[mou] Whooping Crane (in Dodge Co)

Bob Ekblad ekblad@millcomm.com
Wed, 02 Jul 2003 18:37:40 -0500

I went looking for the Whooping Crane that was reported just west of the 
entrance to Rice Lake State Park late this afternoon.  It wasn't at that 
spot (although it had been reported there yesterday).  There was a Stilt 
Sandpiper, a yellowlegs and some peeps there, however.

I did find the crane about 5:30pm on the east side of the lake in Dodge 
County.  From the park entrance go east on 19 to the first place where 
you can go south (goes past a cemetery).  At the point where the road 
curves to the east I could see the bird quite a distance due south of 
the curve (intersection of 595 St and 105 Ave).  There were also three 
Sandhill Cranes about a quarter of mile away from the Whooping Crane - 
to the west of the farmstead located right at the curve.

If you are coming from the east or from Hwy 14, you can go west of the 
gravel pits from the intersection of Hwy 1 and Cty G (the location where 
Chuck Krulas and Jeff Stephenson located the Eurasian Collared Doves 
earlier in the year). This road will take you to the intersection 
mentioned above.

Bob Ekblad
Olmsted County in SE Minnesota