[mou] Rare sighting

esteb02@frontiernet.net esteb02@frontiernet.net
Mon, 29 Dec 2003 23:22:46 +0000

They are called white-lined sphinx (moths). Here's a link to info/pics
on them: http://www.birds-n-garden.com/white-lined_sphinx_moth.html

Steve Estebo


Quoting Mike Nelson <tuneful4@usfamily.net>:

> I've seen these as well; they're moths and name escapes me. I've seen
> them in the southern metro and on the north shore at Betty's Pies. In
> the latter case they were feeding in the same loction as hummers, on
> wildflowers. I have not seen them visit hummer feeders. Maybe another
> netter can come up with the species name.
> Cheers
> Mike Nelson
> Cottage Grove, Wash. Co,
> tuneful4@usfamily.net
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: Dale Pederson
>   To: MOU-net@cbs.umn.edu
>   Sent: Sunday, December 28, 2003 10:15 PM
>   Subject: [mou] Rare sighting
>   Not knowing what I saw has bothered me since last fall. When  I was
> sitting out side in the late evening I witnessed the visit of a
> hummingbird,  feeding on a geranium,  that I cannot identify. It was
> half the size of a rubythroated hummer. On it's back appeared stripes
> running crosswise of it's boby. At first I thought it was a large
> beatle than I saw a tiny beak it was inserting in the flower to feed.
> We fed many hummers during the summer and they had already left to
> migrate. Can you tell me what I have seen.
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