[mou] August 23rd MOU Field Trip

Michael Hendrickson smithville4@msn.com
Sat, 23 Aug 2003 21:48:05 -0500

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The trip was suppose to go to Dakota Co. and Scott Co. to look for =
shorebirds at the sod farms and sewage ponds but the plans changed when =
birding friends emailed me to say the situation is pretty poor for =
shorebirds. So when Bob Dunlop and Chet Meyers did some scouting in =
Carver Co they found a lot of shorebirds at New Germany.

I thank Bob Dunlop and Chet Meyers for keeping me inform. Thank You!

Leaders: Mike Hendrickson
Assistant Leader: Kim Risen

We had 22 birders and including a birder from Arlington, Virginia! =20
We seen 72 species of birds for the day (7:00am till 2:00pm) A very hot =

The group met at the Fen Parking lot off Cliff Road at 7 am and we =
headed over to Lowery Park for migrants and saw the following =

Eastern Wood-Pewee  (several birds hawking insects)
Yellow-throated Vireo
Northern Parula

Things were not as busy as we hoped but we had several good looks of the =
residents down at the park and I took pics of a beautiful Yellow Garden =
Argiope or what some called a Garden Spider.  I have digital pics that =
came out beautiful of this huge yellow/black spider with red/black legs. =
 Since I bought my Nikon 4500 Coolpix I been taking a lot of spider =
pics.  If you want to see the pic I can send it to you.

The group then headed over to New Germany and we split into two groups =
which probably made it easier on Kim Risen and myself to go over field =
marks on all the shorebirds we were looking at.


Semipalmated Plover
Lesser Yellowlegs
Solitary Sandpiper
Spotted Sandpiper
Semipalmated Sandpiper
Least Sandpiper
Baird's Sandpiper
Pectoral Sandpiper
Stilt Sandpiper
Short-billed Dowitcher
Long-Billed Dowitcher ( good looks and well studied)
Common Snipe
Wilson Phalarope
Red-necked Phalarope (7-8 birds)

Other highlights at New Germany:

White Pelican (seen on the way home along Hwy 7)=20
Grey Partridge
Virginia Rail
Sora Rail

I took some group pictures and will be sending them to Dave C. for the =
MOU Web site to see all the birders in action!

Next Field Trip September 27 Twin Cities area.  Meeting at Wood Lake =
Park in Richfield in the parking lot at 7:00 am.  Please email me if =
interested or want to sign on.  Also have plenty of room for the October =
18th Trip to Grand Marais (overnight trip).

Mike Hendrickson
MOU Field Trip Chairman

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<DIV>The trip was suppose to go to Dakota Co. and Scott Co. to look for=20
shorebirds at the sod farms and sewage ponds but the plans changed when =
friends emailed me to say the situation is pretty poor for shorebirds. =
So when=20
Bob Dunlop and Chet Meyers did some scouting in Carver Co they found a =
lot of=20
shorebirds at New Germany.</DIV>
<DIV>I thank Bob Dunlop and Chet Meyers for keeping me inform. Thank =
<DIV>Leaders: Mike Hendrickson</DIV>
<DIV>Assistant Leader: Kim Risen</DIV>
<DIV>We had 22 birders and including a birder from Arlington, =
<DIV>We seen 72 species of birds for the day (7:00am till 2:00pm) A very =
<DIV>The group met at the Fen Parking lot off Cliff Road at 7 am and we =
over to Lowery Park for migrants and saw the following highlights.</DIV>
<DIV>Eastern Wood-Pewee&nbsp; (several birds hawking insects)</DIV>
<DIV>Yellow-throated Vireo</DIV>
<DIV>Northern Parula</DIV>
<DIV>Things were not as busy as we hoped but we had several good looks =
of the=20
residents down at the park and I took pics of a beautiful Yellow Garden =
or what some called a Garden Spider.&nbsp; I have digital pics that came =
beautiful of this huge yellow/black spider with red/black legs.&nbsp; =
Since I=20
bought my Nikon 4500 Coolpix I been taking a lot of spider pics.&nbsp; =
If you=20
want to see the pic I can send it to you.</DIV>
<DIV>The group then headed over to New Germany and we split into two =
which probably made it easier on Kim Risen and myself to go over field =
marks on=20
all the shorebirds we were looking at.</DIV>
<DIV>Semipalmated Plover</DIV>
<DIV>Lesser Yellowlegs</DIV>
<DIV>Solitary Sandpiper</DIV>
<DIV>Spotted Sandpiper</DIV>
<DIV>Semipalmated Sandpiper</DIV>
<DIV>Least Sandpiper</DIV>
<DIV>Baird's Sandpiper</DIV>
<DIV>Pectoral Sandpiper</DIV>
<DIV>Stilt Sandpiper</DIV>
<DIV>Short-billed Dowitcher</DIV>
<DIV>Long-Billed Dowitcher ( good looks and well studied)</DIV>
<DIV>Common Snipe</DIV>
<DIV>Wilson Phalarope</DIV>
<DIV>Red-necked Phalarope (7-8 birds)</DIV>
<DIV>Other highlights at New Germany:</DIV>
<DIV>White Pelican (seen on the way home along Hwy 7) </DIV>
<DIV>Grey Partridge</DIV>
<DIV>Virginia Rail</DIV>
<DIV>Sora Rail</DIV>
<DIV>I took some group pictures and will be sending them to Dave C. for =
the MOU=20
Web site to see all the birders in action!</DIV>
<DIV>Next Field Trip September 27 Twin Cities area.&nbsp; Meeting at =
Wood Lake=20
Park in Richfield in the parking lot at 7:00 am.&nbsp; Please email me =
interested or want to sign on.&nbsp; Also have plenty of room for the =
18th Trip to Grand Marais (overnight trip).</DIV>
<DIV>Mike Hendrickson</DIV>
<DIV>MOU Field Trip Chairman</DIV>
