[mou] Possible snowy owl - Bloomington

Steve Weston Steve Weston" <sweston2@comcast.net
Wed, 17 Dec 2003 08:37:10 -0600

12/16  Hwy 100 & I-494   ~4:45pm

Last night while driving on I-494 at dusk I saw a large white raptor fly to perch atop one of the large lights on the south
side of the intersection of Hwy 100 & I-494 at dusk about 4:45.  I only had a two second view of what I assumed was the
local Red-tailed Hawk.  But, I was immediately troubled by teh hawk going to a hunting perch so late in the day.  The very
light colored bird had round wings tips and did not flair his tail when he landed.  I was unable to take the time to check
out the bird.  It was probably a red-tail, but if you are in the area, I suggest checking out the light poles and
surrounding buildings.  A snowy over wintered in the immediate area a few years ago.

Steve Weston on Quigley Lake in Eagan