[mou] Hawk Weekend 2003 @ Hawk Ridge, Duluth, MN

CarmanDave@aol.com CarmanDave@aol.com
Sat, 02 Aug 2003 23:56:47 -0400

The 2003 Hawk Weekend will be September12-13-14.  Registration/Coffee & Cookies starts at 7PM, Friday, Sept. 12 at University of MN-Duluth Life Sciences 175 Auditorium. Friday night speaker will be Dr. Jeff Smith, Interim Executive Director/Science Director, HawkWatch International, Salt Lake City.

Saturday, Sept. 13: Birding field trips at 7AM. Field trip leaders/meeting places will be announced at night programs and posted at the ridge.  All day hawk watching; flora, geology and other hikes; displays of optics and other birding equipment by National Camera Exchange and Wild Birds Unlimited; Food& Refreshments available at Hawk Ridge. 6PM Registration/Coffee & Cookies at UMD's Kirby Ballroom. 7PM Silent Auction. 8PM Saturday night's speaker will be David Grosshuesch, Hawk Ridge Nature Reserve Passerine Monitoring and Banding Project Director.

Sunday, Sept. 14: Birding field trips starting at 7AM. Events continue at Hawk Ridge Main Overlook, East Skyline Parkway, Duluth

Dave Carman