[mou] Pacific Loon still present in Two Harbors

Jim Lind jslind@frontiernet.net
Thu, 4 Dec 2003 20:33:55 -0600

The Pacific Loon originally found on 11/29 at Burlington Bay in Two 
Harbors was still present this afternoon.  The best spot to see the 
bird is out from First Street at the intersection with Second Avenue. 
 It dives frequently way out from shore and spends a lot of time 
underwater, so it is easy to miss.

Seven Horned Grebes are also still present near the mouth of the 
Stewart River.  They are usually seen near the far point, to the 
northeast.  A flock of Common Redpolls flew over, but I couldn't tell 
if the Hoary was with them.

Jim Lind
Two Harbors