[mou] Rare sighting

Dale Pederson dpederso@mooselake.net
Sun, 28 Dec 2003 20:15:27 -0800

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Not knowing what I saw has bothered me since last fall. When  I was =
sitting out side in the late evening I witnessed the visit of a =
hummingbird,  feeding on a geranium,  that I cannot identify. It was =
half the size of a rubythroated hummer. On it's back appeared stripes =
running crosswise of it's boby. At first I thought it was a large beatle =
than I saw a tiny beak it was inserting in the flower to feed. We fed =
many hummers during the summer and they had already left to migrate. Can =
you tell me what I have seen.
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<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Not knowing what I saw has bothered me =
since last=20
fall. When&nbsp; I was sitting out side in the late evening I witnessed =
visit of a hummingbird, &nbsp;feeding on a geranium, &nbsp;that I cannot =

identify. It was half the size of a rubythroated hummer. On it's back =
stripes running crosswise of it's boby. At first I thought it was a =
large beatle=20
than I saw a tiny beak&nbsp;it&nbsp;was inserting in the flower to feed. =
We fed=20
many hummers during the summer&nbsp;and they had already left to =
migrate. Can=20
you tell me what I have seen.</FONT></DIV></BODY></HTML>
