MOU Loon an article by Tony Hertzel =
talking about=20
the Bobwhite population in SE Minnesota and the population level in NE=20
Iowa.&nbsp; If my memory serves me correct that Bobwhite populations in =
the NE=20
section of Iowa were very VERY&nbsp;rare with populations dropping =
and the same goes with the SE section of Minnesota.&nbsp;&nbsp;The =
article also=20
went on talking about reintroduction of Bobwhites by hunting groups thru =
Minnesota especially in southeast and southern Minnesota.</DIV>
<DIV>So I ask, in past years Bobwhites were very very hard to locate and =
find in=20
SE Minnesota and suddenly a place near Canton, Minnesota on a farm there =
Bobwhites to be found.&nbsp;(??) Could this group of Bobwhites be =
let loose in the wild?&nbsp; </DIV>
<DIV>Also with reintroduction efforts by hunting groups letting loose =
in the wild&nbsp;you have to wonder the origins of this group of =
Bobwhites that=20
are being currently be seen or heard in Canton, MN. ??</DIV>
<DIV>For example, the Trumpeter Swan was a reintroduction started =
DNR (?) and it took slightly over 10 years for MOURC to add the =
Trumpeter Swan=20
to the Minnesota List.&nbsp; So wouldn't Bobwhites be in the same =
meaning shouldn't we wait and research to see if this group of Bobwhites =
are in=20
fact from wild origins not from reintroduction efforts?&nbsp;Maybe some =
one in=20
the SE section of Minnesota call some hunting groups to see if they =
release any=20
Bobwhites in this area or nearby areas of Canton. If so than ask how =
<DIV>I saw and heard a Bobwhite with a Minnesota Birding Weekend group =
in SE=20
Minnesota many years ago and after reading Tony's article I have to =
wonder can I=20
count it? I been struggling this issue since I read that article.&nbsp; =
I also=20
wonder what MOURC will do with this group of Bobwhites in Canton, =
Meaning what are the origins of this group of Bobwhites?&nbsp; What is =
status of Bobwhites in Minnesota, are all the populations of Bobwhites =
Minnesota from reintroduction efforts and if so are they countable? Do =
we treat=20
the Bobwhite like Trumpeter Swans and wait to see if they are breeding =
on their=20
own in the wild and maintaining a population? </DIV>
<DIV>I know I sound bitter but I am asking some good questions here and =
there can be some good discussion on this.&nbsp; </DIV>
<DIV>Mike Hendrickson</DIV>
