[mou] Birds of Manitoba

Paul Budde pbudde@earthlink.net
Fri, 26 Dec 2003 11:02:16 -0600

For any birders who were disappointed by their Christmas/Hannukah/holiday
gifts, the Manitoba Naturalists Society has just released "The Birds of
Manitoba."  It looks to be a wonderful discussion of the status and
distribution (not identification) of the birds of this neighboring province.
Its 500 pp. are filled, for the most part, with species accounts that are
interesting reading in their own right.  Also included is a brief
description of birding locations, the history of ornithology in the
province, breeding bird atlas summaries and CBC results.  A separate
cataloging of all rare bird records by species shows where and when they
have been reported.  Manitoba does not accept single observer records of new
species unless accompanied by a specimen or photograph. The book has a list
of "hypothetical" species that fall into this category.

For more information, check their website:


Paul Budde
Minneapolis, Minnesota