[mou] Rare sighting

O. William Bruins wbruins@earthlink.net
Mon, 29 Dec 2003 17:24:48 -0600

What you saw was probably a hawk moth. Go to enature.com and look it up.

At 10:15 PM 12/28/2003, Dale Pederson wrote:
>Not knowing what I saw has bothered me since last fall. When  I was 
>sitting out side in the late evening I witnessed the visit of a 
>hummingbird,  feeding on a geranium,  that I cannot identify. It was half 
>the size of a rubythroated hummer. On it's back appeared stripes running 
>crosswise of it's boby. At first I thought it was a large beatle than I 
>saw a tiny beak it was inserting in the flower to feed. We fed many 
>hummers during the summer and they had already left to migrate. Can you 
>tell me what I have seen.

William Bruins
Rochester, MN on the Zumbro River in Olmsted County, SE MN