[mou] Reeve (probable)- Kandiyohi county

fredericksonr@willmar.k12.mn.us fredericksonr@willmar.k12.mn.us
Fri, 8 Aug 2003 16:19:19 -0600

 I went out yesterday looking for bobwhite and western sandpiper hybrids.
Thought if I found one, I could submit documentation to the Wisconsin
Records Committee, get my record approved and become infamous.  Instead I
stumbled upon what I believe to be a reeve (but cannot rule out juvenile

The bird in question does not match ANY of the pictures or drawings I have
looked at in the field guides.  Instead, it had a combination of various
traits from a half dozen different books.  Brief description of the bird:

slightly larger than PESA
fat "dumpy" looking like pec. or red knot, but longer legs
****bright orange legs****  (like leg color of breeding mallard)
white belly
white chest whith faint rust color along upper sides of chest into neck
light tan/rufous head with darker tan crown
white eye-ring
short to medium length bill that was SLIGHTLY decurved at tip
bill generally dark with SLIGHTLY lighter color near base
incredible, clean, beautiful scalloped pattern on back and scapulars,
extending unto rump (I cannot imagine the pattern could be so crisp on an
adult bird)

All the texts I consulted indicate juvenile ruffs/reeves do not have the
orange leg color. Which makes it an adult.  But the feather pattern stongly
suggest (to me) a juvenile.

Oh ya, I suppose I should tell where it was:-) notice "was" not "is."
Unfortunately, after I had watched the bird for about 5 minutes, it took
off.  Ya know how shorebirds typically get up in a bunch, fly around and
then wonder why they are flying around and land where or near their origin?
This bird was with about 25 other shorebirds.  It took off, all by itself,
did not circle, called once when it became airborne and disappeared into
the sun on the western horizon.  It gave no indication of returning to the
wetland where I was.  However, you are welcome to look for yourself.  It is
in south eastern Kandiyohi county.  From Lake Lillian (the town) go N. then
NW on county rd #8.  Turn west on 165th ave. (also cty rd. 16).  Go about
3? miles and look for a wetland on the south side of the road.  There is a
large wooden sign saying something like, "Johnson Family Farm Prairie
Restoration Project".  The words St. Olaf are there somewhere too, but I
don't remember the exact order or text.

Randy Frederickson

p.s. no bobwhites are permitted in Kandiyohi county without proof of
purchase, two boxtops, and papers of authenticity which must be carried on
the bird at all times.