[mou] Re: [mnbird] Over 1,000 shorebirds, Carver County

WWoessner@aol.com WWoessner@aol.com
Sun, 24 Aug 2003 11:45:52 EDT

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I revisted this area Sat around noon and there were still thousands of birds 
I saw all the ones listed , exept for Sol Sandpiper and Spotted Sp, plus Long 
billed dowitcher amd Sanderling (1). There were multiple Red necked 
Phalaropes, Stilt Sandpipers, Bairds, Pectorals, Both Yellowlegs, Least Sp, Sb 
dowitcher, Semipalmated Sp, one Sp Plover...also Red Headed Woopecker, Peregrine 
Falcon, Bald Eagle Iimm). But this is about as good as the shorebirding gets around 
here (the Crane Creek area on 30 is dried up)
Warren Woessner

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=3D"Lucida Sans Unicode" LANG=3D"0">I revisted this area Sat around noon and=
 there were still thousands of birds present:<BR>
I saw all the ones listed , exept for Sol Sandpiper and Spotted Sp, plus Lon=
g billed dowitcher amd Sanderling (1). There were multiple Red necked Phalar=
opes, Stilt Sandpipers, Bairds, Pectorals, Both Yellowlegs, Least Sp, Sb dow=
itcher, Semipalmated Sp, one Sp Plover...also Red Headed Woopecker, Peregrin=
e Falcon, Bald Eagle Iimm). But this is about as good as the shorebirding ge=
ts around here (the Crane Creek area on 30 is dried up)<BR>
Warren Woessner</FONT></HTML>
