[mou] Mississippi River birds, 2 Dec

KarlBardon@aol.com KarlBardon@aol.com
Tue, 2 Dec 2003 23:01:30 EST

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I birded the Mississippi River today from Reno north to Lake City. Pool 8 of 
the Upper Mississippi River NWR ("Reno bottoms") was mostly frozen, but small 
seams of open water held thousands of birds, including 6800 Tundra Swans and a 
record high 7400 Common Goldeneye (most in Wisconsin). There was a 
Long-tailed Duck and two Black Scoters with the goldeneyes on Pool 8, visible along Hwy 
35 between Stoddard and Genoa (WI side). Vagrant Long-tailed Ducks most 
frequently occur with Common Goldeneyes, and today was certainly a reflection of 
that: additional Long-taileds were found with goldeneyes at Lock and Dam #7, 
Winona Co. and on Lake Pepin at Lake City, Wabasha Co. Also at Lock and Dam #7, 
Winona Co. was a pale first-winter Thayer's Gull (first county record). There 
are now 43,000 Common Mergansers on Lake Pepin, with both Glaucous and Thayer's 
Gulls still present among the attendant gulls.

Karl Bardon

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<HTML><FONT FACE=3Darial,helvetica><FONT COLOR=3D"#000000" FACE=3D"Geneva" F=
AMILY=3D"SANSSERIF" SIZE=3D"2">I birded the Mississippi River today from Ren=
o north to Lake City. Pool 8 of the Upper Mississippi River NWR ("Reno botto=
ms") was mostly frozen, but small seams of open water held thousands of bird=
s, including 6800 Tundra Swans and a record high 7400 Common Goldeneye (most=
 in Wisconsin). There was a Long-tailed Duck and two Black Scoters with the=20=
goldeneyes on Pool 8, visible along Hwy 35 between Stoddard and Genoa (WI si=
de). Vagrant Long-tailed Ducks most frequently occur with Common Goldeneyes,=
 and today was certainly a reflection of that: additional Long-taileds were=20=
found with goldeneyes at Lock and Dam #7, Winona Co. and on Lake Pepin at La=
ke City, Wabasha Co. Also at Lock and Dam #7, Winona Co. was a pale first-wi=
nter Thayer's Gull (first county record). There are now 43,000 Common Mergan=
sers on Lake Pepin, with both Glaucous and Thayer's Gulls still present amon=
g the attendant gulls.<BR>
Karl Bardon</FONT><FONT COLOR=3D"#000000" FACE=3D"Geneva" FAMILY=3D"SANSSERI=
F" SIZE=3D"2"></FONT></HTML>
